Chapter 12

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"He's gone"


Annie's POV
It's been 2 weeks since me and Hayden made up, and we've been hanging out together ever day. Yesterday we went to Halloween Horror Nights with the crew and he had his arm around me the whole time because I was pretty scared. Also Luke and Liv are starting to like each other, I'm so happy about that.

I got ready for school and walked down to see everyone in the table eating. I was helping Hayley finish her homework, when I look up at Caleb I see him with his head down.

Annie:Buba are you okay(looks at him worried)
Caleb:I don't feel good(looks really bad)
Hayley:oh Buba(hugs him)
Billy:Caleb I think you should stay home from school
Katie:yeah but just for today
Caleb:okay(goes up to his room)
Annie:common Hay let's go take you to school
Hayley:bye mommy bye daddy(hugs them)
Annie:bye mommy daddy(kisses them)
Parents:we love you
Haynnie:love you too

I dropped Hayley of at school and drove to my school.

Hayden's POV
I'm completely in love with Annie but I'm scared to ask her out, but I will today and nothing is gonna stop me.I was talking with the gang when I get that smell that si love, I smelled Annie, I know I'm crazy but I actually smell her.

Hayden:is it just me or does it smell like Annie?(looks everywhere)
(Everyone laughs)
Hayden:(looks at them confused)what?
Luke:we get it your in love with her but that just scary Hayden(laughs)
Liv:you are obsessed with her
(That laugh)
Hayden:(fake laugh)no but really I smell Annie
Liv:(looks at Luke)we lost him
Annie:(gets there)lost who?
(Luke and Liv scream)
Hayden:I told you(starts jumping)
Annie:what's going on?(looks at the confused)
Liv:this cant be real
Hayden:I told you I smell Annie
Annie:(laughs)wow(hugs Hayden)really?
Hayden:(hugs her and don't let go)I swear I said that
(Everyone laughs)
Luke:so Annie where's Caleb
Annie:(puts her ahead on Haydens chest)Buba wasn't feeling so good so he stayed home
Liv:but we are still coming over to our house

We all walked to our clases and luckily I had a class with Liv, we sat on our normal sits and talked.

Annie:so you and Luke?(smirks)
Liv:you and Hayden(smirks)you like him don't you?
Annie:I love him(smiles)you?
Liv:yeah I like Luke(smiles)
Annie:yay(hugs her)but remember he is like my brother so be careful with him
Liv:(laughs)Annie I'm going to California for the next two weeks
Annie:what am I gonna do with out my best friend(hugs her)
Liv:I'm gonna mis you,but I'll be back
Annie:you better or I'll make sure you do
(They laugh)

When the class finished I made my way to music class and I had that class with Hayden, we sat on our seats and started talking. Then we see a big group enter our class and I that group I saw Brennan, I think Hayden noticed him because he put his arm around me, but I just smiled.

Teacher:ok guys so the guitar class who'll be with us for these 2 weeks
Hayden:yay(says sarcastically)
Teacher:ok will be doing a project in pairs
Hayden: I pick Annie
Teacher:Hayden I know you and Annie are together and you guys are great duet partners, but I'll be picking the pairs
Hayden:uhh(gets mad)
Annie:hey(hold his hand)is okay
Teacher:ok obviously is gonna be a guitar player and one of you guys and it's basically they play and you guys sing, ok let me pair you up.

I was so distracted looking at Hayden get angry, but he looked cute. Soon it was only to pairs left.

Teacher:Hayden and...(looks around)
(They cross their fingers)
Hayden:ok(weak smiles)
Brennan:so that leaves me and Annie
Hayden:no(stands up)please Sr
Teacher:sorry Hayden but no changing partners

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