Criss' turn and Questions

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Regular questions coming up next I have a lot to answer so bring em one I'm ready. "FOR NARNIA!


Criss: Question first then we'll go to my turn... *gulps hard* "Next question is  for Kenny from Anthcruz2000. How would you feel if people shipped you and Butters?

Kenny: I already know that and yes Butters is my bitch.... I mean my guy.

Stan: Still don't get how you can be so laid back about people calling you gay.

Cartman: And Butters? Kenny! You can do better.

Criss: No, he can do butter *snickering*

Kenny: So anymore questions cuz I'm last and Kyle's first.... Great.

Criss: *taking deep breath* Okay my turn no big deal... *walks into closet*

Kyle: You really think I want to do this! Damn if her siblings found out damn, I think I pissed myself.

Cartman: HAHAHA you're just a pussy!

Criss: I can hear you! Come on Kyle!

Kyle: *walks into closet* *sits far away from Criss*

Criss: So, how's... Life jew boy?

Kyle: Good, but do you really have to call me that?

Criss: And your mom? She good too...

Kyle: Yeah damn it you're still holding that grudge?

Criss: She kicked me out of your house several times and lied about you dating Rebecca Cotswald I think I have something to be pissed about. And she did kick me out literally. *crossing arms*

Kyle: Whatever this isn't what I imagined when you said we'd be in the closet together.

Criss: *looking away* Well it's not like I want to kiss you.

Kyle: Okay, then let's keep talking...

Criss: How's Ike?

Kyle: Canadian, nothing much else...

Criss: *laughing* Of course you'd say that.

Kyle: Can I ask you something?

Criss: You just did...

Kyle: Cut the crap, smart ass.

Criss: Damn okay what?

Kyle: Why are you here? Why are you doing this? How could you do this to all of us?

Criss: You mean the whole ask the South Park gang?

Kyle: No, why are you still here. Weren't you moving after you got that big fucking check from the government for stabbing all your friends in the ass?

Criss: Damn, so this is what your gonna do with all your closet time.

Kyle: You know a kiss would probably shut me up, but it's not like I want to kiss you.

Criss: *blushing* Damn it, I hate you Kyle.

Kyle: *shrugging* Cartman's said worse.

Criss: *kissing him on the cheek* There now shut up.

Kyle: I can live with that, so how's.... Life?

Criss: Well besides my apparent friend Kyle being an ass to me, fine.

Kyle: Hey I was just joking around calm down. Keep the peace remember?

Criss: Whatever I'm pretty sure our time's almost up.

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