This Means War

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I woke up this morning with a headache from all the crying i was doing last night. Her funreal was yesterday and it kind of tore me apart to see my sister laying in that casket.  It was so hard for me to deal with. For the past week i've just been laying around the house and watching sad movies with Toby or either Ash. They both been coming to see me at different times. When one leaves the other shows up. I guess they just don't want me to be by myself at a time like this. They both knew how much my sister meant to me, so i guess that's why.

I haven't been to school all week and i think i should go today. Even though i don't want to go, i think i should. Even though Toby and Ash been picking up my work for me, i got a couple of tests to make up in my classes and i don't want to get behind.

I walk into school and gain some looks and stares from people. I guess everyone knows what's going on, well it was in the newspaper. So im not surprised that people know about it.

"What are you looking at ? Take a picture it will last longer." I hear Ash yell at the crowd of people from behind me. I guess she knows that today is kind of hard for me. I'm so thankful that i have her and Toby to help me through this.

Since Ash is with me and all my classes we just stayed around each other the whole day. She was blowing off Brody so that she can be with me, i told her that she didn't have to do that but she insisted. She told all my teachers to take it easy on the work for me, they understood because they all pretty much knew what was going on. If it wasn't for Ashley, i swear i wouldn't have made it through this day. Do i have a good bestfriend or what ?

As soon as we got ready to walk out of the building to go home, i heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Paige. When i saw her all i could think was that it's going to be a long ride home.

"Hey Tori, im sorry about your sister. That's so tragic i know that it must be hard for you." Paige said to me. I would've believed that it was sincere if she didn't have a big ass smirk on the side of her face.

"You little..." Ash started to say before i cut in.

"No Ash i got this. Listen to me Paige and you listen good. I don't want to ever hear you say something about my sister again or that will be the last thing you ever say on this earth before you end up in your death bed. "

"Are you threatening me ?"

"It's not a threat it's a promise. Talking about my sister is not funny. Now that little stunt you tried with Ashley, now that's funny because it's about to backfire on you. That little game you was trying to play with Toby didn't work. It might have worked last year but it didn't work this year. By you having sex with him, all that did was send him running back to me. I give you props for trying but it didn't work and you want to know why ? Because your nothing but a slut, and sluts never get the guy. Take this as a threat but i dont care. You mess with my bestfriend and talk about my sister, this means war so you better get ready."

I leave Paige stand their staring at me with her mouth open while i walk to the car with Ash, who was laughing so hard at the situtation that she almost peed on herself. Everyone else may have been laughing but i had a stone cold glare on my face. This mean't war.

*Author's Note*

Sorry that this chapter is so short and that it took me a while to write it. I've just been going through alot right now and i've lost my inspiration to write.

So comment and let me know what you want to see in the next few chapters

Or comment on what you think is going to happen.

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