Get Even With That ....

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I've been ignoring everyone ever since Paige told me to stay away from Blake and for me to make sure Tori stays away from Aaron. Only way i could make sure that happen is if i get Tori and Toby back on good terms. I know that if i tell Tori then she will go off on Paige and if she does that then i probably can never see Brody again.

Ever since i got to scchool this morning i've been dodging everyone and that's including Brody. I just couldn't face him because he always seems to know when im lying or when something is wrong with me. I just needed to get through this school day without seeing anybody, i shouldve just stayed home like i planned.

*Tori's POV*

I've been looking for Ash all day. I feel like she's been avoiding me all week. I needed to find her and i think im pretty sure i know someone who's seen her. I walk down the hallway to the bad boy corner to where Brody was. He looked at me and then told his friends to go away.

"Hey Tori Have you seen Ashley ? It's like she's been ignoring me, i havent really seen her all week."

"I was getting ready to ask you the same thing Brody, she's been avoiding me too. Wait a minute everytime i've tried to hang out with her this week she's told me she's been with you."

"Well that's a lie because i haven't seen her."

"Well then where in the hell has she been."

"Have you asked that step brother of yours and his friend ?"

"She wouldn't be with them. She can't stand them."

"Well how about we find her and then ask her."

I agreed with Brody and we both took off down the hallway. It was in between classes and i was pretty sure that Ash was at her locker. We walked to her locker and once she saw us she took off into the crowd. Good thing i knew where her next class was, so me and Brody ran the other way and got to her.

"Guys i don't have time for this i need to get to class."

"Ash i think you owe me and Brody an explaination."

"An explaination for what ?" She says to me trying to act dumb.

"Babe don't play dumb it's not a good look on you. Now where have you been ? Because you've been telling me that you've been with Tori, but you been telling her that you've been with me. "

"Look i will tell you guys later. We need to meet up and that includes Aaron and Blake too. We will meet up after school at your house Tori and then i will tell you then. But for now i need to get to class." After she said that me and Brody both looked at each other and agreed.

After filling Aaron and Blake in they both agreed, but they was just as curious as i was. I wanted to know now what was going on. Interuppting my thoughts was the buzz of my phone.

"Tori you need to talk to Toby and make things right. -Ash"

Thank god for her reminding me of that. I had completely forgot about him. I texted him and asked him could he drive me home so we could talk and he finally agreed. Today is going to be a day full of surprises.

After i got in the car with Toby it was super quiet, you could hear a pin drop

"You wanted to talk so talk." He says to me in kind of a pissed off tone.

"Look what you heard at the hospital isn't true."

"So your saying that Aaron doesn't have feelings for you." He says in a sarcastic tone

"You had already knew that."

"Yeah but i didn't know he confessed his feelings for you, and here i was about to feel bad about myself."

"Feel bad about what."

"Paige asked me on a date and i agreed."

"You agreed ? are you serious ?"


"Dude me and Aaron never had anything going on. Yes he told me he had feelings for me, but me and him never did anything about it. I didn't do anything about it because of my feelings for you. But i guess your feelings for me are gone."

After i said that i jumped out the car and slammed the door and started walking towards the my front door. I had tears streaming down my face but before i made it to the front door i broke down crying. I had to let it all out because i knew i couldn't go in there crying like this. I didn't want them to see me like this. So i brushed my tears off and walked in the house and saw everyone sitting down in the living room. Blake looked very uncomfortable by the way.

"Ash before you start i need to ask you something. You're not pregnant are you ?"

She stared at me wide eyed while me and everyone else in the room stared at Blake.

"Why are yall staring at me ? Yall should be staring at Brody since he is her boyfriend."

"Everyone is looking at you because unlike you i didn't sleep with her." I was shocked at what i heard Brody say and i think Aaron was too. I thought he would be the type to only go for sex. I guess he has a soft spot after all.

"Im not pregnant."

"Then why have you been avoiding me and Tori, and why did you invite them two here." Brody said after giving Aaron and Blake a glare.

"I've been avoiding you two because of Paige."

"What does Paige have to do with this ?" I say confused.

"After i left the hospital from seeing Brody she told me to stay away from Blake and for me to make sure that you stay away from Aaron and if i don't then she would make sure that Brody never speaks to me again."

"My sister would never say anything like that." Brdoy says a bit pissed off.

"Then apparently you don't know your sister." Aaron says under his breath

"How about you shut the hell up." Brody said before Ash stepped in between him and Aaron.

"Brody you know i would never lie to you and Tori can you please say something."

"It makes sense." Was all i could say

"What makes sense ?" Everyone said to me at the same time.

"She wants what she can't have and if she doesn't get it she wants to make everybody life a living hell. That's why she asked Toby out on a date to try and get to me."

"Brdoy i know you love your sister but you know i care about you two much to lie to you. Please, you have to believe me."

"I believe you i just can't believe that she would say something like that to you."

"Well she did so what am i going to do ? I have no problem with staying away from Blake but what about you Tori ?"

"What do you mean what about me ?" I say a bit confused and a bit pissed off

"I mean you and Aaron live together and what about Toby."

"Sure that's what you meant." I heard Aaron say.

"Im going to tell Toby the truth and then im going to get even with that bitch."

*Author's Note*

Comment and let me know what you guys think about that.

By the way in the next chapter their will be a Aaron and Tori scene and also someone has a crush on Blake and Ashley get's jealous. I will try and update soon and thanks for reading everyone.

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