Chapter 6

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"Nothing is gonna break us"


Annie's POV
What we had was magical, our little world.We had friends, but we had a bond that no one could ever break, but someone did break it, he did, well let's say the truth, we broke that bond.


Annie's POV
It was the very last day of summer, yes I'm depressed.Im starting high school tomorrow, Sydney has to be homeschooled because she takes gymnastics, I quitted last summer, and I'm not very good at making friends, at least I have Hayden and Caleb.I was watching Netflix, when Hayden came barging in my room.

Hayden:hellow Annikan
Annie:(laughs)hellow Haybæ
Hayden:new nick name(smirks)I like it
Annie:(rolls her eyes)what are you doing here
Hayden:I'm sleeping over(throws his stuff in the floor)
Annie:couldn't you call or let me ask for permission
Hayden:do you have to when it comes to me(jumps on the bed)
(They laugh)
Hayden:don't be nervous (looks at her in the eyes)
Annie:what nervous, I'm not nervous (play with her hair)
Hayden:Annie I've known you for like ever, I know when you don't like someone by your breath(puts his hand over Annie's)stop being nervous everything is gonna be fine
Hayden:so( stands up and pulls Annie towards him)let's dance(puts his body closer to Annie's)
Annie:your crazy, their is not even music playing(giggles)
Hayden:the music is in our body
Annie:(laughs and puts her head on his chest)your such a dork
Hayden:that's why you love me

We stayed there slow dancing for like 30 minuets, it felt magical. I could feel the wind passing through my body, I could hear birds chirping, and I could feel Haydens body against mine, this was the closest we have been ever, I was so happy with him.We went down and eat, watched a movie with the family, but we wanted to spend time on our own so we went back up stairs to my room. We were watching the Vampire Diaries on Netflix, also is Haydens first time watching it, and aunt Jenna died and I broke down crying.Hayden paused the show and he looked at me confused.

Annie:why(covers her face)
Hayden:why are you crying, everybody dies in a vampire show
Annie:(looks at him mad)you know what don't talk to me(gets up from the bed and goes to her closet)
Annie:I said don't talk to me
Hayden:ok so I'll just play it
Annie:what(runs)no(jumps on him)you won't
Hayden:(laughs)fine I won't
Annie:(smiles and looks at his eyes)promise me nothing will ever come between us, no one will ever separate us, that  we will always be Hannie
Hayden:(pulls Annie closer to him)you know nothing will ever come between us
(Annie puts her head on his neck)
Hayden:(holds Annie)Annie your are my best friend, and you know I love you more than that, my feelings for you will never go away(kisses her four head) I promise nothing will come between us that we will always be Hannie(smiles)
(Smiles back)

With that we fell asleep in each others arms.I love when I fall asleep in his arms it makes me feel safe.We wake up the next day and got ready for school, I was doing my makeup when Hayden comes behind me and hugs me by my shoulders and puts his face in my neck.

Hayden:why do you even put makeup you don't need it
Annie:oh yes I do, have you see my face
Hayden:yes I have(kisses her cheek) and I love that face, the face that made me fall in love
Annie:(looks down and smiles)your such a dork honestly
Hayden:a dork that you love(smirks at Annie)
Annie:(stands up)yeah(kisses his cheek) a dork that I love( walks away)

I got dressed and we went down and sat to eat breakfast.

Caleb:so Hayden when are you gonna come and have a sleepover with me not my sister
Billy:(spits out his drink)what(looks at Katie)they had a sleepover last night
Katie:yeah since they always have sleepover why stop now
Billy:well the hormones (looks at Katie scared)
(Annie starts choking on her cereal and Hayden pats her)
Katie:you okay sweetie
Annie:yeah(drinks water)
Hayley:ok um Caleb I think is time you drive us to school

We got in Caleb's car, Hayley got shotgun so Hayden and I went in the backseat and held hands, we always do this kind of stuff when one of us is nervous.We dropped Hayley of at elementary school and we drove to the high school.We soon get there and literally Hayden and Caleb had to drag me out of the car.Caleb already knew everything since he is a junior, Hayden and I got our schedule and our looker combinations.

Hayden:(looks at the schedule)ok so we have 6 classes together and only one class without each other
Annie:why couldn't we have all of the classes together(rest herself against Hayden)
Hayden:is just life Annikan(hugs her)
Annie:and our lockers are so far away I'm #590 and your #593
Hayden:are you kidding right(smiles)
Annie:is to far(giggles)
Hayden:your so cute(kisses her cheek and puts his arm around her)let's go to math

We walked to math together and we obviously sat together.We were talking when two girls sat in front of us and looked back at Hayden winking at him.Who do these girls think they are. Hayden just looked at them weird and put his arm around me, then I feel someone tap my shoulder.

??:I'm sorry about them, they are just the flirts of the school, I'm Liv
Annie:I'm Annie and this is Hayden
Hayden:who are this girls
Liv:Mia and Arden, they think that they are the cutest girls out there
Hayden:they are totally not(looks at Annie)my girl is
(Annie looks down blushing)
Liv:aww this is cute, are you guys dating
Annie:no(looks down)but we do like each other
Liv:then why don't you get together
Hayden:we don't want to ruin our friendship
Liv:you two sound extremely nice and by the looks of it you Love each other, I know I just met you today but ask someone who has known you for a long time and ask them if you think you two should get together

Neither Hayden or I could say anything because the class started.I spent the whole day thinking about it, should Hayden and I get together, or will it just ruin everything we have.Was Liv right?

*End of Flashback*

When you love someone the way I loved him, you would do anything for them to be happy, even if that meant ruining your happiness.In my dreams you're with me, we'll be everything I want us to be, I want us to be together.Our hands always intertwined slowly, but never separated.Like I've said I would give anything to go back to those times.

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