Chapter 3

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"Annie meets Hayden"

Annie's POV

Even though he made me suffer, he also made me the happiest girl in the world.The way we met wasn't like in the movies, in a magical way, but the way we instantly clicked made it magical.When I tell you we were kids when we fell in love, I'm not lying we were only 6.Sometimes I wish I could go back and re live that moment.


Annie's POV

My family organized a little get together with the Herz family, the Herz family is our life long friends, their daughter Sydney takes gymnastics with me, and her twin brother Luke takes baseball with my brother Caleb.We always had a great bond, especially Caleb and Sydney.We were in the trampoline doing some flips when I see my dad talking to a random guy, behind him there was a family.We all started looking at them, then I noticed there was this little boy, that was really cute, wait what are you talking about Annie your only six years old.Soon my dad called all of us.

Billy:Jimmy this are my kids Caleb and Annie, say hi kids
Jimmy:hi this is my youngest Hayden
Caleb:this are our friends Sydney and Luke
The twins:hi
Hayden:hi(hides behind Jimmy)
Annie:(gets closer to him)do you want to go in the lake with us
Hayden:I don't know if I can
Annie:(goes to Jimmy)escuece me Mr.Jimmy
Jimmy:yes sweetie (looks at her and smiles)
Annie:can Hayden come with us in the lake
Jimmy:of course he can sweetie
Hayden:thanks dad(smiles)
Annie:(holds Haydens hand)let's go
(They run to the lake holding hands)
Ms.Katie:looks like he already has friends
Trisha:yeah he was scared, because he had to leave his home town and moved to a place he never visited and had to go to a new school and for him is really hard making friends
Ms.Katie:he'll be ok, he is in the same grade as Annie and she will help him
Jimmy:that's good and I think they will get along pretty well
(They all look at Annie and Hayden holding hands)
Trisha:I have a feeling that they are gonna end up together(smiles)
Billy:I have that feeling too


Annie:here(hands him a life jacket)we have to wear them for our safety
Hayden:ok(puts it on)
Luke:I'm going first(runs and jumps in the water)it's so cold!!
(Everyone laughs)
Sydney:now I'm not going in(starts walking away)
Caleb:oh yes you are
Sydney:what are you talking about?(looks at him confused)

Caleb picked Sydney up and jumped in the water with her, we all just laughed.I looked at Hayden and he was so thoughtful.

Annie:what's wrong
Hayden:is just that I didn't think I would make friends this fast, since I recently moved here and I'm kinda an outsider
Annie:it's ok for what I heard you and me are in the same grade and I think they are going to put you in the same school as me
Hayden:at least I have a you as friend(smiles at her)
Annie:you'll make more(smiles at him)
Hayden:but why if I only want you to be my only friend, so I could only spend time with you
(Thy smile at each other)
Luke:you guys coming in or what
Annie:yeah(holds Haydens hand)one

We had so much fun, Sydney and I teached Hayden how to do a flip.We did a barbecue, we took showers and we were gonna watch a movie.

Billy:what movie do you want to watch
Annie:(sits next to Hayden)let's watch Finding Nemo

During the movie I felt a hand over mine, I looked at my hand and saw that Hayden had his hand on top of mine, I think he didn't noticed.I just looked back at the movie and smiled.

Hayden:if you don't like it just tell me(looks at Annie)
Annie:who said I didn't like it(smiles at him)I do like it(interlocks her fingers with his)
Hayden:(smiles at her)you look pretty
Annie:that's a lie
Hayden:I don't lie(smile at her)

After that we kept our hands like that all day long, our parents noticed but didn't say anything.This day was the best day ever.

*Flashback over*

Who thought that young love was just a dumb love.He made me so happy that day, we spent everyday together.He went to all my gymnastics meets, I went to his baseball games.Our little relationship was kinda our little world where we would just escape from the world, but not from each other.He constantly gave me chocolate, presents, and flowers, he would say everyday that I was pretty.One time for my ninth birthday he dressed up as a clown for me.He would do anything to see me smile, but he also made me cry.

Sometimes I wish that having a relationship with him was only just a dream, because now we are not friends, our families no longer talk to each other, and if I never got together with him we could still be the close friends we were.My family is disappointed in me, Sydney moved away, the only person there for me was Hayden and now he's gone.I wish I could go back and undo all of this, but I'll just have to stay and face my mistake.I'll have to accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair.

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