Quadruple Date Night

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*Tori's POV*

Ashley was really starting to get on my nerves. She's been talking about Blake and Courtney for the past hour. Talking about how Blake is only with Courtney to make her jealous and so on.

"Ash if i didn't know any better i'd say that you still have feelings for Blake. "

"Well it's a good thing that you do know better then."

"I do know one thing though, your jealous.

"Why would i be jealous of him ? I have Brody."

"Only you know why your jealous. "

While at lunch with Ash and Brody we all start having a conversation, until it was dissrupted by three people. Courtney, Blake and Aaron all walk up to the table and sit down. I could tell by the look in Ash eyes that she was uncomfortable. I hope that Blake wasn't doing this on purpose to get to her.

"Since you guys probably don't have plans this weekend. Let's all have date night. Me and Courtney, Ashley and Brody, and Tori and Aaron."

When Blake says that I spit oout my water while Ash is choking on her apple.

"Umm i can't "

"Why Not ?" Ash and Blake say at the same time

"Because i have plans with Toby."

When those words left my mouth everybody just stared at me like i was stupid. We both agreed to talk about what happened over dinner saturday night.

"I never said what day though.  What day is your thing with Toby ?"


"Well that's great. We can all go on friday night."

"Nope, friday night is always me and Ash movie night. "

"Tori i've been meaning to talk to you about that. Me and Brody made plans on Friday night to go out to dinner and a movie."

"Your Ditching me ?" I say a little hurt by what i just heard

"Well that's great we can all go to movie and a dinner."

"No we can't. I'm not going so you guys have fun without me. "

"Why not ?"

"Because i said so."

After that i got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I started walking down the hallway and i heard Ash calling after me.

"Tori, please go. I can't be alone with Blake and Courtney. "

"Only way im going is if I bring Toby and Aaron brings a date."



It was Friday night and almost time for everone date. We all agreed to have dinner at that french place and we would decide on a movie when we got to the movie theater.

It was almost time to go and no one knew who Aaron date was. I was actually looking forward to seeing who it was. I just pray that their is no drama tonight.

We heard the doorbell ring and when Aaron opened the door i knew that their was definetly was going to be drama tonight.  His date was none other than Alex. She gave me a grin and rolled her eyes at me like she had won a prize.

We decided to take two cas. Brody would be driving and Blake would be driving. I got in the car with Brody and Ash. I was not riding in the car with no one else.

"Is he serious he brought her ?" Ash says to me as soon as we get in the car

"What's wrong with Alex ?" Brody says trying to keep up.

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