Chapter 13

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*3 months later*

Jayden's POV
It's been months since I've came here and I'm happy, my mom is happy, I have the best dance group/friends, I'm getting better each day, oh and I'm dating Connor. Yeah we've been dating for 3 weeks and I'm happy the way he asked me was magical.


Jayden's POV
Connor said he had a surprise for me and told me to dressed nicely so I put on a white short dress, and did natural hair and makeup. I walked down and talked with my mom and waited for Connor. After that he took me to the movies, eat ice cream, and we ended up at a park. We walked around holding hands and stopped and laid down watching the stars. He had his arm around me and I was cuddling against his chest.

Connor:(sits up)Jayden I have to ask you something
Jayden:(sits up) what is it
Connor:since the first time I laid eyes on you I felt a connection, I usually just ignore girls but you just got my attention(holds her hands)you are beautiful, talented, kind, smart, funny, weird, and outgoing(looks at her eyes) I love when we dance together, we laugh, and do stuff together, what I'm trying to say is that(leans closer to her)do you Jayden want to be my girlfriend?

I looked at him and literally started crying, I've been through so much with boys that I don't trust them after what happened with Harvey, but I remembered what Saryna tolled me to just follow my heart. I looked up at Connor and he looked sad, I think he thought that I didn't want to be with him, but I just grabbed him by the cheeks and kissed him.

Connor:(pulls away)is that a??
Jayden:(leans her four head against his and smiles)yes, I want to be your girlfriend
(Connor smiles)

*end of Flashback*

I was getting my finishing touches and waited for Tati to pick me up. After she picked me up we went to our lockers and meet up with the squad.

Jayden:hey guys, hey babe(kisses Connor)
Connor:(kisses back)hey(smiles puts his arm around Jayden)
Saryna:ok guys I got two amazing news
Lexi:tells us girl
Saryna:the first one is that the first competition is gonna be in 2 weeks and we are going up against one of the worst dance groups ever
Casey:so we have a 100% of winning
Saryna:exactly(smiles and hi5 him)
Tati:what's the other news
Saryna: you guys now that I've been dating this guy for 2 months bust we never met, so he moved here last week and him and his twin brother are coming to school today and I would like you guys to welcome them
Everyone:of course
Connor:what are their  names
Saryna:Max & Harvey

When Saryna said those names my books literally fell of my hands, it can't be them their is a million Max & Harvey is the world.

Connor:what's wrong B(looks at her worried)
Jayden:nothing is just that I got shivers(picks up her books) I'm gonna go to class
Tati:bust class starts in 15 minutes
Jayden:I got to talk to the teacher(walks away)
Lexi:(looks at Connor)what wrong with her
Connor:I have no idea

I started walking around school when I bump into someone, I look at the person and saw Harvey.

Jayden:(looks at him shocked)Harvey, what are you doing here
Harvey:we moved here
Max:Jayden(runs up to them and hugs Jayden)I've missed you
Jayden:I missed you too
Harvey:so Jayden(looks at the floor and then at her eyes)do you know anything about Dianna
Jayden:(looks down)yes I know stuff about my daughter(looks at Harvey)about our daughter
Harvey:is she happy, is she safe?(looks at her concerned)
Jayden:if you really care about her you would of been there with me through my pregnancy, you should of helped me, but you just left me(tears up)
Harvey:Jay you know what really happened
Jayden:yeah your mom(air quotes)
Max:Jayden I know Harvey is sad and disappointed that he wasn't there for you or Dianna, but he is here now
Harvey:(holds her hands)please let us be a family
Jayden:(releases a tear)is already late
Harvey:(let's go of her hands)what do you mean
Connor:(puts his hands around Jayden)hey babe, who are they
(Max & Harvey look at each other)
Jayden:(cleans her tears)they are my best friends from Miami, they are
Saryna:Max!!!(runs  to Max and hugs him tight)
Max:Saryna!!(hugs her)
Connor:(points at Harvey)so I guess your Harvey
Harvey:(looks at Connor sad)yeah

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