Chapter 21

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"The start of the end"

Annie's POV
Every June 14 my family and the Summerall family get together for a little get together and have a good time. This year is our first year doing it without Caleb, we went to a Mexican restaurant. I was talking with Hayley when the Summerall got there. I hugged everyone then I hugged Hayden last, he went up to me and hugged me by the waist, I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

Hunter:uhh love birds(smirks at them)
Hayden:it's not my fault we're in love(hugs Annie by the waist and kisses her cheek)I mean who couldn't love hannie (puts his head on her neck)
Billy:I could(glares at him)
(Everyone laughs)

We walked in and had a a family lunch, Hayden was talking with Hayley about things they will understand. While he was doing that he had his arm around me, I was getting bored so I started kissing him in the cheek.

Hayden:(smiles)babe(looks at Annie)I'm talking with your sister
Annie:but I'm bored(starts playing with his hair)
Hayden:you really love my curly hair don't you(smiles)
Annie:yes I do(giggles)
Tisha:so Annie(looks at them)Hayden are you guys sure about you guys relationship
Hayden:(puts his arm around Annie)what do you mean mom
Tisha:I mean that you guys are sure that you guys love each other, that you won't hurt each other, it's been a lot of years of friendship and we don't want that to be ruined
(They look at each other)
Annie:(grabs Hayden's hand)Hayden has been there for me through the hardest days of my life, he's been there when I most need him, he is a sweetheart, a gentleman(looks at him in other eyes)and I know that I love him
Hayden:(looks at Annie in the eyes)I love you two(They kiss)
Billy:okay stop
(They all laugh)
Jimmy:so are you guys ready for

*Two year's later*

Liv:(walks in front of everyone)I can't believe we're in collage
Luke:I know(picks Liv up)we are all here(points to everyone)Annie, Hayden, Sydney, you, me
Sydney:well not everyone(crosses her hands and looks up at the sky with tears)
Annie:(walks up to her)hey(hugs her)he is with us at all time
(They all hold hands)
Annie:even though we think he is not here he is here(smiles)
Hayden:he will always be there with us

Caleb's POV
I was and I will...

Hayden's POV
Annie and I dropped our things at our dorm and we started walking around campus. Everything was beautiful and I'm happy that I get to experience this with my beautiful girlfriend. Talking about her, she looks hot on her shorts and tank top, too hot that boys were staring at her and that made me mad. So I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her towards me, turned her and kissed her really passionately.

Annie:(smiles)what was that for
Hayden:(keeps pulling her towards him)to show everyone that your mine
Annie:I know that and I showed you that on your birthday and yesterday night(smirks)
Hayden:those nights were the most passionate and best nights of my life(kisses her)let's see if we can do something tonight
Annie:let's see(smiles)one more kiss
Hayden:you don't have to ask(kisses her)

?? POV
I saw them kiss and rage  went all over my body, I want Annie for myself and I'm gonna get her.

Liv's  POV
Luke and I walked back to Sydney, Annie and my dorm, we needed to talk. It's been a week since him and I have been weird with each, we love each other, I think.

(They sit on Liv bed)
Luke:what did you want to talk about
Liv:(looks at him in the eyes)about us
Luke:what do you mean
Liv:I don't think our relationship is working
Luke:(tears up)what why
Liv:I don't know(tears up)we are just not working, this has been going on for a week, I think we need time from each other
Luke:are you breaking up with me
Liv:no I'm letting you be free(releases a tear)
Luke:can I do one more thing
Liv:yes(looks at his eyes)

Luke's POV
I grabbed Liv face and made her lips connect with mine. This was our last kiss and I think it will be our last kiss forever. I walked out of the room and saw Sydney there, she looked at me. When your a twin you can sense what your twin is feeling from a miles away, so Sydney knew what I was feeling. She put her hands around me in a hug and let me cry it all out.

Sydney:it's okay you have me(hold him tight)you'll always have me

Annie's POV
I was walking on the halls exploring the collage with Hayden but he was talking with one of his high school friends, then I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn and see Brennan.

Annie:Brennan(smiles)it's been so long(hugs him)
Brennan:(hugs her)2 years and 6 months
Annie:yeah and the thing is that we both are in the same collage
Brennan:well this is the Maryland collage
(They laugh)
Annie:true,so how's life been?
Brennan:good my family and I went our around the world family trip, we homeschooled and it was pretty fun, how bout you?
Annie:well I graduated from high school with high honors, my family, family friends and I went to the Bahamas, and I'm thinking of starting a writting career
Brennan:wow that's good, do you still write songs
Annie:from now and then
Brennan:I'll need to hear them
Annie:of course(smiles)
Brennan:so um(puts his hands on his pocket)do you have a boyfriend

Hayden's POV
I was talking with Caden when I see Annie and Brennan talking, if you don't remember they had a thing back then. Anger was going down my body but I was controlling myself. Then I heard him ask he if she had a boyfriend, he is so interested in her, so I went up to them.

Hayden:(turns Annie)hey Babe(starts kissing her)

I was kissing her passionately and she was kissing back. My hands were on her waist pulling her towards me and her hands were around my neck. Every second I could I saw Brennan glaring at me. We pulled apart and she smiled and turned back to Brennan.

Annie:sorry about that(smiles)
Brennan:it's okay
Hayden:(puts his arms around Annie's waist)hey Brennan
Brennan:hey Hayden, I'm shocked you and Annie ended up together
Hayden:(looks at him confused)what do you mean
Brennan:well someone like you got a girl like Annie when she could've been with me, well she already was(smirks)
Hayden:(pushes Annie back gently)ok that's it

With that I started to fight with him, I pushed him to the walls and started punching him in the face, the he kicked me in the private parts, then he pushed me to the floor and started punching me. I turned him and started punching him so bad.

Annie:(says crying and screaming)stop!!!

That's when I saw her, she was crying, and that broke me. I stared at her and it seemed like I was distracted and that was when Brennan punched me, then I feel someone get me off him and two guys pushed us apart.

Annie:(gets in the way of them)stop both of you(says mad)
(Everyone leaves)
Annie:what the hell is wrong with you(looks mad at Brennan)and you(looks at Hayden)why
Hayden:why(looks at her mad)did you and Brennan kiss
Brennan:of course we did(smirks)
Hayden:(screams)just tell me
Annie:(looks at him)I...(looks down)I've never kissed him
Hayden:(looks at her sad)really your gonna lie to me
Hayden:this whole relationship has been around lies when are they gonna stop(leaves mad)
Annie:Hayden(sees as he leaves)ughhhh(screams and throws her stuff at the floor)
Brennan:I'm sorry(looks at Annie) I just wanted you for myself
Annie:(looks down)do you like me
Brennan:yes(holds her hands)I really do
Annie:I'm sorry(looks at him)but I'm in love with Hayden
Brennan:Hayden was your first love(gets closer to her)and I intend to be your last however long it takes me(kisses her)

When he kissed me I felt sparks, then I noticed that I started dreaming that it was Hayden, that's why I felt sparks . I pulled apart and started running I don't know where, I know I ended leaning against  a wall, I slide down and start crying. I look up and I see Hayden from a distance, I see the pain in his eyes, what have I done.

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