Autumn,Maniac, Make out time! Abbey

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Thanks to Abbey_vella for letting me use her O.C writing this was fun. If you want to be a special guest inbox me:) Thanx for reading fweakies! For some reason Wattpad autamatically put the last chapter on private and I can't change it. I reported it so sorry if you had to follow me to read the last chapter. Hopefully it'll get fixed.


Criss: Okay Cartman minecraftmaniacs wants to hear your honest opinion of Kyman and Stenny.

Cartman: *burst out laughing*

Kenny: What's with these people!

Stan: Yeah what the hell is wrong with people these days!

Kenny: Yeah! I mean what's with Kyman? Kenric foreva!

Stan: *looking dully at Kenny* That's not quite what I meant...

Kenny: Oh, sorry I know you expected me to stand up for Style but I have to fight my own battles too you know?

Stan: *facepalm*

Criss: Okay Cartman, honest opinion.

Cartman: *tearing up because laughing so hard* *wipes eye* Honest? How can I be honest? It's just a bunch of fags...

Criss: *sighs* Okay pretend Kenny is a girl and Stan is a boy but nothing else is different now what's your honest opinion.

Cartman:*laughing harder* That's hilarious! The poor kid and the hippi! AHAHA! Oh man you're killing me!

Criss: And Kyman?

Cartman:*stops laughing* Please that doesn't make sense. The only reason I'd even consider it was if he was a chick... No not even then! I'd want his money but he's a greedy Jew! SO I won't get any!

Kyle: Goddamnit Cartman! Shut up!

Kenny: So you won't marry Kyle because he won't put out for you?

Criss: Kenny! We say sex not put out...

Cartman: Shut up beaner that's not what I meant! Get your mind off thinking and back to the kitchen!

Criss: Cartman I'm Mexican and I still have a better grade than you in English so shut the fuck up. Now next question is for Kenny. What if Craig actually had a unicorn? What would you do with it?

Kenny: First off. Is it a girl or a boy unicorn? *smirks*

Criss: I don't think that's what she meant by what would you do with it besides I'm pretty sure Craig could beat the crap out of you before you got the chance to even touch its mane.

Kenny: Well I'd at least want to pet it and take some selfies or something.

Criss: Not you too..

Kyle: What the hell is a selfie???

Criss: Nothing it doesn't matter moving on! *laughing* Okay dare for Kyle!

Kyle: Yes finally whatever it is I'll do it!

Criss: Be careful with your words Kyle. Same person as before. They dare you to make out with Stan.

Kyle: *mouth drops*

Kenny: *fist pump* Finally! Don't worry guys I promise you'll live happily ever after!

Cartman: *falls over laughing* AHAHA!

Criss: They also said they won't push you so you know you don't have to do it unless you know..

Cartman: You're chicken! *imitating a chicken* Bock bock bock!

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