The first day of school

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*Tori's POV*

I open my eyes to hear the song Find You by Zedd playing on my alarm clock. I immediately jump out of bed and cut my alarm clock off. I'm so filled with emotions this morning about my frist day of school at Glendale High. It's never exciting being the new girl, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Before i start getting ready for my first day of school i decided to go wake up Aaron. I try to open Aaron door but its locked, so i decided to take a bobby pin out of my hair and pick his lock. After 2 minutes of picking with his lock, his door oens and i go jump on his bed to wake him up. When i jump on his bed Aaron doesn't move. Wow he is a rough sleeper. I only knew of one way to wake him up so i slapped him as hard as i could, and then he jumps up and punchs me and i fly off his bed. After 5 minutes of laughing Aaron finally catches enough breath to speak.

"Lmao thats's what you get for trying to wake me up." He say's to me with a smirk on his face.

"Well maybe if you wasnt such a hard sleeper then i wouldnt of had to do that." i say to him in a duh tone.

Aaron turns over to look at his clock and suddenly starts yelling at me. "TORI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM AT 6 IN THE MORNING! ARE YOU CRAZY!" I cover my ears until he is done yelling.

"This is what time i usually wake up to go to school."

"Why ? School doesn't start until 8 A.M. Who in the hell gets up at 6 in the morning" He says to me more calmly then last time.

"Well what time do you usually wake up to go to school ?' I ask him in a curious tone.

"I don't wake up until 7 A.M. Now tori I need to tell you something."

"What ?"


He says to me before he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I ended up kicking and hitting him, thinking he would end up letting me down. Oh Boy was i wrong. I ended up pulling down Aaron's pajama pants and saw him standing in nothing but rubber duckie boxers. Before he could pull up his pants i quickly grab my cell phone and snap a picture before he noticed. He looks at me with red blushed cheeks before he tells me to never speak of that again...

While Aaron decided to go back to sleep, i decided to go ahead and make myself some breakfast. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I look in the fridge to see what we all had and I noticed that we needed to go grocery shopping but it was still enough food for me to make myself some breakfast. After 15 minutes of cooking I was finally done and could eat. I had myself some Eggs, Pancakes, Saudsage, and Bacon. As soon as i got ready to take a bite out of my pancakes i saw my mom and her new husband Walter come down the stairs.

"Tori something smells good, did you save me any ?" I look down at my plate then back up at my mom, with a smirk on my face i tell her that it wasnt enough food for me and her so i just fended for myself in a time of need.  "Sure you did" she said to me in a  annoyed tone. Once I finished my breakfast i went to go take a shower before Aaron had gotten up because we share a bathroom. After taking a shower and washing my dirty blonde hair, I decided to go get ready for the most dramatic day ever as the "New Girl" of the school.When i open the door i run into a very hard surface. When i look up i notice that it's Aaron in noting but Pajama pants. I observe his body up and down, i mean come one who wouldn't ? The guy had a perfect 6 pack and a goregous tan, and let's not forget that goregous smile of his. After observing him i looked up to see him looking at me with a smirk. I blushed at him sensing that he knew i was checking him out. But before he could see me blush i rush off into my room to go get ready for school.

After finding a cute top that i brought from Forever 21 and some high waisted pants to put on. I went and put on a little bit of eye liner, with some pink blush and some lip gloss. I wasn't the type of girl to wear a lot of make up. Since my hair was wet i decided to rock the natural wet wavy look. Since i really didnt feel like doing my hair. After checking out myself in the mirror to see if i looked okay, I headed down to the living room where i found my step brother laying on the couch waiting for me.

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