Chapter 2

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"Mackenzie meets Johnny"


Mackenzie's POV

The day I met him I remember it like it was yesterday.He was so rude, but during the time I was friends/girlfriend with him he was nice, but that didn't last.


Mackenzie's POV
I was walking to around the with Brynn making our way to our first period class that we have together.She was talking about the summer at her grandmas and that she met this boy and clicked with him and how she had a summer romance with him.I was so into the story that I wasn't looking where I was going, but out of nowhere I hear someone say "Move out of the way" I looked in front and saw a boy with a skateboard bump into me.We fell to the floor and he was on top of me.

Mackenzie:oh my gosh
Johnny:are you deff or what(stands up and looks for his skateboard)
Mackenzie:uhmm(looks at him mad)
Johnny:aren't you gonna get up(rolls his eyes and grabs his skateboard)
Brynn:(helps Mackenzie up)rude much
Johnny:what did you say blondee (looks at Brynn mad)
Mackenzie:she said that you were rude and you are, not helping someone who you knocked of the floor
Johnny: yeah I was aiming for that(rolls his eyes)I said moved out of the way bad for you if you didn't move in time
Mackenzie:so it's my fault
Mackenzie:you're not even aloud to have a skateboard inside the school
Johnny:does it look like I care(walks pass her and shoves her shoulder)
Mackenzie:your such a dick!!
Johnny:I know (walks away)
Brynn:I hate him already
Mackenzie:me too
Brynn:that's new for you, you don't hate anybody
Mackenzie:well I might start with him(walks to class angry)

I walked to my class and made my way to my seat, when I saw that boy from earlier there with his feet up in the table.I made my way to him and stood in front of him,but he didn't notice because he was to busy looking at his phone, so I just took his phone out of his hand.

Johnny:hey give me my phone(gets mad)
Mackenzie:why should I after you knocked me down and didn't even bother to say sorry, for being mean to me earlier, and for being in my seat
Johnny:princess just give me the damm phone(stands up)
Mackenzie:let me think about it(start walking away)nope
Johnny:yeah you don't want me to get mad
Mackenzie:(walked to the fish tank)do I??(removes the lid)
Johnny:what are you doing(gets annoyed)
Mackenzie:(puts the phone over the water)say your sorry or the phone goes swimming with the fishes
Johnny:you wouldn't
Mackenzie:ohh darling(looks at his eyes)you don't know me(looks at the phone)one...
Johnny:common I don't have all day
Mackenzie:(raises a finger)two
Johnny:yeah it's funny now give me my dam phone
Mackenzie:and(raises one finger)thre...
Johnny:fine I'm sorry, that's what you wanted to hear now give me my phone back
Mackenzie:that's more like it(throws his phone at him)was it to hard
Johnny:(walks up to her)ohh you don't know with who you are messing with
Mackenzie:well I'll just have to meet him(extends her hand)Mackenzie
Johnny:(looks at her hand, then looks back at her and see that she's serious, then shakes her hand) Johnny
Mackenzie:(smirks)there we go(starts walking away)
Johnny:just know that if you play with fire your gonna get burn(looks at her and laughs)
Mackenzie:(sits where Johnny was sitting)we'll have to see who gets burn(smirks)
(Johnny rolls he's eyes and laughs)
Brynn:(sits next to her)you go girl(puts her hand on her shoulder)
Mackenzie:let's just say he is gonna be kinder to me from now on
Brynn:you sure
Mackenzie: I know(smiles and looks at him)

When I looked at him, I realized that he was staring at me, he winked at me then looked down.He had his bad boy look on but I know that inside of him there is a nice guy there and I'm going to meet that nice guy.Every girl's dream is to find a bad boy at the right time, when he wants to not be bad anymore, maybe I can help Johnny not be bad anymore.

*End of flashback*

We met like a normal nice girl and bad boy meet, but this time the nice girl own the bad boy.He was rude but I got to him and I knew that he was hiding someone nice under that bad boy presence, and about changing him, I did change him for the good, but that didn't last as long as I wanted it to be...

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