Chapter 5

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"You're not so bad"


Mackenzie's POV

He was so rude to me it hurt me, like I've said he broke me, but he made me happy.He was always on his own world, he didn't like talking to anybody, he was rude to everybody, well everybody but me.


Mackenzie's POV
I walked into school with Brynn by my side and went to my locker.

Brynn:so everyone is talking about how you owned Johnny yesterday(leans against a random locker)
Brynn:yeah it's all over social media(shows her)
Mackenzie:wow (laughs)

I had to go to algebra while Brynn had to go to health.I walked in and saw Johnny sitting in a table alone, everyone was talking with someone and then there is Johnny talking to no one.I felt so bad for him so I sat next to him, and everybody looked at me shocked.

Mackenzie:hi Johnny
Johnny:(looks at her confused)hi?
Johnny:why are you sitting here?(ask in a rude tone)
Mackenzie:I saw that you were all alone and no one should be alone
Johnny:what if I want to be alone(rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone)
Mackenzie:well to bad you're gonna suck it up because if you like it or not you are my friend(smiles at him)

Johnny looked back at me and for the first time ever I saw him smile.We talked the whole period and learned new thing about each other, everyone looked at us like we were the main focus.Then the bell ranged and left the classroom, I was looking for Brynn, when I hear my name being called, I looked back and saw Johnny running up to me.

Mackenzie:ohh what's wrong Johnny
Johnny:umm I haven't done this ever,but do you want to go for Starbucks or wherever later
Mackenzie:is Johnny Orlando the bad boy asking me out
Johnny:no is just a hang out(says it in a serious tone)
Mackenzie:ohh(smirks)I would love to(starts walking)
Johnny:wait(runs up to her)I'll take you to your class
(Mackenzie smiles)

I never thought Johnny would soften up to someone and I surely didn't think it was gonna be me.Lunch time came around and I was in my table with Brynn and my sisters squad.I looked over and saw Johnny eating alone, everyone that passed by him or try to sit next to him, he would give them a dirty look.Why is he mean to everyone except me?

Mackenzie:huh(looks at Maddie)what
Maddie:what were you looking at
Mackenzie:nothing(looks down)
Kalani:(looks back)you were looking at Orlando
Maddie:Kenzie you have to stay away from him, he is bad news
Mackenzie:he is not that bad
Kalani:yes he is
(Mackenzie rolls her eyes)
Jack:Kenz do you remember when I got beat up
Jack:Johnny was the one who beat me up
(Mackenzie looks down)
Maddie:sis he is sitting alone by a reason he is bad, everyone is scared that he would hurt them, he could kill you right now
Kalani:we are just trying to protect you, we don't want him to hurt you
Mackenzie:guys I know Johnny and he is not that bad, right Brynn(looks at Brynn)
(Brynn looks down)
Mackenzie:wow(stands up)
Maddie:where are you going?
Mackenzie:to show you that he won't hurt me(walks away)

I can't believe them, especially Brynn.I walked over to where Johnny was sitting and stood beside him.He looked over at me and smiled.

Johnny:what are you doing here
Mackenzie:my friends hurt my feelings(looks down)

Johnny's POV

Mackenzie was my only true friend and I didn't want her to feel pain.Yes I know I'm the bad boy, but their is a reason I'm like this, but no one knows.When Mackenzie tolled me that they hurt her feelings I wanted to beat them up, but then Mackenzie would be mad at me, so I just patted the seat next to me to let her know she could sit.She sat next to me and stayed there with a sad face, so I put my arm around her and hugged her.

Johnny:you will always have me
Mackenzie:(hugs back)thanks

The whole day went on and I didn't see Kenzie. I'm leaning against my locker thinking about life, about why out of nowhere I'm being nice to Kenzie, why did I tell her some personal stuff, and what's going on in my dads life.Then I feel someone push me, then I see my ex best friend Brandon Rowland.

Johnny:what the fuck, why are you pushing me(gets mad)
Brandon:because your going after the girl I like (looks at him mad)
Johnny:what are you talking about?
Brandon:what do you think(gets in his face)stay away from Mackenzie!!
Johnny:what if I don't (gets in his face)

With that he started throwing punches, I started punching back, then in seconds we started a fight and everyone was around us. People were chanting at Brandon telling him to beat me, but he was the one getting beat up.Then I look up and see Mackenzie, screaming for me to stop and she had tears in her eyes.I was so shocked about her reaction, that I didn't know what was happening until I felt that Brandon punched me in the face.

Mackenzie:stop(try's to run)
Jack:(holds Mackenzie)no he deserves it
Mackenzie:he's getting hurt(starts kicking the air)
Maddie:good for him(smiles)
Mackenzie:let me go(kicks Jack and he lets her go)

Mackenzie's POV
I ran up to Brandon and jumped on his back, I started shaking him so he could let Johnny go.He did and got of him and went to Johnny who was standing up to beat him.

Mackenzie:noo(pushes him backwards)
Johnny:Kenzie get out of the way I don't want to hurt you(try's pushing her away harmlessly)
Mackenzie:(puts her head on his chest)if you don't want me to get hurt don't fight him
(Johnny stops and looks at Kenzie)
Mackenzie:(looks at his eyes with watery eyes)please!
Johnny:(looks at Kenzie and hugs her) I'm sorry
Mackenzie:(hugs Johnny tight)it's ok
Brandon:this is not over Orlando, I won't stop until she is mine(cleans the blood on his nose)
(Mackenzie hides her face in Johnny's chest)
Johnny:she will never be yours(holds Mackenzie tighter)

After all of that John and I went to Starbucks and we order two pink drinks.I was about to pay for mine,but he payed for it all.We sat on a table and it was silent, the uncomfortable silence.

Mackenzie:why?(looks down)
Johnny:why what?(look up at her)
Mackenzie:why did you fight with Brandon(looks at his eyes)and please don't lie to me
Johnny:(looks down)we fought over you
Johnny:he wanted me to get away from you so he could get close to you, but I don't want that
Mackenzie:why?(looks at him)
Johnny:(looks at her eyes)because your the only person that really cares for me, and the only person I trust and I don't want  what we have to go away
Mackenzie:(looks at his eyes and holds his hand)it won't(smiles at him)
Mackenzie:you know you're not so bad as I thought when I first met you
Johnny:I am but just not with you
(Mackenzie smiles)

*Flashback ends*

Yeah he was nice to me,yeah you heard me he was, he stopped being nice to me after a year of being together. I tried making him a better person, but what he did was wrong, so I just surrender.

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