Movie Night

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I woke up this morning regretting the decision i had made last night. I didn't mean for none of this to happen the way it did. I just need to get out of the house for the rest of the day. While starting up my car i decided to go and talk to my bestfriend about this because i need some advice.

After explaining everything to my bestfriend about what happened yesterday, she was pissed about Toby but started jumping for joy when i told her about what happened between me and Aaron and i was a bit confused.

"Tori you don't get it. This proves that you have feelings for Aaron, even if you only slept with him because Toby slept with Paige. I understand that you were vulnerable but everything happens for a reason. Im actually glad that Blake left me after he took my virginity because if he hadn't i would've never met Brody. It makes me want to thank Blake for what he did."

"Speaking of Blake guess who has a crush on him ?"

"Who ?"

"Courtney, and i told her she should ask him out and they got a date Tonight."

"Why would you hook them two up Tori ?"

"Because she likes him a lot and i assumed that you where over him because your dating Brody. Do you still have feelings for him ?"

"He took my virginity, what do you think ?"

"Ash im so sorry, if i would've knew how you felt i would've never had did that. Besides after what Paige said to you, you can't be seen with him no way. "

"I guess your right."

I feel terrible now for helping Courtney ask out Blake. While in the middle of a conversation my phone started ringing and i looked down at it to see that Toby was calling me before i could decide what i was going to do Ash snatched the phone out of my hands and hit the ignore button.

"You will not talk to him. Because all he will try to do is apologize and get his self back in your life and answering that phone call would make it to easy. "

My bestfriend was right and i know that im a sucker for apologies.


Me and Ash decided to spend the night together just watching movies and eatting popcorn at my house. Thank God Aaron was up in his room because i dont want to make things weirder between us.

While watching The Notebook i heard the front door bell ring and i got up and answered it. Turns out that it's Brody.

"Hey Can i come in."


"Babe what are you doing here ? Your ruining Girls Movie Night." Ash says kind of mad

"Sorry i just couldn't stay home and i had no where else to go. Toby and Paige are at the house and her room is across the hall from mine and i can't listen to that."

"Are you serious ? " I say pissed off

"And to think you was going to let him apologize to you Tori. Screw him."

I didn't mind having Brody part of the movie night because he enjoyed watching the movies we were watching. I caught him crying once during The Notebook and i thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Now were watching The Vow and i look over and notice that all three of us are crying.

I heard the front door swing open and see Courtney and Blake. All i could think in my mind is holy hell.

"What are you guys doing here ?"

"The movies were sold out and i was pretty sure Aaron had nothing to do so we came over here."

"How did you get in ?"

"I have a key. What are you doing ?"

"Were  having Girls Movie Night, so if you don't mind your kind of ruining our night so please leave." Ash says kind of rude, all i can think is someone please help me.

"If you're having girls movie night then why is he here " Blake says pointing at Brody

"Unlike you he is wanted here and thats none of your business now is it ?"

"Hey guys what's going on ?" Thank god, i've never been so happy to see Aaron in my life.

"I want to finish movie night Tori so can they just leave."

"How about we all just watch movies together." Aaron says

"No because this is me and Tori night and yall probably aint going to want to watch the movies we watch."

"Lets watch Transformers." Blake says.

"NO !" Ash screams.

"Look not trying to be rude or anything but this is kind of me and Ash thing. We have been doing this since we were kids and you guys are kind of ruining it. So can you guys please leave." I say in the nicest way possible.

"If i have to leave then so does Brody." Blake says

"Excuse me ? I don't have to do a damn thing. They like and want me here, your just the peice that doesn't fit" Brdoy says a bit pissed and all in Blake face.

I step in between them trying to stop this from getting bad.

"Look Brody kind of has a point. I dont really mind him being here, but you want to come in here and change the movies and we don't like that. Were having a movie marthon and i just don't want it to get ruined. Don't take it the wrong way Blake."

"It's okay Tori i don't mind and im only leaving because you asked nicely."

"Wait, why do you have a key."

"I've had one for years now, I took Aaron key and i got a copy made."

"You did what ?" Aaron says confused.

'I got an idea why don't yall go to Blake house and do something over there while we finish movie night."

"Good idea" Blake says while dragging Aaron out the door.

After they left we just went on with the rest of Movie Night and ordered pizza. I just hope no more unwanted guest shows up at my door.

*Author's Note*

This chapter is kind of short and boring but i hope you like it.

I feel a bit of jealously coming from Ashley ..

Will there be tension between Ashley and Courtney ?

Keep reading to find out.

Will Tori ever forgive Toby ?

And what is Tori plan to get even ?

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