The Escape..

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Its been five years now since i've been kidnapped. It's actually not as bad as I thought. Well,it is.

E and Mike treat me well,being that they are no longer under Lewis's employment.

Yea,remember when Mr. Johnson shot up our van? Well,he actually shot Lewis enough times to kill him,much to my luck.

Mike and E aren't just buddies with me,because they still have to be strict under the employment of Lewis's nephew,Roberto. Things ran alot different under Roberto's watch.

First of all,each girl got her own room,and he ran things more like a housed strip club. In order not to get beaten,us girls just had to wear the small pieces of clothing we were given,and we were allowed to roam around the house freely unless told otherwise.

I had some very close friends,Vick and Stacy,that helped me out my first few days when I was still sad about leaving my family. They are some crazy girls,and I learn alot from them. They've been here for a long time.

Since the house women are allowed to roam around freely,security is so strict. Remember when we escaped to the woods that one time? Well, there is no way someone could do that now. There are tall,metal fences all around the house,with security lined up all along it. The gates open everyday at 9:00 p.m.,and thats when men arrive to have a pleasurable night.

They pay to get in,and we have a bar for when they want something to drink. The stench of weed and liquor is always very strong,so i've grown used to it. The men are not allowed into our rooms upstairs,unless they want to pay a large sum of money.

If they want their own little show,they go into this room thats right beside Roberto's office,so he can see through his private window glass if some funny business goes on.

Yes,i'm still a slave,but with a lot more freedom. Roberto lets us keep 25% of the tips we get nightly,and thats still good because the tips are big. If we are ever allowed to go out of the premises,which is VERY rare,we are to be escorted by a security guard at all times.

During the day,like now,we clean the house and prepare it for the night. When 8:00 hits,everyone is directed to go to their rooms,shower,and get dressed in whats on their beds.

I observed the outfit Roberto directed for me to wear tonight. He has come to have a soft spot for me in particular. He treats me a bit different from the other girls,only because he has a little crush on me.

I saw a red see through shirt,and a pair of high waisted black shorts that woukd surely fit like panties.

After I got out of the shower and lotioned up,I put on my black bra and my see through red shirt. You could see everything under the shirt,and my black high waisted shorts showed a bit of my butt in the back.

I chuckled to myself as I curled my hair and put on my makeup. I'm starting to be more like my real mom after all,huh?

I put on my red heels that were on the floor beside my bed and sat and waited for the intercom to beep,notifying all the girls to go downstairs.

Sooner that I expected,the intercom in my room beeped,and as I stood a voice startled me.

"Kenya,you are ordered to go to Roberto's office ASAP."

Wow. A voice call. That never happened unless you did something wrong. My heart sped up as I slowly went down the stairs and walked into Roberto's office.

"Babygirl,come." He said in his thick Spanish accent. I walked to his desk,and chuckled at him whistling at me in the process.

"You look better in that than i thought.." He said,biting his lip.

I chuckled nervously.

"I got something for you,girl." He said,smirking as he stood and pulled a velvet box from his back pocket.

I looked at it,uneasy,and he grabbed my shoulders,making me face the mirror.

"Close your eyes." He said,and I did so. After a second,I felt cold metal being put around my neck.

"Open." He said,and I looked at myself in the mirror. He had placed a silver necklace on my neck with a very fair sized diamond on the tip of it.

I opened my mouth,smiling a bit,but then my smile disappeared. Why was he doing this? I'm his slave,not his girl. You don't give diamonds to your slave.

"Why are you-"

"Just accept while you have it." He said,kissing my cheek.

I turned back to face him.

"Thank you." I said,my voice not showing emotion.

"Now gimme a kiss." He said with a sly grin,tapping his lips.

I cringed.

"I SAID gimme a kiss." He said more forcibly. I jumped a bit,then pecked him quickly on the lips.

"Thatta girl." He said,grabbing my ass then sitting back down.

He dismissed me,and when I walked out,the house was full of guests,and we were working our shifts. I took my place on the stage.


Sooo... Finally! Sequel!

The sequel is going to be alot better than the first story,I guarantee you!!

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