Conformist, Crushing, Princess Kenny

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Criss: Ok question for Michael.

Cartman: You mean the faggy goth kid?

Kyle: Still glad you're not a goth anymore, Stan.

Stan: Please, that was just a phase.

*Michael walks in with Henrietta, Firkle, and Pete.

Criss: OK so ChrismaThomas wants to know why you're always complaining about all the conformists when you conform with everything your friends do. So she's basically calling you a hypocrite.

Stan: And a conformist.

Michael: I don't conform with everyone. Pft, I did the dance competition! *rolls eyes*

Criss: *sarcastically*Yeah you did one non-conformist thing so you're totally not a hypocrite!

Michael: Whatever. *crossing arms*

Kyle: And you only came if your friends could come...

Michael: *flips them off and barges out of room*

Criss: Okay, James has a question for Craig. What would you say if James told you he knows someone who likes you.

Craig: Why am I still here...

Criss: I drugged you and dragged you here...

Everyone: *staring blankly at her*

Criss: I'm joking! Gosh... Kinda... Just answer the question Craig.

Craig: I wouldn't care, she's gotta meet my standards. She's gotta be able to stand on her own fight in her own battles and she's gotta be pretty.

Criss: Understandable.

Craig: Yeah I hate helpless girls reminds me of my sister. Gah. Oh, and I don't mind if she's a rebel goody two shoes are too boring.

Criss: okay next question is for Kyle, Ghost_Wing she says she's catholic but she knows a lot of Jewish songs. And she means A LOT! Is that wrong?

Cartman: Then, she's a Jew. There, next question!

Kyle: No you retard music is just music. It doesn't matter what your religion if you like it then you like it.

Cartman: No I'm pretty sure she's just a beaty eyed Jew like you. Hey, maybe she can be your girlfriend!

Kyle: God damn it Cartman SHUT UP!

Criss: *snickering* Okay last question is for Kenny and you, Cartman. Masha_0404 wants to know if you want to go prank Scotty and get a pony to bite off his balls. Also, they said Kenny, don't open the oven or you'll... Die? Last thing Masha_0404 wants to know if they can be Princess Kenny's prince. Ok now answer!

Kenny: Well your damn too late! I've been killed in the oven at least twice! *Slams door and leaves*

Criss: That was odd okay how 'bout you fat boy? 

Cartman: I'm just big boned! And by Scotty do you mean, Scott Tenerman?

Criss: Yes now answer the question!

Cartman: And I tried that years ago! You're too late! Besides I did something much better than just taking away his balls and pride, I took away his sweet darling parents! *rubs hands together evily*

Kyle: Yeah too bad his dad ended up being your dad, ginger. *laughing*

Cartman: Shut up! I swear Kyle you say that again and you'll have a lot more to deal with than two dead parents!

Kyle: God, okay.

*door opens*

Princess Kenny: *In a pink frilly dress with orange parka under* *in muffled girl voice* Can I join in you guys? *flirtatiously flutters,eyelashes*

Stan: Kenny you know you didn't have to dress up like Princess Kenny to answer a damn question.

Princess Kenny: *muffled girl voice* Silence yourself you belch licking vagina!

Stan: *looking dully at her/him*

Criss: *playing the role* *goes on one knee grabbing Kenny's hand* Welcome to our kingdom my lady now may you please answer thy question? *kisses his/her hand*

Cartman: *trying so hard not to laugh*

Kyle: *rolls eyes* Oh god *facepalm*

Princess Kenny: *flattered* Well if I had to choose a knight I'd say you!

Criss: Okay you went past the joke Kenny.

Princess Kenny:*muffled girl voice* How dare you! Marsha_0404 get her out of here!

*virtial shadows kick Criss out of the solid white room*

Criss: How dare you! Ow, *hits floor* Well I guess that's all for today, then!

Princess Kenny: Good! Can I get out of this dress now?!

Everyone: *facepalm*

Picture of Princess Kenny at the side (Still LOVE Kenny either way XD)-------->

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