Chapter 15

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"Is it a lie?"


Annie:Caleb I have your tee(puts it in the night stand)Caleb(looks at him)Caleb(sits next to him)Caleb(shoves him)
(Annie looks at him shocked)
Annie:(shakes him)Caleb!(shakes him hard)Caleb!!(shakes him harder)Caleb!!!!!!(starts screaming)noo!!!!!(starts crying)Hayden!!!! Hayden!!!!!
(Hayden runs up)
Annie:(cries hard)he's not breathing(cries on Caleb)
Hayden:(tears up and hold her shoulders)Annie
Hayden:(hugs her)I'm so sorry Annie
Annie:he's gone!!!!(cries and lays her head on his chest)

*Flashback over*

Sydney:I still can't believe he's gone(stares into space)
Hayley:out of everyone in this miserable world he had to die(hugs Liv)
Luke:(hugging Sydney)he was my best friend, he will always be in my heart
Hayden:(holding Annie)hey(looks at Annie)I know is hard we are all going through it
Annie:(lifts up her head from his chest)don't you get it(looks at him)he was there for me every single second of the day(tears up)he was more than a brother, he was my person
Sydney:(goes up to Annie) I know is hard(holds Annie's hand and pulls her closer to her)he was also my person, he was the only person that really loved me for who I am


Sydney's POV
I was in my room watching a movie with Luke, when he gets a call, I paused the movie so he could hear. During the call his face changed into a surprised/sad face, his eyes got watery and went he hang up the phone, he released a tear. I got a feeling that I was something really bad, is kind of a twin thing.

Sydney:Luke what's wrong(goes up to him)
Luke:Syd I'm gonna tell you something (sits down) is not that easy
Sydney:(sits down)you know you can trust me(puts her hand on his shoulder)
Luke:ok um(looks down)Hayden called me and tolled me that...(voice cracks)
Sydney:tolled you what(starts getting worried)
Luke:(looks at Sydney and releases a tear)Annie found Caleb dead last night
Sydney:what(looks at him)your lying aren't you(tears up)
Luke: sadly no

I stood up and walked around my room and ended up on my desk with a picture of Caleb and I, with that all our memories came to mind and I broke down crying. Luke came and hugged me, but nothing could make me stop crying. I just lost the love of my life.

*End of Flashback*

Annie:(pulls away)everyone loved you for who you are Sydney, Caleb just loved you more, yes you lost your boyfriend, but I lost my brother(runs up to her room)
Sydney:Annie(tries to run after her)
Hayden:don't (stops her)she just needs some alone time
(Everyone looks down)

Annie's POV
I ran up to my room and looked in my cabinet one of Caleb's jerseys and a picture of him and I. I laid in my bed, hugging the jersey and picture and cried. Hours passed and I have received calls and txt from everyone but I just ignored them, I noticed that one of those txt that were sent was from Hayden he said "I know it's hard for you just know that I will always be there for you and that I will always love you", he really does know how to make me smile. I was just reading the message then I hear a knock on the door, I really didn't want to talk to anyone so I just sat in silence.

Hayley:(knocks) Annie please I know your there open up(leans against the door)
(Annie stays in silent)
Hayley:I know it's hard for you it's also hard for me he was also my brother(releases a tear)we are both feeling the same pain
Hayley:fine(looks down)I know your hurting we all are, but is best that we hurt together so we could bring each other up and be there for each other, but we can't do that if we are not all together
Hayley:ok fine(leaves)

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