Strongest Soldiers

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*Tori's POV*

Every since Aaron told me and everyone else the truth about Toby and Blake, We've all been staying the hell away from them. It's been hard on me, Courtney, and Aaron. We've been all been trying our best to stay away from them. Except for Ash, she doesn't even have to try. Well she never really liked Toby anyway.

I've been noticing that Aaron been speaking to Paige a lot. Even though it's none of my business, i still want to know. Aaron has been protective over me ever since he found out the truth, so it's only right for me to be protective of him. I don't trust her, even if she did tell him the truth about why she left.

I swear for just a teenager, i go through a lot. I think im a have gray hairs before i turn 21.

I rode to school today with Aaron because i didn't feel like driving and plus that's wasting gas when were coming from and going to the same places. While in the car we're both singing along to the song on the radio. Until i decided to turn the radio down and ask him a question.

"Aaron, what's going on with you and Paige ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"I mean why have you been talking to her."

"Not to sound rude but she was the one who told me the truth about my bestfriend and i kind of trust her right now more than i trust anyone. Plus me and her are kind of friends."

I stop at a moment and just stare at him after what he just said. Did i just hear him right.

"Your friends with her ? Have you forgot what she has done to me and Ashley ?"

"Yes, im friends with her. Besides everyone deserves a second chance, you certainly gave Toby enough of chances. Don't try and blame all that on Paige, it takes two to tango. She didn't force him to sleep with her. Besides you forgave Toby after it happened, so why not forgive Paige ?"

"Because it's not just about her sleeping with Toby, she threatend my bestfriend."

"Like i said everyone deserves a second chance. I haven't full on forgave her for what happened before she left, but i do know that we're not saints and we've all done something that we're not proud of."

Aaron was right, no one is a saint. But i just don't trust her. I feel like she's hiding something.

Half of the school day went by fast and before i knew it, it was lunch time. It's been me, Aaron, Courtney, Ash, and Brody eatting together ever since everything happened. While talking to Courtney i noticed that Paige walked up.

"Hey, can i sit with you guys ?"

"NO !" Me, Courtney and Ash say all at the same time.

"Yes you can." Aaron says and gestures to the open seat right next to him.

We all just look at him like he has three eyes, all except for Brody.

"Thanks Aaron. Look i came over here to talk to you guys. I know that you all pretty much don't like me, but i want to change that. So how about after school we all meet up and you all can just tell me why you don't like me and what i need to change about myself. "

Before we all could respond to what Paige just said Blake and Toby walk up.

"Look we know that we lied and did some horrible things but we want to apologize." Blake says to all of us.

"Since paige just had a good idea of meeting up after school, then how about we do that. All of us meet up at my house and you can try to feed us your bullshit of apology." Aaron says before getting up and walking away.

Something tells me that this afternoon is going to be very interesting.

After school we all drive to my house to meet up. When me and Aaron get their i go to the fridge to get me a snack.  While eatting my snack i hear Brody and Ashley walk in. I decided to go and sit in the living room and wait for everybody else to show up.

"You said you wanted to apologize so lets hear it." Aaron says a bit pissed off.

"Look Aaron im sorry for ruining our friendship last year, i had just got jealous that she liked you and not me. I dont know what made me turn on you and do that to you and Courtney. Tori im sorry for lying to you, it's just that i didn't want you to think low of me. " Toby says standing in the middle of the room.

"And im sorry for lying to you Blake. I just didn't want to ruin or friendship. You were like my brother. I promise you that's the only thing i lied to you about..." Blake says before being interrupted

"That's Bullshit. If your going to tell the truth then tell the whole truth." Paige says while getting up off the couch

"How about you shut the hell up." Blake says while walking towards Paige.

"Dont talk to my sister like that." Brody says pushing Blake.

"Well then how about you tell us the truth then since he won't." Courtney says to Paige

"Okay, i will. Look Aaron i need to tell you the rest of why i left. I left because of you but their were other reasons. Other reasons that only my parents, Blake and his parents know. Not even Brody knows." Paige says while looking at Aaron

By just saying that she gained everyone attention. Brdoy looked confused and Blake looked like he was about to get sick.

"Just tell me, but  start from the beginning if your going to tell the whole story." Aaron says to paige.

"Well remember how i told you that i slept with Blake to get back at you because i thought you had slept with Courtney, well it happened after that. After i slept with Blake i felt sick and my period was late. So i told my mom and she took me to the doctor and turned out i was pregnant. My mom told my dad and then they went and talked to Blake parents. After that we all decided for me to have the baby but then give it up for adoptation. Me, Blake and our parents both went and checked out the parents who wanted our baby and turns out that they couldn't have kids. I left town after i found out i was pregnant and stayed with my aunt Sarah. So whenever we went and saw the parents my parents just came and picked me up because they didn't want no one to know i was pregnant and Blake parents didn't want anyone to know that their son got someone pregnant. Blake and our parents was their when i had the baby, then after that the parents we had picked took our baby. Then four months later i moved back down here after having the baby. "

After Paige said that everyone looked like they seen a ghost.

"And i thought my family was fucked up." Ashley says under her tongue but everyone heard her.

"How could you, mom and dad keep that from me. I'm your brother you could've told me. You told me you left town becase of what happened." Brody says looking hurt

"Im sorry Bro, mom and dad thought it was best if we didn't tell you. "

"Have you seen the baby since you gave it up." Courtney says

"Yeah, i got visitation rights. I get to see her every three months."

"I feel like this is my fault that this happened to you. " Aaron says with tears in his eyes.

"It's not your fault Aaron. Besides, it's not my life is over. I gave her up for Adoption because i wanted her to have a better life, a life that i couldn't give her. Plus i made a couple very happy, A couple that couldn't have kids, now have a child."

"That was nice of you to do that." I say to her in my sincere voice.

"Sis, your right it's not Aaron fault. If Toby would've never set him up than you would've never slept with Blake. " Brody says while glaring at Toby.

"At first i blamed him for what happened, but then i didn't. I turned a bad thing into a good thing. I know that god only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. "

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