Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"I never stopped loving you"

*2 weeks later*

Connor's POV
It's been 2 weeks since I've met Dianna and I love her with all my heart, she is so cute and nice, I would love if she calls me daddy but she already has a dad, and that's Harvey. Him and I have not been in the best circumstances, we don't fight but I see that he gets jealous when I'm with Dianna and Jayden, of course Jayden was his first love and Dianna is his daughter, but they are mine now.

(Dianna, Jayden, and Connor are walking in the park)

Dianna:(holding Connor's hand)so what are we doing today
Jayden:I don't know, ask you daddy(looks at Connor and smiles)
(Connor smiles)
Dianna:but daddy is not here(looks at Jayden confused)
Connor:(smile fades)we are gonna eat ice cream

We walked to the ice cream shop and saw Max & Harvey, Dianna ran towards Harvey and hugged him, not gonna lie I got jealous.

Dianna:I missed you daddy(hugs him)
Harvey:(picked her up)I missed you too
Max:(kisses her cheek)hi princess
Jayden:what are you guys doing here
Max:we were walking around the mall and decided to eat ice cream before we left
Dianna:let's eat all together like a family
(Everyone look at each other)
Dianna:mommy daddy let's go(grabs Harvey and Jayden's hand)I scream for ice cream
(Everyone laughs)

We got our ice creams and sat in a big table, I was sitting next to Jayden, Dianna in the middle of Jayden and Harvey, and Max next to his brother. Dianna and Harvey were having so much fun and I got jealous.

Jayden:hey(looks at Connor)you okay
Connor:yeah(puts his arm around Jayden)just that I want Dianna to call me Dad, but she won't because she already has one
Jayden:she'll get to it(holds his hand)just give it time
Connor:okay(smiles)I love you
Jayden:love you too(they kiss)
Dianna:mommy why are you and Connor kissing
Jayden:sweetie because he is my boyfriend
Dianna:but I thought my daddy was you boyfriend
(Harvey looks shocked)
Jayden:(looks at Harvey)no sweetie he was my boyfriend now we are just friends, Connor is my boyfriend your second daddy
Harvey:yeah princess(puts Dianna in his lap)but I'm your real daddy
(Connor rolls his eyes)

*The next day*

Jayden's POV
Today I had dance class, I walked up to the guys and the teacher came up to the group.

Teacher:guys today we are dancing in front of the school in the gym
Teacher:we are gonna have a competition to see who is the best dancer and at the end we are gonna see who is gonna be the lead of the new group dance
Saryna:but I thought I was the leader so I'm gonna be the lead(crosses her hands)
Teacher:you are but we need other people to be showcased, if you win you will keep being the lead
Saryna:uhh(shakes her head)
Teacher:let's go

We went to the gym and saw everyone from the school, then I saw Harvey giving me a thumbs up and I just smiled. We danced till their was only two dancers standing and those dancer were Saryna and I.

Teacher:give it up for the last two dancers standing Jayden and Saryna
(Everyone claps)
Teacher:girls your going to dance to Sensai
Jayden:Saryna I just want to say...
Saryna:you know that I love you Jay but I just need to concentrate and beat you
Jayden:(looks at her weird)okay

We started dancing and I gave it all I had, even thought Saryna was my friend I wanted to get the lead, because when Dianna grows up I'm gonna tell her all these stories so she can see how her mother was in high school. When we finished dancing everyone clapped.

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