Chapter 8

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"Meeting the Orlando's"

{Now I won't put storylines before the Flashback I'm just gonna go straight to the Flashback}


Mackenzie's POV
I walked straight to my locker, because I'm still not on talking terms with Brynn. Brynn and I have been best friends since pre school and for her to take my sisters side on something that's not even true made me angry. I was looking for my history book, when someone closes my locker really hard, that made me jump and I was terrified to look who it was. When I looked at who it was I see Johnny giggling.

Mackenzie:(lightly shoves Johnny)you scared the crap out of me
Johnny:sorry but it was funny
Mackenzie:(looks in her locker mad)no it wasn't
Johnny:wait are you actually mad(looks at her worried)
Mackenzie:(closes the locker hard)what do you think(leaves)
Johnny:ok I deserved that(runs after her)Kenz wait up

I was walking away from Johnny when I hear him calling me, but I just ignored him, but then I feel some strong hands go around my waist and lift me of the floor. I looked back and saw Johnny carrying me somewhere.

Mackenzie:John put me down(laughs)please
Johnny:see(puts Mackenzie down)so did you had fun at the park last weekend
Mackenzie:yes I did(smiles at him)did you
Johnny:yes I did(smiles at her)that was some crazy ice cream fight
Mackenzie:it was(laughs)
Johnny:so I thought about this really hard and I wanted to invite you to my house
Mackenzie:ohh(smirks)I'll have to think about it
Johnny:ohh(looks down)
Mackenzie:(waits a couple of seconds) okay I'll go(walks away)
Johnny:(smiles and laughs)you are crazy Kenzie(walks to his class)

I walked into History happy, but then I saw Brynn next to my seat, ohh I forgot we sit next to each other. I went and sat down next to her, but didn't say anything.

Brynn:Kenzie can I talk with you
(Mackenzie ignores her)
Brynn:Kenzie(looks at her)
(Mackenzie keeps ignoring her)
Brynn:common Kenzie we are Brynn and Kenzie we are BRYNZIE, best friends since pre school, I know that when you are nervous you play with your fingers and I know that when your sad you bite you lip, we can't just stop talking to each other(puts her hand on Kenzie's shoulder)I'm sorry okay I should've taken your side
Mackenzie:(looks back at her)no I'm sorry(hugs her)I shouldn't have let anything come between us especially a boy, I missed you
Brynn:me too(smiles and pulls away)we should hang out or have another of our BRYNZIE sleep overs
Mackenzie:(laughs)yeah but maybe tomorrow because I'm hanging out with Johnny today
Brynn:oh right the boyfriend(rolls her eyes)
Mackenzie:he is not my boyfriend, we are just friends in fact I'm his only friend and he is happy, I won't le him be miserable anymore, so(holds her hand) stop being jealous okay
(They hug)
Mackenzie:Brynzie is back!!!(smiles)
Brynn:it is(smiles)

Me and Brynn became bffs again and I'm so happy. I was telling Johnny about it at lunch and he was happy for me, but I still can't find that feeling that's driving me crazy, like I'm missing something or someone.

Johnny's POV
So I decided to take Kenzie to my house because my mom has been asking my to bring her and my sisters are crazy to meet her, so why not. We enter my house and put our stuff in my room, then I take Kenzie to meet my family.

Johnny:guys I'm home(walks in the kitchen) and I brought Mackenzie with me
Darian:(foods fall out of her mouth)you brought a girl
(Mackenzie laughs)
Meredith:Darian don't be mean to your brother
Darian:sorry I just wasn't expecting that
(Johnny rolls his eyes)
Meredith:hi honey I'm Meredith but you can call me Mer(shakes Mackenzie's hand)
Mackenzie:hi I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Kenzie or Kenz
Lauren:(hugs her) hi I'm Lauren and I know we are gonna be great friends

We eat together and I can see that Mackenzie is having a great time, my family loves her and her and Lauren made a connection, they became like best friends. I was eating when my mom said something I never thought she say.

Meredith:you know Kenzie I'm happy that your in Johnny's life because I haven't seen that smile since his father left us

Mackenzie's POV
I look up shocked at what Mer said to me, I can see in Lauren, Darian and Maddie's face that their father leaving them was a strong subject for them, but when I look at Johnny he looks broken. He wanted to cry I knew it, but her ran up stairs.

Maddie:mom you know that's a strong subject especially for Johnny
Meredith:oh I forgot(looks down)
Lauren:maybe you can do something about it Kenzie
Mackenzie:maybe( runs up stairs)

I ran up stairs to Johnny's room and saw him sitting in his bed staring into space. I sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder, with that he did something I never thought he do. He cried, he cried in my arms, I just hold on the him.

Mackenzie:I'm so sorry John(holds him) I'm sorry
Johnny:(looks back at Mackenzie) he was my role model Kenz, but when he left us he broke me, that's because I'm mean
Mackenzie:I know it's hard John, but that's his fault not yours(makes him look at her) his actions doesn't have to affect your personality(puts her forehead against his) your strong John and I know that he will one day come back and say sorry
Johnny:(hugs her)thanks Kenz for everything
Mackenzie:you will always have me

We stared into each other's eyes for like hours, but then we started leaning in and soon I felt his soft lips brushing against mines. The kiss was not rushed that's what I liked about it, it was soft and magical. We pull apart and just smile at each other. That was my first kiss and I don't regret it.

Johnny:(looks away)we should head down before everyone starts worrying
Mackenzie:yeah(looks away)

We walked down and had more fun, but I can't stop thinking about that kiss...

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