Chapter 9

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"What's happening to us"


Annie's POV
It's been a month since we started high school and things aren't going so good. My squad it's formed by Caleb, Luke, Liv, Sydney join us after school, me, and sometimes Hayden, yeah sometimes. Hayden is in the football team and is a "popular boy" but he hangs out with us the losers, him and I have been drifting apart lately and that's weird especially because we are so close.

I was driving to school with Caleb by my side doing his homework, I know I'm 14 and driving but this always happens when Caleb has to do something important.

Caleb:finally I'm finished
(Annie laughs)
Caleb:ok a little sister and brother talk(looks at Annie) why are you and Hayden so apart
Annie:what(looks away)
Caleb:common Annie your my sister I know you, Hayden used to come over everyday and now he doesn't come as often
Annie:I don't know maybe he is to busy with the football team
Caleb:Annie he was never busy for you
(Annie looks down)
Caleb:Annie just talk to him
Annie:(thinks)yeah(parks)you know you are really the best brother in the world
(They get out of the car)
Caleb:(puts his arm around Annie) I know (kisses her cheek) and you are the best sister ever
Annie:I know(smiles)

I txt Hayden telling him we needed to talk and he said he was down for that and he is gonna meet me and my locker. I was waiting for him, but then a boy feel right in front of me, so I went and help him.

Annie:are you okay(helps him get up)
??:yeah(gets up) thanks by the way(extends his hand) I'm Brennan
Annie:I'm Annie(shakes his hand)
Brennan:why haven't I seen you around
Annie:because I'm kind of a loser
Brennan:what a girl pretty as you can't be a loser
Annie:(blushes)well I am

Hayden's POV
Annie has been drifting apart from me and I wanted to know why, when she asked me to talk and I was happy. I made my way to her locker and saw her talking with another guy and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I made my way closer and heard him flirt with her and I got so mad so I interrupted their conversation.

Hayden:hey Annie(hugs her by the waist)
Brennan:of course a girls like you has a boyfriend
Annie:we are not(gets interrupted)
Hayden:I know I'm lucky to have her
(Annie looks at him wired)
Brennan:well bye Annie
Hayden:yeah bye(smirks)
Annie:(turns around)what was that about
Hayden:(gets close to Annie's face)your my girl nobody else's
(Annie smiles)
Hayden:we need to talk
Annie:I know but I don't think we'll have time I have science in a minute
Hayden:I'll go over to you house and maybe we can have a sleepover or something but we need to talk

I puts my arms around Annie and she puts her arms around me, she put her head in my chest and I started playing with her hair. I look up and see Brennan glaring at me, I just glared back and hugged Annie tighter.

It was time for lunch and I was walking over to Annie's table, she noticed I was coming and made eye contact with me and we smiled at each other. Then I hear my name being called, I look over and see Mia calling me.

Hayden:what do you want
Mia:come and sit with us
Hayden:nah I'm gonna sit with Annie
Mia:with that loser
Hayden:(raises his voice)she is not a loser and you better not call her that again
Mia:whatever(rolls her eyes) why do you even hang out with her she is not even your girlfriend
Hayden:well you are incorrect, Annie is my girl and she will always be

I look over at Annie and she was smiling at what I said. With that I grabbed my food and went and sat next to Annie, then I realized something. I missed her, I missed her laugh, her eyes, her sarcasm, I missed everything about her. I also missed hanging out with my people, my friends, they are the ones that help me get through everything.

Caleb:Hayden is good to have you back(looks over at Hayden)
Hayden:(looks at Caleb)it's good to be back
Liv:finally now Annie can stop talking about how much she misses you(smirks at Annie)
Luke:Annie you just got exposed(laughs)
(Annie crosses her arms)
Hayden:it's okay(puts his arm around her and pull her close to him)I missed you too(kisses her head)
Annie:(puts her head on his chest)I missed you more
Caleb:uhmm, remember big brother here(point at himself)
Hayden:I don't care(highs Annie tight)
(Everyone laughs)

After football practice I went to my house and got ready to go over to Annie's. I was about to nock when I hear someone scream help, I ran in and saw...

Annie's POV
I was in my room going through Instagram, when Hayley and Caleb come running into my room and jump on my bed. Since they jumped at the same time and I'm light and fell on the floor and we started laughing.

Hayley:are you okay(says through giggles)
Annie:yes(laughs and sits in the bed)what's wrong
Caleb:we need a little sibling bonding time
Hayley:ok first Annie do you like Hayden??
Annie:(looks at Caleb) ok Caleb do you like Sydney?
Caleb:do you like Hayden?
Caleb:Annie just tells us do you like Hayden
Annie:(looks down)I

With that I started running away from them, they started chasing me all over the house. I hid under the couch and when I didn't see them I went out, then out of nowhere Hayley jumped on me and pulled me backwards to the couch and Caleb jumped on my lap making me not move, I just laughed.

Caleb:one more time do you like Hayden?
Annie:I (smirks)HELP!!!!
Hayley:no really do you like him
Caleb and Hayley:yay!!!
Hayden:(comes running in)is everything okay??
(They look at each other and start laughing)
Hayden:what?(looks confused)
Caleb:nothing man(puts his hand on his shoulder)sibling stuff
Hayley:Hayden( runs to him and hugs him)

Hayley and Hayden have always had a cute bond, she is like little sister that he never had. After he hugged Hayley he came and hugged me and I heard Caleb and Hayley giggle, I just rolled my eyes.
Hayden and I made our way to my room and sat staring at each other, we didn't say anything just looked at each other.

Annie:what's happening to us(looks at him sad)
Hayden:what do you mean(looks at her confused)
Annie:we are drifting apart Hayden(looks down)
Hayden:it will go back to the way it used to be
Annie:don't you get it(looks at him in the eyes)you're popular, I'm a loser we don't belong together(starts tearing up)your are supposed to date someone like Mia and I'm supposed to date no one we are opposites Hayden we don't match up(released a tear)
Hayden:Annie don't say that(holds her hand)I don't care that I'm popular I'm not gonna date anyone I only want to date one girl and that girl is you Annie(wipes her tear)you are the most beautiful girl ever, you have a great sense of humor, I love your eyes, I love everything about you Annie(holds her cheeks) I love you(kisses her)

Hayden kissed me, he kissed me. Our lips were connected for what felt like for ever and I don't mind. We pulled apart and we are both blushing.

Annie:I love you too Hayden(pecks his lips)
Hayden:(smiles)now I am gonna wait for you at your locker everyday, I'm gonna sit with you at lunch everyday and I'm gonna love you more everyday
(Annie smiles)
Hayden: and also make that Brennan boy stay away from you
Annie:(giggles)don't get jealous I don't like him at all
Hayden:good(holds her hand)because you are mine

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