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Okay short chapter. Thanks for asking I always have fun writing these chapters! I like dares the most so that be kewl! Okay bye LOVELIES! I might add more characters to make chapters longer and to add a bit more drama or stuff.P.S thanks everyone who read my VERY FIRST SP fan fic! 1,004 reads! Thank you you're amazing. Sorry to advertise but I think(not to be conceided) that you should go read it you know comment all the goods. Thanks!


Criss: minecraftmaniacs wants to know if you guys would create unicorns and if you would what patterns and colors would they have.

Cartman: Fuck no! Unicorns are for lame ass girls.

Stan: I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Cartman.

Kyle: I don't know guys, they're pretty useful. I'd want one to stab people... Mine would have a fire mane and it'd be totally black.

Criss: Creative, I guess if you put it that way I'd want one. Mine would be white though. and it be a bicorn. Cuz it's gonna have two big ass horns.

Kenny: No way in hell would I want a fucking unicorn! I've been to hell and it hurts. Unicorns are dangerous. If I made one it would probaby stab me through the fucking skull in its first two seconds of existance. People are gonna ask. 'hey kid how'd you end up in hell, how'd you die?' And my fucking answer would be. 'a unicorn killed me!' ha.

Criss: Damn Kenny no one needed to hear you bitch.

Stan: Change my mind. Sign me up I want a unicorn. I'd make mine made of steel and titanium alloid with a giant red and blue mane like my old hat.

Kenny: I'll stick with the unicorns I see when I take weed...

Criss: Okay I've got a question!

Cartman: *sarcastically* this is gonna be good!

Criss: Why do you guys get such a kick out of torturing Butters?

Everyone(except Criss): *laughing* That's always fun!

Cartman: It's not like he's not asking for it!

Criss: He's not!

Stan: Well you have to give us a break, I mean we haven't done anything recently...

Criss: *glaring*

Stan: That bad,,,,

Kyle:Butters is just too gulliable and easy to manipulate.

Stan: Yeah South Park would be no fun! Without manipulation!

Criss: Praying on the weak shouldn't be fun!

Cartman: That's why you're no fun. Beaner!

Kenny: Too bad she's not too easy to manipulate, *mutters* I need to get boned...

Criss: *slaps him softly* Bad Kenny!

Kenny: Damn I always wanted a girl to slap me on the cheeks, just not those cheeks. *sneaky grin*

Criss: Oh god Kenny. I'll stick with wetting you.

Kenny: So you do have a penis?

Criss:*looks dully at him*

 Cartman: Back to the damn question! You need to establish who's the top boss on the first day of school! It's not my fault that black ass hole Butters showed he was the weakest because he missed the damn bus!

Kyle: He's got a point.

Stan: Yeah he's kind of asking for it.

Everyone(except Criss): Yeah.

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