Chapter 24

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"Love me more than you hate him"

Brennan:I'm sorry(looks at Annie) I just wanted you for myself
Annie:(looks down)do you like me
Brennan:yes(holds her hands)I really do
Annie:I'm sorry(looks at him)but I'm in love with Hayden
Brennan:Hayden was your first love(gets closer to her)and I intend to be your last however long it takes me(kisses her)

*End of Flashback*

Annie's POV
That kiss really messed me up, when Brennan kissed me I liked it but it's nothing compared to the ones that Hayden and I share. Brennan is a nice guy and all, but is just that Hayden is the love of my life I don't imagine myself without him, but he's lied to me about a lot of things and I don't know what to do.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sydney and Liv entering the room laughing. I wipe my tears of and look at them, but god they know me so well.

Siv:(look at Annie fast)why are you crying
Annie:I'm not crying(tears up)
Liv:Annie(walks slowly to her)
Annie:I'm a mess(cries)
Sydney:oh Annie(goes to her and hugged her)

Syd hold me in her arms and let me cry on her while Liv was holding my hand. After I stopped crying Liv hugged me and I told them everything from when Brennan and I went to the fair to now.

Annie:(looks at them) I don't know what to do(looks down) I love Hayden with all my heart he is my person, but(looks at them) Brennan is different(holds their hands) I need your guys advice
Sydney:I've have not had the best of luck with boyfriends, my first one left me, and my second one the one I loved the most and I still love died(looks down but then looks back up) but I think you should follow your heart
Liv:yeah(makes Annie rest her head on her shoulder)pick the guy that makes you happy, that you know will be there through thick and thin, the one that makes you smile, the one that makes you feel loved, but if not remember we are freshman's in collage we have a life ahead of us, boyfriends are gonna come and go, but(they all hold hands)this is for life
Annie:thanks guys(hugs them)I think I know who I'm gonna pick
(Liv and Sydney smile)

I decided to go to his dorm, I knocked on the door and he opened. He looked broken, it was noticeable that he was crying.

Hayden:(wipes his tears)what do you want
Annie:(looks at him sad)can we talk
(Hayden steps aside)

I walk in and we sit on his bed facing each other, I look at him and all I can see is pain.

Hayden:why?(looks at her)
Annie:I don't know(looks down)I never should've kissed him
Hayden:yeah shouldn't(looks down)
Annie:I don't know why your like this we weren't even together at that point
Hayden:but we knew we liked each other and we said that we were gonna wait for each other!!
Annie:you did the same
(Hayden looks at her shocked)
Annie:yes(looks at him sad) I know you had a thing with Danielle, but did I say something no

Then there it was the awkward silence, our eyes connected again and that's when Hayden started crying. I have never seen him cry, at Caleb's funeral his didn't want to cry because that would make me cry even more. I look at him and tear up.

Annie: I should be sad because(looks down)I lost my brother, my friends were always to occupied for me, you were with Danielle, and I loved you, Brennan made me happy when I thought you had a thing with Dylan, okay yes it was a mistake but when it comes to us I never know the what's the truth and what's the lie
Hayden:(looks at her)I know that you would cancel plans with me to hang out with Hayley but you were hanging out with Brennan
Annie:you lied too(looks at him)I'm going to help my mom, that's what you said to me to cancel plans so you could go and hang out with Dylan, Danielle and god knows who else

That's when I started crying, he looked at me with sadness.

Annie:(looks at him with tears in her eyes)I sometimes even doubted if you even love me
Hayden:(grabs her hand and looks at her in the eyes)I loved you since the first day we met, we are soulmates I believe that(looks down)I've lied about a lot of things, but I have never, not once about how I feel about you
(Annie smiles)
Hayden: I love you Annie(looks away) but I can't stand Brennan I hate him with all of my heart
Hayden:I can't Annie I can't stop the hate I have towards him
Annie:(looks at him)be the love of my life, love me more than you hate him
Hayden:(looks down)I can't do this Annie, not anymore
Annie:(cries) if your hate towards a guys that you don't even know is bigger then the love you have towards me(looks at him with tears)then I don't even know why we are even together
Hayden:what do you mean(looks at her sad)
Annie:(releases tears)I'm breaking up with you(cries)and it's the hardest thing I've done
Hayden:(hugs her and cries) we are just to young Annie and we have a life ahead of us
Annie:yeah(pulls out of the hug, holds hands with him and put her four head against his)I love you
Hayden:(does the same)I love you too

Hayden's POV
We both leaned in and kissed, we kissed for so long because it was our last kiss. All of our memories were flowing in and we both pulled apart crying and hugged each other. After that Annie pulled apart and left crying, I saw her as she left and I started crying more. Our relationship made me the happiest.


Hayden's POV
It's my 17 birthday and it's my first birthday without Annie, and it's even more sad now that she is my girlfriend that she is not here with me. She hasn't even send me a txt saying happy birthday, it's like she forgot about me.

I was at my birthday party bored as hell, I'm with all of my family but I'm bored. I was getting a drink when someone comes up to me, but I didn't even mind looking.

??:you are bored at your own party
Hayden:yeah, I miss my girlfriend it's the first birthday since we met that we aren't spending together
??:you love her don't you
Hayden:yes I do
??:well happy birthday babe(smiles)
Hayden:what(looks at her)

When I look it was Annie smiling, I wrapped my arms around her. I don't want to let her go.

Hayden:oh my gosh Annie
Annie:(smiles)do you really think that I was gonna leave you alone on your birthday
Hayden:yes I actually did(laughs and hugs her)but I'm glad your here
Annie:me too(kisses him)happy birthday babe

*End of Flashback*

I'm sorry Annie...

Annie's POV
I run to my dorm, but midway I stop and cry on the floor, remembering our memories together.


Annie's POV
After Caleb's funeral everyone came to the house, but left like and hour ago. I'm in my bed cuddling with Hayden.

Annie:(looks up at him)please don't ever leave me
Hayden:(interlocks their hands)I won't, not now not ever
(They smile)
Hayden:I love you(kisses her four head)
Annie:(smiles)I love you too

*End of Flashback*

I walk in my dorm and I see the girls stare at me.

Liv:how did it go
Annie:(looks at them)we broke up(starts crying)
Siv:oh Annie
(They hug her)

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