Goths, Quote, Fairest Lady in the Land

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Criss: Okay question for the goth kids!

Michael: God, why are we still here?

Pete: I don't even remembering signing any damn contract.

Criss: Please! I own your souls... I mean, yeah I got nothing.

Henrietta: Whatever *Lights cigarette*

Criss: No! *tackles her and frantically puts out cigarette*

Firkle: What's wrong you conformist?

Criss: Dumb asses there are no windows and we're not gonna breath your tobacco!

Stan: Can we just get back to the question.

Criss: Okay, Ghost_Wing has a hypothetical. What if there was a conformist who acted COMPLETELY goth but didn't want to be goth but acts goth would that confuse you?

Michael: Of course not.

Firkle: What???

Henrietta: How conformist are we talking here?

Pete: I think she'd just be another pussy conformist because she doesn't want to be a goth in the first place!

All goths: Yeah.

Criss: Okay another question for the goths. Lily's sister wants to know if she can join your clique. She's goth she smokes, drinks coffee, etc.

Michael: There's a lot more to being goth than smoking!

Pete: Yeah what if she's totally girly and focuses on... *acts disgusted*

All goths: *in unison with disgusted faces* relationships..

Firkle: Besides our clique is closed off from girls!

Michael: Yeah, I hate to say this but Henrietta doesn't like other girls in our clique. And I think I'm starting see why.

Henrietta: Oh my god, you guys are so embarrassing..

Pete: Yeah especially since these two tried joining and made us look like complete ass holes *points to Stan and Criss*

Criss: OK moving on! Question for everyone.

Pete: Us too?

Criss: I don't know if you want I guess but it's kind of an awkward question.

Firkle: *crossing arms* No way I'm not gonna conform with the rest of you sissies!

Henrietta: Yeah me neither, you guys just live in your own Disney fairy tale world!

Pete: I'm the biggest non-conformist here no way I'm answering some dumb question!

Michael: I'm so non-conformist that I'm not gonna conform with the rest of you... I'll do it.

All goths (except for Michael): We just got goth served... Yeah.

Criss: Okay the question is from abbey_vella, who is the fairest maiden in the land,

Kenny: *opening mouth to speak* 

Criss: *quickly interrupts* Besides Princess Kenny

Kenny: *nods approvingly*

Criss: I think it's me!

Kyle: I still say it should be Rebecca Cotswald.

Criss: That's only because you have a crush on her!

Kyle: Yeah I like her and you like yourself so I don't see why you would affect my answer.

Stan: Obviously Wendy Testaburger.

Criss: Again, because you like her.

Stan: Well, what do you want me to say! If I say anything else Wendy will kill me!

Kenny: Who's better than princess Kenny? Wait I know my sister! Karen. or Tammy Warner, or Kelly or. *jokingly* Criss! 

Criss: Don't push me poor boy.

Kenny: What I'm trying to answer the question as honestly... As... Possible.

Criss: Shut up. Okay last is kind of a question. If you know the following quote you win a cookie!

Cartman: Finally something I can benefit from! *secretly takes out phone*

Criss: This is the quote. "If your from Africa,why are you white? Oh my god Karen you can't just ask people why their white!"

Kyle: Oh, I know... Wait no drawing a blank.

Stan: Oh, that's from! *gets mouth covered by Cartman*

Cartman: It's from mean girls! Now, where the hell is my cookie!

Kyle: *Puts hands in fists* Cartman! you fat ass! You just know that because you looked at your phone. *grabs phone out of Cartman's hand* You are a fat ass.

Stan: That's what I was gonna say Karen says the first quote, and Gretchen says the Oh, my god quote.

Kenny: How, the hell do you know that?

Stan: I have a sister remember? She's old enough to know what Mean Girls is.

Criss: *gives Stan cookie*

Cartman: Eh! Where's mine!

Criss: I don't condone cheating fat ass! Okay last question. Ghost_Wing wants to know how you feel about her friend. She eats a lot more than you like 10 times more than you but she's totally skinny.

Cartman: I'm just big boned! If I weren't big boned I'd be as skinny as that anorexic bitch!

Criss: *sarcastically* Sure.

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