My first date

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Blake looks at me wide eyed and mouth wide open before speaking.

"Wait a minute! So are you telling me that you have feelings for your new step sister and to get over those feelings for your step sister you slept with someone who you knew had feelings for you and then told her that you had feelings for someone else after you had sex with her and she left crying."

"Yeah that's what i just said to you. Man what should i do ?"

"I think you should apologize to Alex and then tell Tori about your feelings for her. You never know maybe she might feel the same way. " I look at my bestfriend like he is stupid before slapping the pure shit out of him.


"You should apologize because you knew she had feelings for you before y'all had sex and that she been trying to date you for the last longest. If you don't tell Tori about your feelings then how would you ever know if she feels the same and by you not telling her your feelings are just going to grow stronger. By the time you grow enough balls to tell her, some guy gone been done snatched her up. So either way you look at it, it's best if you tell her now instead of waiting or not telling her at all."

I looked at my bestfriend Blake and just nodded my head because i knew he was right. When did my bestfriend become so noble and wise ? Even though Blake was right doesn't mean that it's the best thing to do. That would ruin my Dad marriage if he found out that i had feelings for his new daughter and that was the reason why they couldn't get married. I had to keep it a secret even if it would kill me in the process. The last thing i would hate to see is her kissing another guy, even though i know it's bound to happen sooner or later. I prefer later though.


I wake up eager to get to school for some odd reason. I get up out of my bed and head straight to the bathroom to wash my body before Aaron got up. I hate that we have to share a bathroom, because whenever i hate to pee he is always in there. So i've been trying to get up before he do so that i can do what i have to do so that im not in his way.

After getting dressed and fixing me a bowl of cereal, i go up to my room and wait for Aaron to finish getting ready for school. I kind of like my new school. It's way better then my old school. Even though i miss all my old friends and especially my bestfriend. I need to call her, i want her to come spend the weekend with me or spend thanksgiving break or christmas break with me. I decided to grab my phone and text my bestfriend to see if she wanted to spend the weekend with me even though it is the middle of the week. After i sent her the message asking her to come spend the weekend with me i heard a knock on my door. Before i could get up to open it, it was pushed open by Aaron telling me let's go. I never asked him what was wrong with him from the other day. Oh well maybe he's over it, whatever it was.

We pull up to school and i jump out of Aaron car and start walking straight to the gym. As i'm walking i see Courtney and Alex and i head over to them. As im walking over i see Alex look at me and gets up and walks away from Courtney. I go over to Courtney and sit down next to her. "What was that all about ?"

"Oh nothing just Alex being Alex. Over Dramatic !" Courtney says to me in a bored tone. I just shrug it off, not really wanting to ask to many questions. "So how have you been ?"She asked me while looking down at her cell phone.


"And what about you and Toby ?"

"There's nothing going on between me and Toby" I say to her with a smirk on my face.

"You sure about that ?" She says to me while pointing behind my head. I turn around to see Toby walking over to us.

"Hey Courtney, i don't mean to interrupt but can i talk to Tori for a minute ?"

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