My Protective StepBrother

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*Tori's POV*

"I'm so nervous to go to school tomorrow Aaron." I look at him worried and scared.

"Why ? Your a junior, you act like it's your first day."

"Technically it is my first day and I'm nervous because I'm a be the new girl and the only person I'm a know their is you."

He gets up to walk out of my room, smirks at me and say "aww little sis I will be there for you tomorrow.. SIKE !"

I throw my pillow at him and yell "I'm your step-sister your suppose to help me."

My mom and Aaron's dad got married, which makes Aaron my new step-brother.. Hopefully Aaron be their for me tomorrow because he is basically the most popular guy at Glendale High from what he says. I believe he is too, because he is quarterback and captain of the football team, gets A's and B's, is class president and rich. If that doesn't make him the most popular guy at Glendale High then I don't know what does. Even though Aaron is my step brother, i like to think of him as my real brother because he treats me like his little sister. I just hope that he was joking when he said that he wasn't going to be their for me tomorrow, because im a really need him tomorrow.

*Aaron's POV*

I hope that Tori knows that i was joking when i said i wasn't going to be there for her, because i am going to be there. I think of Tori as my little sister even though she's not my real sister. Tori is a fun person to be around, she loves sports, she's beautiful and..... WAIT ! Did i just call my step sister beautiful ? What the hell is wrong with me ? I mean yeah she is beautiful, anybody with eyes can see that. She has long dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a perfect toned body. She is one of those girls who is not too skinny and not big and i like that about her. OMG ! What is with these thought going through my head, I've never said anything like this before, I think im going crazy. Trying to clear my head, i go and grab my xbox controller thinking that playing Call of Duty could help clear my mind. But before i could start the game, Tori walks in my room.

"Your mom told me to come up

here and tell you dinner was ready."

"Okay." I say to her before cutting off my xbox and heading down stairs behind her.

After dinner i decided to text my bestfriend Blake for him to come over.

To: Blake

From: Aaron

Aye man what you doing ?

To: Aaron

From: Blake

Nothing man, just got finished having a good time with Brittany.

To: Blake

From: Aaron

Lol, well come over and tell me all about it.

To: Aaron

From: Blake

Did your mom cook ?


From: Aaron

Yes she did.

To: Aaron

From: Blake

Well, then im on my way.

Before i could send a reply to Blake i heard the door bell ring. But before i could answer the door, i saw Tori already opening the door. I just realized that i never introduced my step sister to my bestfriend..

"Tori, this is my Bestfriend Blake, Blake this is my step sister Tori.

"Hey nice to meet you" Tori says to Blake before handing him her hand.

"Dude you didnt tell me your new sister was this hot." and before i could reply to what Blake said, i saw Tori hand fly across Blake face . His lip started bleeding and i couldn't do nothing but bust out into laughter. While laughing my ass off i saw Tori walk off but then came back to say one last thing to Blake.

"Maybe next time before you speak to me, you should think with your brain and not your second head." She said to Blake with a smirk and then went to her room and shut the door.

I finally had gotten Blake lip to stop bleeding but it was still swollen so i gave him a ice pack to put on it. "Dude your step sister is hot and fiesty. I think im in love." He says to me with a smirk while holding the ice pack to his lip. But i didnt reply i just smacked him upside the head before i said " Dude that's my sister." I say to him in a disgusting way.

"Yeah your very hot sister " is all i hear him say before i slap my bestfriend again.

*Authors Note*

Hey Guys this is my first story ever and i hope you guys like it. I know that their is probably some errors and i will try to fix that. Oh, and if anyone wants to help with this story please write me and say so because i could really use some help. Anyway i hope ynmou guys like the story so far and i apologize for this chapter being so short.

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