Chapter 25

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"We're over"

Jayden's POV
I was mad like really mad, I know I was cheating too but I never had sex with Harvey when I was still with Connor, I was planning to give him another chance because I loved him and let Harvey go, but I made the wrong choice.

I go up to him mad and boy did he looked scared.

Connor:hey what's wrong(looks at her scared)
Jayden:(slaps him) your such a dick
(Everyone's looks)
Connor:common(pulls her to a corner)
(Everyone's still hears)
Connor:what the hell Jayden
Jayden:don't play stupid with me Connor I know everything about Caitlyn(looks at him mad)
Connor:(gets nervous)yes she is my ex girlfriend she moved
Jayden:your such a liar(looks at him mad)your still lying to me when yet your meeting up with her over a month, you started a relationship with her and had sex and yet she is still not here she moved?!(says it loud)
Connor:keep you voice down!!(holds her arm)
Jayden:what you don't want to anyone to know that(says it loud)you cheated on me!!!
(Everyone whispers)
Jayden:opps(rolls her eyes)
Connor:(looks at her)yes I did cheat on you, but it was a mistake I didn't know what I was doing
Jayden:I'm pretty sure you know what you were doing, is not that hard to tell a girl you have a girlfriend and you can't have sex with her(crosses her hands)
Connor:you know why I was doing this
Jayden:(sarcastically laughs)and why is that
Connor:don't you think that is hard to see your girlfriend flirting or spending a lot of time whit her ex that is the dad of her daughter that she had hidden from me for months!!(screams)didn't you think what I was feeling Jayden!!
Jayden:it was for Dianna(looks at him nervous)
Connor:but you guys have a connection, you guys have a past and even though I try anything it's still gonna be there, you have a daughter with him that's a thing that will always have you guys connected(looks at her)you look at him in a way that I can't describe and I wished you looked at me like that, Jayden he was your first love, you couldn't forget him that fast is not that easy
(Jayden looks down)
Connor:now tell me, what do you feel towards Harvey
Jayden:(keeps looking down)I love him, he is my first love and I still love him(looks at him)that's why I'm dating him
Connor:then why are you mad that I cheated on you when you were doing the same
Jayden:I don't know, it's because I did love you too
Connor:it's okay to love us both, but he is your true love
Jayden:I think is best that we go our own ways
Connor:yeah it's better
Jayden:goodbye Connor(leaves)
Connor:goodbye Jayden(sees her leave)

Connor's POV
As I saw Jayden walking away I see Caitlyn leaning against a looker looking at me mad, she shakes her head and started walking away, she heard. I ran after her, when I got to her I turned her and saw that she was crying.

Connor:Cait I can explain
Caitlyn:I think everything is perfectly explained, I was just the other one, your were cheating on a girl with me, and I thought you loved me that what Saryna said was just a lie(looks at him sad/mad)but she was right
Connor:I did love you(starts crying)
Caitlyn:I don't believe you(shakes her head)don't ever talk to me again(leaves)

I just got broken up today twice, I feel like shit.

Jayden's POV
I was at my lunch table waiting for everyone, but I just couldn't help think about how Connor was gonna tell Caitlyn everything, but I don't care. Harvey sat next to me and I grabbed his face and kissed him, but he pulled away.

Harvey:Jay we're in public
Jayden:I don't care I am officially only yours
Harvey:did you?
Jayden:(smiles)I did
(They kiss)

I pull apart and see Connor looking at us and sat in another table, all alone.

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