Chapter 7

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"Caydens first date"


Jayden's POV
So a little about me is that I'm 17 and I've never in my whole life known what loves feels like, but when I met him I knew. Love is blind, you don't see it, you don't hear it, but you know it's there.


Jayden's POV

I got ready for dance in the girls locker room.I put my hair in a ponytail, I grabbed my dance bag, and my water bottle and made my way to classroom #104. When I got there I put my hand in the knob, but didn't open. I started having a mini panic attack, what if I'm not good enough, I started backing away, but's that's when I see my dad, but how my dad is in heaven.

Daddy:what are you doing Jay?
Jayden:I'm not ready for this(started walking away)
Daddy:Jay you are the best dancer I know, your moves are the best, your solo Angel was the best one I have seen and I loved it and I know everyone will love it, they will love you I know they will(smiles)
Jayden:yeah(smiles)thanks daddy
Daddy:I'm always here(touched his heart) with you

And with that he disappeared.I got stuff again and entered that dance studio with confidence, when I entered everyone stared at me. Then I saw Tati and she made her way to me smiling, we lay down in the floor stretching when a girl makes her way to me.

??:so are you any good(looks at her up and down)
Jayden:I like to think that I am(stand up)
??:yeah(looks back at her friends then back at Jayden)then prove it
Connor:yeah(walks up to them)as Saryna said(looks at Jayden) prove it
Jayden:(thinks)I will(starts making her way to the aux cord)
Tati:you go girl(screams)
Saryna:let's see how good she is, not as good as me I bet
Tati:don't get ahead of your self Saryna, Jay is pretty good at dancing
Connor:and she is also very pretty(smirks at Jayden)
Saryna:ughh(rolls her eyes at what Connor said)

I danced to wolves by Selena Gomez, because I already knew a dance with it so why not.

When I finished everyone looked at me shocked and I just looked at them scared.

Jayden:I know (pulls the hair out of her face)I was terrible
Tati:terrible?(laughs)that what's the best dancing I have ever seen(runs and hugs Jayden)

Everyone started chanting and giving me hi 5. Connor stayed where he was staring at me while that girl Saryna made her way to me.

Saryna:I don't like you
(Jayden looks down)
Saryna:but I be stupid not to let you be in the team, wanna join
Jayden:of course I want to(goes to hug her but stops) can I?
Saryna:sure(rolls her eyes)
Jayden:(hugs her)you will get to know me I'm not that bad
Saryna:maybe one day we will be friends(walks away)
Tati:yay your on the team(hugs her)
Jayden:yay(looks at Connor)I'm gonna go talk to him
Tati:uhhh(winks at her)
Jayden:is not like that(laughs and walks to Connor)

Connor saw me walking over and he smiled, he sat on the floor and I sat in front of him.

Connor:your such a good dancer
Connor:I gotta step up my game then
Jayden:(laughs) you do
Connor:so maybe after dance I can take you somewhere
Jayden:sure, it will be that date you begged me to go
Connor:I did not beg
Jayden:I didn't look like it
(They laugh)
Connor:common(stands up)let's slay the dance floor(help Jayden and puts his hand out)
Jayden:(hold his hands)let's go

We danced so much, but I didn't mind, maybe I found my dream team. After dance I got change into some regular clothes, I got in Connors car and we started listening to music. We were singing along to Shawn Mendes music till we got to and ice cream shop.

Cashier:what would you like
Connor:I would like a chocolate Sunday with sprinkles and bananas and what do you want Jay
Jayden: I want a vanilla Sunday with almonds and strawberry's
Cashier:ok that would be 6.99
Jayden:(takes out some money)here
Connor:what are you doing
Connor:no(gives her the money back)the boy always pays for the dates
Jayden:but Connor
Connor:keep it Jay
Cashier:here are your ice creams

We made our way to a table out side and sat, he took out his phone and took a picture of me.

Connor:what everyone has to know I'm taking this beautiful girl on a date

We talked for hours getting to know each other, and we did get to know each other pretty well.We also took a walk on the beach and we might of held hands.He took me back to my house and walked me up to the door.

Jayden:thanks for today it was amazing(smiles)
Connor:of course I had fun(smiles and holds her hands) I don't know but you are different, I normally turn away from girls but not from you(smiles at her)
Jayden:maybe I'm special(smiles)
Connor:you are
Jayden:(blushes)so I'll se you tomorrow at school
Jayden:(kisses his cheek)bye Connor(enters)
Connor:(touches his cheek and smiles)bye Jay

*End of Flashback*

Yeah our first date was the best one we ever had.

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