Stan's First Question

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Dedicated this to CreativeWhacko (she deleted her account :'( moment of silence please.....)for the awesome question! Also if I get dares I'm just gonna write paragraphs in Criss' P.O.V instead of just dialouge it seems way more exciting that way. Don't be shy to ask questions! I don't bite so ask away my Obsesserersers.... I also like doing research before writing these so updates take time :)


Criss: Stan, CreativeWhacko wants to know if Shelly's ever done something really, really nice for you and if not what's the meanest thing she's ever done to you.

Stan: Mean is an understatement. Fuck, where do I start?

Criss: Just answer the question Marsh, no one wants to hear your bitching.

Kyle: *glares angrily at her*

Criss: *shrugs it off*

Stan: Besides her hitting me with several things, like a piano, chair, a t.v,  being lit on fire(cut the scene out but still happened) etc and being called turd all the time. I think probably the worst thing she's ever done was kick us off the T.V when we were trying to watch Terrance and Philip behind the blow. She wanted to watch her gay ass Buffy and the vampire. Because of her we had to run all around town. 

Cartman: Fuck that was annoying...

Kyle: You're just saying that because you're a fat ass.

Cartman: Shut up you dirty Jew! I knew Mel Gibson was right!

Kenny: *laughs silently*

Cartman: Anyway, I can't even imagine a fucking bitch like your sister doing anything nice!

Kyle: Gotta agree with Cartman on that one...

Stan: Well actually there was this one time... I wouldn't really call this nice more like leveling out the plainfield. But there was this one time where I was crying because I was more than sure that mom and dad were going to send me to jeuvanile detention. Because of Maphesto's stupid clone of me. I swear there's was a split second of kindness when Shelley took the blame for wrecking the house and the town. I tried to thank her But five seconds later she beat me up... AGAIN. That's the closest thing to nice that you're gonna get when it comes to Shelly. Nothing really really nice though...

Kenny: That's the worst fucking thing she's done to you! You gotta be kidding me! She fucking killed me! In! A! Microwave!!

Everyone: *laughing* 

Criss: R tard! if she killed you how are you here?!

Kenny: *Sighs*

Big thanx to CreativeWhacko I enjoyed watching several scenes of Stan being beat up(no offense Stan!) And thanx for being the first to ask a question.

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