Kyle's Mom, Unicorns, Mr.Garrison,Kyle

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Okay so I have one vote for Kenny to kiss Criss and one vote for Kenny to kiss Butters. Any more votes? Because That'll happen next chapter. Kenny basically gave himself his own dare to kiss someone on the lips anyone who the readers want. If I don't get anymore I guess since it's a tie he'll kiss both. O.o.... Ok THANX MY FWEAKIES!


Criss: Okay so Lily Dowson wants to know what you would do if Kyle's mom tried to kill Terance and Philip again.

Cartman: I'd cut her fucking hooters off and be like.  'Eh you greedy bitch go and make me some goddamn sandwiches!'

Stan: I'd probably start a riot.

Cartman: Just like a hippi!

Kenny: I'd call the Justice Leauge and hope to god they don't send Aqua man to help us.

Criss: *laughing* 

Cartman: AHA! How 'bout you jew boy?

Kyle: I'd try talking to her and try to make her feel guilty because Ike's canadian. I'd also keep you the fuck away from her.

Criss:Okay Lily also wants to know what you guys would do if the world was taken over by unicorns!

Cartman: I'd install chips in their brain to exterminate all Jews.

Kenny: I'd make friends  because one swing from their mighty horn will kill me.

Stan: I'd get a machine gun and just go nuts killing as many as possible. Then when all hope is lost I'll lay down and die.

Kyle: I'd hide in a bunker and wait them out till winter where they'd slowly die one by one.

Criss: Yeah I'd do a mix of all of them except the Jew part. Okay next question.What if Kyle's nerdy cousin Kyle came back?

Cartman: I'd shoot myself two Jews aren't worth dealing with especially since he's so damn lame!

Kyle: I'd sleep over at Stan's house everyday he's here and stay there while he's at our house.

Stan: I'd stop being Kyle's friend.

Kenny: I'd creep the hell out of him so he moves away. Like wake him up in the middle of the night with a pair of scissors scarecely touching his balls.

Criss: That's a little extreme... Okay last question is for Mr.Garrison. Come on in!

*Ms.Garrison walks in with a lady like walk and a purse in her hand. She takes a seat*

Ms.Garrison: Uh! *disgusted* Did you call me Mr???

Criss: Sorry Ms.Garrison but that's what the question was labeled as. Now the question is how do you feel about Mr.Slave and Big Gay Al

Ms.Garrison: Wait let me just make this clear! *stands up* I used to be a male but now I'm a woman!

Stan: You were Mr.Garrison then you went to Ms.Garrison but when you learned you couldn't have a period you went back to Mr.Garrison and this year you went back to Ms.Garrison right? You tell us the story everyday in homeroom.

Ms.Garrison: Thank you Stanely!

Ms.Garrison: I don't care about a bunch of fags! Maybe if I were a man again... Then maybe I'd care. But Mr.Slave wants to be with a giant fat fag then that's his decision!

Criss: Uh-huh So you don't care?

Ms.Garrison: Exactly!

Kenny basically gave himself his own dare to kiss someone on the lips anyone who the readers want. If I don't get anymore I guess since it's a tie he'll kiss both.(Butters and Criss) O.o.... Ok THANX MY FWEAKIES!


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