Chapter 11

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"We are never gonna have a happy ending"


Mackenzie's POV
It's been 2 months since I've been hanging out with Johnny, we are closer than ever I'm basically everyday in his house since I'm still fighting with Maddie and mom always takes Maddie's side. Brynn has been a little to distracted and I don't know why. Maddie has been keeping her distance from me because she still thinks that Johnny is bad for me, her friends are also very bitchy. Lauren and I became so but so close, she is literally my ride or die she is my best friend, yes Brynn is also my best friend but you can have more than one best friend right.

I was getting my finishing touches done and walked downstairs to eat breakfast and that's when I found my mom and sister eating breakfast.

Melissa:Kenzie we need to talk to you(puts her coffee down)
Mackenzie:(grabs a granola bar)about?(sits in a chair)
Maddie:about you and Johnny(looks at her worried)
Mackenzie:really Maddie again(rolls her eyes)why can you ever let me be happy!!
Melissa:don't talk like that to your sister!
Mackenzie:of course you take her side because she is your favorite(gets mad)
Melissa:I don't have favorites okay!
Mackenzie:yeah sure(rolls her eyes)
Melissa:(hits the table)you don't roll your eyes at me missy
(Mackenzie gets scared)
Melissa:first of all you are not allowed to have a boyfriend
Maddie:and second of all he is a bad influence on you
Mackenzie:(stands up)ok first of all he is not my boyfriend he is just my friend, second of all he is not a bad influence how  do I have to tell you so your stupid brain gets it and third of all nobody asked for your opinion(points at Maddie)
Melissa:Mackenzie Frances Ziegler!!!!(screams)you talk to your sister in that way again and their will be consequences
Maddie:you never talked like that to me it all started when you started talking to Johnny
Mackenzie:no Maddie I just want to be heard!
Melissa:(points at Mackenzie)you are not allowed to talk to him
Melissa:end of discussion!
Mackenzie:no(grabs her bag)I talk to the people I want I pick my friends and Johnny is my friend or even boyfriend if you want to call him that but guess why I'm not gonna stop talking to him(leaves and slams the door)
Melissa:that girl when she comes back will hear me out

I was so mad that I didn't even care about anything, I was at school when I see the Orlando standing in front of me.

Johnny:well hellow miss grouchy pants
Lauren:Johnny(elbows him)
Mackenzie:(giggles)hey guys
Lauren:what's wrong(hugs her)it's everything okay
Mackenzie:yeah it's just some family things(fake smiles)
Johnny:look I got to got to gym but you should come after school to our house
Johnny:common(pick Mackenzie up in his shoulders)let me hear that laugh before I go
Mackenzie:(laughs)there you go(laughs)
Johnny:(puts Mackenzie down)that's better(smiles)bye
(Johnny leaves)
Lauren:ok(grabs Mackenzie's hand and pulls her to the girls bathroom)tell me the real reason why you were mad
Mackenzie:my mom and sister want me to stop hanging out with Johnny because they think that he is a bad influence but he is not and I said that I won't stop talking to him(puts her head down)but now that I said that I know that I'm not gonna have it easy at home
Lauren:oh Kenz(hugs her)you know you can always count on me right(holds her hands)you are my only true friend and I know that I can call you a best friend
Mackenzie:(pulls her into a hug)thanks Lauren, you are a good best friend
Lauren:I know(smiles)
(They giggle)
Brynn:umm hi
Mackenzie:(turns around)oh hey Brynn
Brynn:hi(walks over to them)
Lauren:well I should get going I have math, see you later
Mackenzie:yeah(They hug)
(Lauren leaves)
Brynn:you are a good best friend(crosses her arms)
Mackenzie:are you jealous
Brynn:no I'm just mad that your making me think that I'm your best friend when you obviously love somebody better as a best friend
Mackenzie:oh Brynny(hugs her)you guys are both my best friends
Mackenzie:common smile(makes her smile with her hands)you are the reason I smile
Brynn:(smile)you and your cheesy words
Mackenzie:(laughs)but you love them
Brynn:(laughs)umm why is your sister so mad
Mackenzie:just some stuff going around in the house

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