Chapter 20

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"The start of the end"

(Johnny rings the doorbell of the Ziegler house)
Mackenzie:(opens)hey John(smiles)
Mackenzie:what are you doing here(looks at him confused)did we have a date that I forgot about
Johnny:no I just came here to see my lovely girlfriend
Mackenzie:(smiles)aww your so sweet
Johnny:and I also brought her something (pulls out a bouquet of roses) roses are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you(give her the roses)
Mackenzie:aww(takes the flowers)thank you(kisses his cheek)
Johnny:you missed(pulls her by the waist)
Mackenzie:(kisses him in the lips)how about now

*3 months later*

Johnny's POV
I walked into school with my head up high, I'm still a bad boy to everyone, they don't mess with me or anyone that I love. Everyone knows that me and Kenzie are dating, and that is good because now everyone knows not to get close to her. I was at my locker when I heard two girls talking talking about Kenzie.

Nadia:I can't believe Mackenzie cheated on Johnny (shakes head)
Sophia:yeah having sex with your best friend, that's a bitchy thing to do
Nadia:now the good girl broke the bad boys heart

Kenzie cheated on me with her best friend, it can't be Lauren so it has to be Brandon. Oh she is gonna hear me out.

Mackenzie's POV
I was talking with Lauren at her locker when I see John making his way to us mad.

Mackenzie:hey babe what's wrong with you(looks at him concerned)
Johnny:what's wrong with me(pushes her to the lockers and pushes himself on top of her)what's wrong with you
Lauren:Johnny Vicent Orlando(pushes him of Mackenzie)what the fuck is wrong with you(gets mad)
Johnny:Lauren leave I have to talk to Mackenzie
(Mackenzie is scared)
Lauren:no, your acting like a dumbass and I'm not gonna leave you here with her when you can hurt her
Johnny:leave now or I'll make you suffer, don't forget I can because I'm your brother
Mackenzie:is okay you can leave(looks at Lauren)
Johnny:now leave
(Lauren leaves)
Mackenzie:(looks at him)can you please tell me what's wrong with you
Johnny:what's wrong (backs always from her)I just heard two girls talking about you, saying that you cheated on me with your best friend Brandon
Mackenzie:what?!!(looks at him)is just a rumor (hold his cheeks)I would never cheat on you, I love you
Johnny:(takes her hands off him)it better be because if it was real(gets in her face)you would be dead
(Mackenzie gets scared)
Lauren:(pulls him away)ok that's enough (looks at him the eyes)get out of here now
Johnny:(rolls his eyes)looks like someone is on their period

Johnny left and after he left I broke down, I started balling my eyes out. Lauren hold me in her arms, she is a really good friend.  Then I person I never wanted to see made their way to us.

Brynn:what did I miss
Lauren:an invitation(looks at her mad)
Brynn:I didn't ask you
Lauren:I don't care, your are not her friend anymore, you are a a backstabbing two faced lying little bitch, so now is better if you leave
Brynn:(looks at her mad)fine(looks at Mackenzie)she'll never be like me, after all you now that I was a better best friend then she will ever be(leaves)
Lauren:(hugs Mackenzie)don't listen to her, you have me

*1 month later*

*at the Ziegler's house*

Mackenzie's POV
During this month I've been weird, my reasons for smiling have been gone. My smile is something that a lot of people haven't seen in a long time. Everything's fine Lauren and I are closer then ever, Maddie has been nice to me, I haven't talk to Brynn, my mom is paying attention to me, and with Johnny everything is fine, we love each other more than ever. He bought me a puppy last week, so now Maliboo has a friend. Everything is fine but I don't know why I don't want to smile.

Maddie:(enters Mackenzie room)hey can we talk
Mackenzie:(takes the covers off)yeah
Maddie:(sits on the bed)are you okay
Mackenzie:yeah why wouldn't I be(sits up)
Maddie:well(looks at her)it's just that since you started dating Johnny your not the same
Mackenzie:what do you mean(looks at her confused)
Maddie:you quit dance and singing, that's your passion, you and Brynn are not friends anymore and it's because of Johnny
Mackenzie:Mads(shakes head)
Maddie:(interrupts her)no, your not your goofy self, your not that quirky girl anymore, you don't have your bitchy side coming at me every single second of the day, Kenzie your not smiling(looks at her with watery eyes)is really hard to see you in this much pain
Mackenzie:(looks down then at Maddie)Johnny has nothing to do with this
Mackenzie:no you want to see me happy then let me be happy, Johnny is the only thing that makes me happy so if your gonna keep talking shit about my boyfriend please leave(points to the door)
Maddie:(walks to the door)I just want you to be you again(leaves)

*The Orlando house*

Lauren:(knocks on Johnny's door)John are you there
Lauren:Johnny(Silence)guess his not there(leaves)

Narrators POV
But Johnny was actually in his room, but it didn't look like it was Johnny. He had a cigarette in his hands, his room was a mess and had beer bottles everywhere. He looked like crap like he was being possessed.

Johnny:(looks around his room)everything has gone back to normal(smiles)

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