Chapter 10

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"Do I like him??"


Jayden's POV
It was finally Friday, yay, the dance team decided to go to the movies and have some fun in city walk.I was picking up my stuff and talking with Tati, when Connor makes his way to us.

Connor:so Jay do you need a ride today(looks at Jayden)
Jayden:well Tati was gonna...(gets interrupted)
Tati:yes Jayden does need a ride(leaves)
Jayden:well it looks like I do need a ride
(They laugh)
Connor:I have something to tell you and it's very hard for me to say
Jayden:what?(looks at him confused)

Then out of nowhere all our phones got a notification, we all looked and saw that a dancer committed suicide.

Saryna:oh my gosh
Jayden:I feel so bad
Tati:it says here she killed her self because her boyfriend treated her badly and one time hit her, that her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and made her loose all her friends
Jayden:(crosses her arms and rolls her eyes)that's why I don't date, because boys just want to break your heart and your personality
Connor:(looks down and whispers)not all boys

I heard what Connor said, does he like me? He is very nice, talented, always there helping me with everything I need, I can't help but stare into his dark brown eyes, I love touching his silky blonde hair, and seeing his white cheeks turn red when I compliment him.WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!!! do I like Connor, o hell no. God please you promised me no more boy drama, uhhh, maybe he is the one for you, shut up conscience.

I was walking down the school halls thinking about Connor, about dance, and about me. I was so distracted that I didn't notice where I was walking, that I bumped into someone.

Saryna:what the hell(sees that is Jayden)oh sorry Jayden I thought you were someone else
Jayden:it's ok(keeps walking)
Saryna:what's wrong(catches up to her)
Jayden:what do you do when(looks down) you like a boy, but you don't want anything to do with boys, because you already got heart broken once and don't want it to happen again
Saryna:ohh Jay(holds her hand)just because one boy hurt you doesn't mean another one will, maybe the boy you don't want to like is your soulmate(looks at her in the eyes)so don't give up on him Jay, just get to know him more
Jayden:thanks Saryna(hugs her)I can't believe you actually like me now(laughs)
Saryna:yeah(laughs)you are only my enemy in the dance floor
(They laugh)
Connor:(goes up to them)hey Jay do you want to get something to eat with me before we meet up with the others
Jayden:umm(stutters )
Saryna:of course she wants to go with you(pushes Jay to Connor)
Connor:(holds Jayden)okay
Saryna:bye guys(looks at Jayden)txt me the details(leaves)
(Jayden rolls her eyes)
Connor:(grabs Jayden's bag)let's go

We got on Connors car and had our karaoke session again, we arrived at my house, but we stayed in the car.

Connor:umm do you want to hang out before we meet up with the guys
Jayden:sure, let me get change, come in

I went up and got ready, then it hit me. Are we going on a date, or this is just a hang out as friends. I walked down and saw Connor talking with my mom.

Connor:hey(looks at Jayden)wow, you look beautiful
Jayden:thank you(blushes)when did you get here mom?
Mom:just like 5 minuets ago, Connor was telling me how he is taking my daughter on a date(smirks at Connor)
(Connor looks down embarrassed )
Jayden:really(smiles at Connor)
Connor:yeah(scratches his neck)
Jayden:well let's go(goes to her mom and kisses her cheek)love you mom
Mom:love you too(whispers in her ear)he can come over all the time he wants
(Jayden smiles and rolls his eyes)

Connors POV
I took Jayden to city walk, a famous place in LA, and walked all over the place. Jayden looked so happy and gorgeous, so I started taking some photos of her. I took her to the most beautiful place in city walk, the fountains. She stayed there looking at it with a big smile in her face, then I got an idea. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her with me into the fountain, she started pushing me away, but I just hold her tighter, she was getting away so I just picked her up married style and started walking in the fountain with her, she just hold on to me and started laughing, we didn't get wet. I walked out of the fountain with her and put her down and she stayed there with her head on my chest laughing, I hugged her and laughed along.

Jayden:oh my gosh I fricking thought I was gonna get wet
Connor:see you can trust me(looks at her eyes)
Jayden:(looks up at him)I can can't I

We started leaning in, but then we got interrupted by a flash, we look over and saw Tati taking a photo of us.

Tati:sorry I didn't see it had the flash on
(Jayden and Connor pull away)
Saryna:look what you did
Casey:let's just go and have fun

Jayden's POV
We went and saw a movie, during the movie I felt a hand over my hand, I look over and saw Connor holding my hand, I just smiled. We sat the whole movie holding hands, we got out of the movie theater, and we were still holding hands but hiding it from everyone.

Saryna:you guys(starts jumping)that movie was awesome
Tati:it was

They started talking, but Connor and I drifted from the group, we went over to a rose stand, and Connor bought a rose.

Connor:(gives the rose to Jayden)a rose is the most beautiful flower, and it deserves to be given to the most beautiful girl in the world(smiles)
Jayden:aww(blushes and smiles)thank you
Connor:anything for you(smiles)

When I didn't expect it Connor kissed me, I just hold on to his cheek and kissed back, want the truth I loved it. We pulled away and smiled at each other and started walking away holding hands.

Saryna's POV
Do they actually think that I didn't notice them walking away holding hands, they are so stupid if they think I didn't see them. They are so cute together and I'm gonna get them together, I'm sure Tati would want to help...

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