Chapter 23

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"I never want to see you again"

Lauren's POV
I was in my room watching YouTube videos about how to get money as a teen, cause your girl needs some money. Then out of nowhere I got this weird smell, it got stronger and stronger and I couldn't help it anymore. I walked to my parents room and nothing, the kitchen, living room, Maddie's room, Darian's room, and the bathroom and the smell wasn't coming from there, the only room left was Johns. I walked in to his room and there was Johnny laying in his hand with a cigarette in his hands and on his shoulder there was a spider tattoo.

Lauren:(looks at him mad)Johnny what the fuck(throws the cigarette away)what the hell are you doing
Johnny:none of your business(stands up)stop being such a bitch(pushes her out of the room)and leave me alone(slams the door on her face)

I walk over to my room, sit in my bed and call someone.

Lauren:hey(looks down)I need you to come over(silence)I thinks there's something wrong with Johnny

Mackenzie's POV
I was just playing with Maliboo when Lauren called me and told me to go over because something was wrong with John, so I walked over.

Lauren:(opens the door)hey(hugs her)
Mackenzie:hey(hugs back)what's wrong(looks at her confused)
Lauren:(looks down then at her)I was in my room and I smelled something weird, I went all over the house and the smell came from Johns room, I opened the door and saw him smoking and he had a spider tattoo on his shoulder
Mackenzie:(looks at her shocked)what?!!
Lauren:yeah(looks at her)something is wrong with him, he called me a bitch he never calls me that
Mackenzie:I want to see him

We walked over to his room, before entering we looked at each other, when we went in and there he lays, how Lauren told me, with the cigarette and tattoo.

Mackenzie:Johnny Orlando(looks at him mad)what the hell are you doing
Johnny:(sees her)Kenzie( looks at her shocked)
Mackenzie:Lauren leave
Lauren:you sure
(Lauren leaves)
Mackenzie:(grabs the cigarette)what the heck John(points to the cigarette)why are you doing this(throws it on the floor)
Johnny:(holds her hands)this is the real me baby
Mackenzie:no it's not(pulls her hands away)god dam why are you being such an idiot!!!! Stop being a dumb pice if shit and get your life together before you loose me!!!(screams)
Johnny:don't call me that bitch(grabs her hand hard)
Mackenzie:(starts tearing up)John your hurting me
Johnny:I love you and you say those dumb ass shit things to me(laughs)get it inside your head there's nothing your stupid ass can do to stop me smoking you got that hoe
Mackenzie:(pulls her hand away crying)stop it(pushes him)

With that he did something I never thought he would ever do, he slapped me, I dropped to the floor and hold my cheek while I was crying.

Mackenzie:(looks at him crying)why?
Johnny:(realizes what he did)oh no(goes towards her)baby I'm so sorry
Mackenzie:(screams)stop it(gets up and looks at him)I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear from you ever
Johnny:(goes towards her and holds her hands)please I love you, I made a mistake I'll stop but please forgive me
Mackenzie:(looks at him)you were right there was never a happy ending for us(cries)this is over(runs away)

Johnny's POV
When she looked at me after I slapped her, my heart broke. Why did I do that, why would I ever do that to the girl I love. I tried apologizing but she just broke up with me and ran away crying. I sat in my bed and remembered a memory of us together...


Johnny's POV
Me and Kenzie were walking around the park with ice creams in our hands, my other had was around her shoulder and her other hand was around my waist.

Johnny:(looks at her)you have something there(points at her face)
Mackenzie:(looks at him)where?
Johnny:(puts ice cream on her nose) there(laughs)
Mackenzie:hey(grabs her ice cream and puts it all on Johnny's face) revenge(laughs)
Johnny:(cleans he's eyes)I'm so gonna get you(starts running)

I chased Mackenzie all over the park, then I got her but like I was running fast the weight pulled us both to the floor and she lays beside me, we look at each other and laugh.

Mackenzie:(looks at him)I love you, your the one that made me feel most alive, I love you because you are different(smiles) I love you
Johnny:(looks at her and smiles)I fell in love with you because your the one that made feel welcome for once in my life, you don't judge me as fast as everyone else, I don't regret falling in love with you(leans in)I love you too
(They kiss)

*End of Flashback*

With that I start crying uncontrollably...

Mackenzie's POV
I ran to my house, went up to my room and jumped in my bed crying. Why would he do that to me?? A lot of questions of why he did that came to my mind but there's one thing that I can't get out, I still love him.


Mackenzie's POV
I was at homecoming dancing with Lauren and some of our friends, John was sick so he couldn't make it. I look over and see Brynn dancing with her new friends and remember what we used to be. I was interrupted by someone taping me on my shoulder I turn around and see Johnny.

Johnny:(extends his hand)would you like to dance with me?

We danced and had fun all night, then we went outside, he gave me his jacket and we decided to walk home. We were walking , he has his arm around me and I had mine around him. Then he stopped.

Mackenzie:(looks at him)what's wrong
(Johnny stares at her)
Mackenzie:(giggles)what are you staring at me
Johnny:(smiles)because your beautiful
(Mackenzie smiles)

*end of Flashback*

I had a great time with him, he made me the happiest this year. I walked over to vanity and see pictures of me and Lauren, she was there for me always, I look over and see a picture of me and Maddie, she was always trying to protect me, then I see a picture that's calling me I look over and see a picture of me and Brynn, she was a great best friend for those 10 years of my life, and I would do anything to fix it, but it's to late. I went to my desk a wrote letters to my mom, Maddie, Lauren, Brynn, and Johnny. I put them in in my bed and got changed into my favorite clothes. I went to the bathroom and turn on the water, I looked for a razor blade and got in the water. I started thinking about all the pain that I have gone through so much in my life, then I slid the razor through my wrist very deep and I saw the blood flowing through the water. Then I started seeing everything fade and then I saw everything pitched black.

Maddie's POV
I got back from collage to surprise Mackenzie and have a sisters night.

Maddie:(goes to Mackenzie's room)surprise(sees there's no one)hello?

I walk over to the bed and saw a bunch of cards, then I heard that the shower was on, I went in the bathroom and saw Mackenzie covered in bloody water, that's when I realized that she committed suicide.


I run to her and hugged her, my sister is gone, my baby sister is gone

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