CraigVS Tweek, Tweek Tweak, Tucker's Crush

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Criss: Okay two questions for Tweak.

Kyle: But Tweek's not here.

Criss: Who said he wasn't here?

In the distance: Agh, God no!

Criss: Bring him in Craig!

Craig: *comes in with a kicking, screaming Tweek* *Puts Tweek down*

Tweek: *twitching* Gah! You guys tricked me! Again! *pulling at hair*

Criss: Okay let's just give him a second...

Tweek: Gah! *trying to escape* Why aren't there windows! *scratching at the walls* Why are all the walls white... *pulling at hair* Gah! I just pulled out my hair... again!

Criss: See Tweek you are a perfect example of why we don't have windows. So if you have a question you don't want to answer you can't escape.... EVER! If we  had a window Cartman would've tried to escape his dare.

Kyle: If he could fit through any window!

Kenny: *laughing his brains out*

Stan: There's no window giant enough for Cartman's ass.

Cartman: Eh, Shut up! Before I blow your nut sack with a firework!

Stan&Kyle: *silent*

Criss:Okay Tweek... minecraftmaniac wants to  know why you're so damn adorable.

Tweek: Agh! Too much pressure! 

Criss: Okay, well Alex thinks you should take three  nice deep breathes...

Tweek: Deep breathes? Deep breathes! How am I supposed to take deep breathes? This is way too much pressure! I mean they got to the pentagon man, that means they could get to us all!

Criss: Okay so answer the question Tweek?

Tweek: Uh... *trying to calm down* Happy place... Happy place.... I guess because I'm so... Innocent?

Criss: Okay, see that wasn't too hard right, Tweek?

Tweek: Gah! What if they don't like my answer! What if they riot! What if!

Criss: Okay, thank you Tweek why don't you just sit down till we need you again..

Cartman: Damn, Tweek you're so lame!

Criss: Shut up Cartman, he did his best. Okay now question for all, who do you think would win in a fight Craig, or Tweek?

Tweek: Gah! Not this again!

Stan: Tweek will win for sure, I mean he's a monster machine when you piss him off!

Kyle: Totally, Tweek he's always getting into trouble

Cartman: No way! Craig is, he would definitely win! He doesn't flip people off without having the back bone to take them on in a fight!

Kenny: I have to say Craig, for once Cartman, makes a lot of sense.

Criss: Well what do you think, Tweek?

Tweek: Nrr! I duh, don't know! Maybe... Gah! Me?

Kyle: Told you fat ass!

Cartman: Should we make it a bet Jew?

Criss: We don't have time for that! Next question is for Craig.

Craig: Dude, I'd totally kick Tweek's ass... Now what's the question?

Criss: Alex wants to know if you like anyone.

Craig: *trying not to seem nervous* Uh... Not at the moment. Why?

Criss: She probably likes you.. But you've never liked a girl... Ever?

Craig: Nope.

Criss: Very open I see...

Craig: *flipping her off* No girl's ever seemed interested what do you want me to say?

Criss:And the truth comes out!

Craig:*flips her off* I'm out *walking away*

Tweek: Gah! Wha... Wait, I'm coming too!

*Door slams*

Criss: I ship it...

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