Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"The lost of a friend"

*2 months later*

Mackenzie's POV
I was at the Orlando's house, Lauren was FaceTiming this guy she met on instagram, while Johnny and I cuddle watching a movie, I had my hand and head  on his chest, while his arms were around me and his head was leaning against mine.

Mackenzie:it was a great movie
Mackenzie:babe(looks at him)you know that you told me that you don't want anyone other than our families to know that we are dating
Johnny:yeah(looks at the tv)
Mackenzie:when can I tell Brynn(looks at him in the eyes)remember she is my best friend
Johnny:(looks at Kenzie then back at the tv)Lauren your other best friend knows we don't need another one knowing
Mackenzie:common she is your sister she doesn't count
Johnny:well(looks at her)I don't think she is 100% on my team she likes you with Brandon
Mackenzie:she knows I don't like Brandon and she'll want me to pick my happiness
Johnny:(thinks)just do what makes you happy
Mackenzie:(jumps on him)thank you thank you thank you(kisses his face)
Johnny:(smiles)you missed
Mackenzie:(smirks)true(kisses him)

*the next day*

Today I was gonna tell Brynn about everything and I'll know that she will be happy for me. I was walking around school when Brandon grabs my hand.

Mackenzie:what are you doing
Brandon:I'm holding hands with my girlfriend(smiles)
Mackenzie:we are not dating(pulls her hand)Brandon I'm taken by someone else
Brandon:well that's awkward(looks down)who is the lucky guy
Mackenzie:Johnny(looks at him)
Brandon:(looks at her in the eyes)when I first met you Kenzie you were the girl of my dreams, you are the perfect girl, the girl every boy dreams of having, you are extremely talented, I love you Kenz
Mackenzie:(looks down)Brandon...
Brandon:but I also care about you, I wanted us to be something more than friends, but if your happiness is with him then let it be, if your happy I'm happy(smiles)
Mackenzie:(smiles and hugs him)thanks for understanding
Brandon:of course

After Brandon left I started walking to the girls bathroom, I entered and I heard someone crying.

Mackenzie:(walks to the stall)hellow are you okay(opens)Brynn(hugs her)what's wrong
Brynn:(cries)I'm heart broken
Brynn:you know that during that time that you and Johnny stopped talking
Mackenzie:yeah(gets confused)
Brynn:well during that time Kendall threw a party, you were stuck babysitting your cousin, well I went to the party and had fun(looks down)but I got tired I went to one of the bedrooms and in one of them was Johnny, we talked and had sex

When she said that my heart broke, my best friend and boyfriend had sex.

Mackenzie:(holds her tears)you guys what
Brynn:we had sex(looks at her)and I'm sorry I don't tell you is just something I didn't want anyone to know
Mackenzie:is okay(looks at her)but why are you crying
Brynn:because I found out he is dating this other girl(looks at her in the eyes)and I love him(cries)
(Mackenzie starts crying)
Brynn:why are you crying
Mackenzie:because(looks at her in the eyes)because I'm dating Johnny
Brynn:(looks at her)what(puts her head on her hands)


Mackenzie's POV
Me and Johnny were cuddling when he looks at me.

Johnny:have you ever thought about having sex
Mackenzie:(looks at him)yeah, I mean I want to but I want to do it with someone I love
Johnny:(holds her hands)do you love me?
Mackenzie:of course I do(sits on him)do you?
Johnny:I do(kisses her)but I'll only do it if I want to
Mackenzie:I do want to(looks at him in the eyes)loose my virginity with someone I love is the best thing in the world
Johnny:and I want to loose mine with you too(smiles)
Mackenzie:so let it be(kisses him)

With that our kiss went further and we lost our virginity.

*End of Flashback*

I can't believe he lied to me. I looked at Brynn one more time and ran out of the bathroom with the tears falling from my eyes fast. Brandon and other of my friends were calling me but I just ignored them. The I bumped into someone, I look up and saw Johnny and Lauren, they both of me looked at me worried. When I looked at Johnny all I saw was betrayal and sadness, but also love, I slapped him and Lauren was shocked.

Johnny:(looks at Mackenzie)babe why did you slap me
Mackenzie:don't babe me(looks at him in the eyes)I can't believe you(cries)
Johnny:(hugs her)what are you talking about
Mackenzie:(pushes him off)don't touch me
Lauren:Kenz whats wrong(holds her)
Mackenzie:(looks at Lauren)you know whats wrong Lauren(looks at Johnny discussed) while me and your brother didn't talk he hooked up with my best friend and had sex, and the fact that when you and I had sex you told me you were a virgin
Orlandos:what(looks at her shocked)
Lauren:is that true John
Johnny:no of course not Laur you know me
Mackenzie:(still staring at Johnny)don't believe him Laur even though he is your brother he is still a two faced backstabbing liar
Johnny:(holds Mackenzie's hands)you know that I love you and I would never do that
Mackenzie:then why did  Brynn say that
Johnny:I don't know maybe she lied
Mackenzie:she's never lied to me she tolled me you went to Kendall's party and had sex
Lauren:Kenz I want the best for you, but my brother never went anywhere during that time he was always at the house
Mackenzie:(looks at them)then who is lying (gets stressed)
Brynn:(goes to them)looks like you told her the truth
Johnny:of course I did(looks at her mad)I never slept with you first I'll die
Mackenzie:Brynn did you lie to me
Brynn:(looks at Mackenzie)yes I lied
Mackenzie:but why(looks at her confused)
Brynn:why,because I like Johnny since I first met him when he bumped into you, but like always he picked you like everyone else, two months ago when  you went over again to his house I followed you and saw that you guys were dating and I hated that(looks at her in the eyes)like I hate you
(Mackenzie looks at her sad)
Brynn:I wanted you to pay so I made that story up
Mackenzie:but what about our years of friendship
Brynn:it all went to hell(leaves)bye Mackenzie

I saw as Brynn left and my tears started falling, I just lost my life long friend.

(Lauren and Johnny hug her)
Lauren:don't worry we'll be there for you
Johnny:(holds her hand)always
(Mackenzie holds on to them)

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