Super Power, Smarty, Celebrity

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Warning: All Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus fans will definitely be offended so I will delete your comments for slander and shit. Especially since I gave this warning. SO no hate comments!!! Okay anyway... Thanks for reading


Criss: Okay Lily Dowson wants to know what super power would you'd pick if you could have one!

Kyle: I'd want to fly! Dude that be cool! And shoot lasers out of my eyes you know in case a bird or a plane comes my way.

Stan:I'd want to be invincible! Nothing can hurt me! And have super cool gagdets and weapons.

Cartman: I'd want to be like a ninja that eradicates hippies with my sword and martial arts.

Criss: I'd want the power of stealth because I'm crazy clumbsy, how 'bout you Kenny?

Kenny: I already have a super power! We've been over this.

Everyone(except Kenny): *laughing*

Criss: *laughing* Okay Mr. Super cool! What's your super power then?

Kenny: *bluntly* I can't die.

Everyone(except Kenny):*bursts out laughing*

Cartman: AHA! Kenny that's so lame!

Kenny:*frustrated* I knew you wouldn't understand...

Criss: Okay next question is for Kyle. I'm super curious myself actually. Minecraftmaniacs wants to know where you get your smarts and how.

Kyle: Well my mom's crazy smart because my dad's pretty ridiculous. Yet, he's a lawyer somehow... They're both hard workers but I usually keep my smarts by actually paying attention in class unlike some fat asses.

Cartman: Eh! Shut the fuck up Jew! The only reason anyone in your family is smart is because they're all Jews!

Kyle: Don't belittle my people fatass!

Criss: Okay last question. *snickering* Which is worse, Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus?

Cartman: Haha! They both suck!

Kyle: No way dude! Justin Bieber sucks way more!

Stan: I guess Justin Bieber sucks way more especially since some guys, *cough, cough* Not me, like to see almost naked girls on a wrecking ball.

Kenny: I really like that video Miley's a whore. Justin Bieber sucks more then... I guess.

Cartman: I hate that little fag more if I had to choose between the two.

Criss: Me too I guess...

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