Chapter 19

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"The start of the end"

*At the movies*

Jayden:that movie was awesome!!(jumps)
??:I know right(laughs)
Jayden:thanks for everything Harvey(looks at him in the eyes)for making this spring break one of the best ones yet
Harvey:anything to see you smile(smiles at her)
Jayden:(smiles)do you remember what also made me smile
Harvey:yes, binge watching Netflix, shopping, late walks on the beach, and(points to the mountains) hiking
Jayden:(grabas his hand)let's go(pulls him)
Harvey:anywhere you go I'll be there(smiles)


*At the park*

Saryna:(claps)five, six, seven, eight

Saryna's POV
Nationals is 2 weeks later and since we lost one of the best dancers ever, Connor and we also lost Jayden, we need to show her and the whole school that without her we're even better. I've been making the girls train harder everyday, 1 hour of stretching, 30 minutes of cardio, 5 hours of rehearsal.

I was watching the girls when I see that Tati fell out of her back tuck.

Saryna:Tati!!(screams)why can't you get it it's not that hard
Tati:Saryna I only fell once(puts her hands on her hips)
Saryna:well if you fall once again that will cost us our win at nationals and your spot on this team(crosses her hands)

Max's POV
I was walking around that park with Dianna for some uncle and niece bonding time, when I see Saryna and the dance team dancing,then I see her being kind of a bitch. I started walking towards them with Dianna by my side.

Max:hey what's going on here
Saryna:(looks at him then looks away)none of your business
Max:Dianna go with Tati
(Tati and Dianna leave)
Max:why are you like this
Saryna:like you care(looks at the girls)common those leaps has to be higher
Max:we're friends that's why I care
Saryna:oh we stopped being friends a long time ago(smirks)Lexi point your toes
Max:since when
Saryna:since you broke up with me
Max:but I thought(gets confused)
Saryna:(looks at him)well you thought wrong
Max:(gets annoyed)what the hell is wrong with you
Saryna:people like you are the reason why we have the middle finger(start walking away)
Max:what you being such a bitch
Saryna:(looks back at him)because bitches get things done

Connor's POV
I was with Kenneth at the ice cream shop, your probably asking why am I not at practice, well I quit after they kicked Jayden off the team. We got our ice creams and started walking to a table.

Kenneth:so how are you and Jayden doing
Connor:good(looks down)I think
Kenneth:really why?
Connor:I haven't seen her this whole week
Connor:okay I'm done(starts walking)

When I went to our table again I bumped into someone, I looked up and saw Caitlyn, my ex.

Caitlyn:Connor(smiles)long time no see
Connor:a really long time, hows life been treating you
Caitlyn:bittersweet(looks at him) I tried getting over you after I left but couldn't and just got heartbroken, but happy that I'm back
Connor:ohh I'm sorry
Caitlyn:it's okay(smiles)there's isn't such thing as a perfect life
Kenneth:so I see that old lovers reunited(looks at Caitlyn)good to see you Caitlyn
Caitlyn:good to see you too Kenneth
Kenneth:so I'm going to leave(looks at Connor)you can walk home
Caitlyn:don't worry I'll drive you(smiles)so we can catch up
Connor:why not
(Kenneth leaves)

We sat and started to talk about how life's been treating us, that's when I noticed that she had a ring on her finger a ring that I gave to her on our 7 month anniversary.

Connor:isn't that the(points to the ring)
Caitlyn:yeah(smiles)the 7 month ring
Connor:your still wearing it(smiles)
Caitlyn:of course(smiles) our love was real and so is this ring
Connor:of course it was true love
(They stare at each other's eyes)

*At night*

Jayden's POV
Harvey and I are riding our bicycles at the park, like we used to do when we were 14, now we're 17.

Jayden:(stops)I won!(dances)
Harvey:just because I let you win(laughs)
Jayden:yeah yeah, just accept that your a sore loser
Harvey:in your dreams(puts down the bike)
Jayden:(walks towards the lake)do you remember every stupid thing we used to do when we were younger(lays down)
Harvey:of course(lays next to her)I would help you escape from your house at night and we would lay under the stars like we are doing right now(smiles)
Jayden:(points to the starts)see those three stars
Jayden:those are a family(points to each star)that's you, Dianna, and I, a family the family I always wanted
Harvey:so did I since I found out you were pregnant(looks down)
Jayden:(turns so she's facing him)I wish you were there for it(looks at him in the eyes)to see Dianna be born
Harvey:(looks at her)I wish I was there too(holds her hand) but I'm here now and I'm not gonna leave


(Connor and Caitlyn laugh)
Caitlyn:fun times
Employee:we are closing
(They walk outside)
Caitlyn:I know this isn't a good question for me to ask but, are you in a relationship?
Connor:(looks at her)no
(They smile)

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