Rest In Peace

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*Tori's POV*

I just didn't know what to say. He just told me he loved me. Was it true ? Or did he just want me to believe his story ? How do you tell someone you love them back ? I'm just at a lost for words.

Since i couldn't give him a answer i just walked away. I needed time to think about this. I didn't know what else to do.

I decided to call Ash and tell her what happened. I started all the way from the beginning. I told her how we had met up to talk about what happened between him and Paige. He explained to me how he was missing me and he needed someone to talk to and she was their for him. Then one thing led to another and they slept together.

I couldn't be as mad as the situtation because i did the same thing too and i felt horrible about it, but i needed to take the attention off of me becase my moms wedding is in two weeks and my sister is flying in Today and i have to pick her up from the airport.

I've missed my sister, besides were only 4 years apart. She lives in New York though. I run downstairs to get my car keys and i see my mom on the phone crying her eyes out. I grabbed the phone out of her hand and put it to my ear, and stand their in complete shock. I can't believe what i just heard. I felt everything getting hazzy around me, things were moving all around me and then all i saw was black...


I wake up to hear voices, but i don't see anything. My eyes are closed and i don't want to open them. I'm afraid that this isn't a dream. I don't want it to be reality, i just want to wake up and everything be a dream as if i was sleep. I open my eyes to realize that this isn't a dream, it's actually reality. My sister is gone and there's nothing i can do about it.

After i got home from the hospital i didn't want to speak to anyone. Everyone would ask me how i was doing or was i feeling okay. I didn't answer, i just kept staring into space. I didn't want to talk to no one and i wish they would just understand that.

I heard a knock on my door and saw it open. In walks Toby. He didn't say anything to me he just came over and layed on my bed with me. I layed my head on his chest and just started crying. The memories of my sister were in my head and all i could do was cry, the more i cried the more Toby comforted me. And right now i really needed that.

He didn't ask any questions or nothing, it's like he understood what i was going through and i was glad.

*Author's Note*

For those of you who might have been wondering why i haven't been updating is because This recent story is for my sister who i just recently lost. R.I.P Nicole, i love you and miss you. It might be a while before i update again so just kind of deal with it please. It took a lot in me to write this. I cried while writing this, because my sister was like my bestfriend .

Even though this story is very short, i hope you enjoy. I will try and update as soon as possible.

R.I.P Nicole :(

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