Crystal Clear

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I had called Ashley's parents and Brody parents where already up here. I've been up here all night and i don't plan on going home. I told Ash parents that they could go home because i was going to spend the night here, but i wasn't alone. Blake and Aaron refused to go home they wanted to stay up here with me. After Ash parents left that's when she started to talk.

"How's Brody ?" She asked me with a tear starting to form in her baby blue eyes.

"We don't know." Aaron and Blake both said at the same time

"I wasn't talking to you two, i was talking to Tori. How's Brody ?" After she said that i had every set of eyes caught on me in the room. I knew the answer but i just didn't want to tell her. My throat was getting dryer by the second, but i couldn't lie to my bestfriend. I knew i had to tell her the truth.

"Um Ash he's not doing to good."

"What do you mean by that ? '

"He's in a coma." and once i said that she busted out in tears. I climbed in the bed with my bestfriend and started wipping her tears away. I hated seeing her like this. And just when i thought it couldn't get any worse Blake decides to open his mouth.

"Well at least you survived."

Once Blake said that Me and Aaron wanted to slap the shit out of him. If looks could kill right now, he would be dead. I can't believe what just came out of his mouth.

"What in the heck do you mean at least i survived ? I dont care about me, Brody is in a coma !Your talking like you don't believe he's going to come out of that coma. What are you even doing her, i don't want you here. You need to leave, Oh and when Brody gets out of that coma you can forget about ever seeing me again. "

When Ash said that i knew that she had hurt his feelings but he shouldve knew not to say that.

"Blake i think it's best if ..." But before i could finish my sentence Ash started yelling.

"No he doesn't need to leave. They both need to leave, i dont like neither one of them right now."

"What did i do ?" Aaron says a little bit pissed off

" First you tell Blake and everyone else that you have feelings for Tori. Then you were rude to Toby, and when you finally told her that you had feelings for her you didn't do anything about it. So yes im a little bit pissed off at you and dont even get me started on your bestfriend."

I was getting ready to tell them to just leave but they pretty much had got the hint. While walking them to the door i saw Toby standing there with a long face.I'm pretty sure that he just heard every word that Ash had said to them. But before i could explain he walked out of the hospital.

"Do you want me to go talk to him.'" Aaron says to me and i could tell that he felt bad about the whole situtation.

"No, you two would probably just end up fighting again."

"And what's wrong with that ?" Before i could answer what Aaron said i felt someone tap me on my shoulder. Before i turned around i saw Aaron face and it looked like he had seen a ghost. I turned around and saw Paige

"Can you show me where my brother room is ?"

I saw Aaron shaking his head no but i said yes anyway.


After a couple of days in the hospital they finally let Ash be released. So far i've been staying with her to help take care of her, and because i didn't want to go home. Nothing has really changed though and i dont like that. Toby still is ignoring me and Brody is still in a choma. I've been wanting to ask Ash what happened in that car, but i know if i do then she will start crying again. While putting away me and Ash dirty dishes i felt my phone vibrate.

" Hey Tori this is Paige, don't ask how i got your number because it's a long story. You can tell Ashley that my brother is awake :)"

"Thank you."

I was so happy i ran in the living room and jumped on Ash.

"Will you get off me im still injured."

"I have great news."

"What is it ?" She says sounding bored and still flipping through channels on the T.V

"Fine act that way, i just wont take you to go see Brody." And once i metioned his name her face lit up like a fire cracker.

"He's awake ? How do you know ?"

"Paige just told me."

"Drive me to the Hospital right now"

*Ashley's POV*

When me and Tori pulled up in the parking lot i took off running into the hospital. I have to say for a girl with a broken foot and is on cruches im running pretty fast. I got to his room and saw that his sister and parents where their. He looked at me and started smilling.

"Hey guys can i speak to Ashley for a minute."

"Sure, im hungry anways." His mom said goodbye but not before kissing her little boy on the forhead.

As soon as his parents left out of the room i ran and jumped on his bed and pulled him into a hug.

"Well i've missed you too" He said to me with a giant smirk on his face. Before i even opened my mouth to talk, i smacked him with everything i had in me.

"What was that for ?"

"Don't you ever scare me like that again. I thought you were dead, but im glad to see that your not."

"Im glad to see that you're not either."

I couldn't help but kiss him. He's like the sweetest guy i've ever met. I know that it's kind of too soon for me to tell but i think im falling in love with him. Some how that car accident made me fall for him even more. I could see in his eyes that he really cared about me. Once his parents arrived back i decided that it was time for me to go. They was about to check him out anyway. I walked down the hallway and ran into paige.

"Im so sorry Paige, i wasn't looking at where i was going. "

"Your not sorry yet, but you will be."

"What do you mean by that."

"What i mean is You need to stay the hell away from Blake and make sure your friend Tori stays away from Aaron or else."

"Or else what ?"

"Or else i will make sure that my brother will never want to see you again and i will make your life a living hell. Are we clear ?"

"Crystal clear."

i walked out of the hospital and got in the car with Tori. I couldn't tell her what Paige said to me because i know that she would flip, and i cant say anything to Brody because i know that he want believe me over his sister and i don't want to loose him. I have no idea what i'm going to do.

*Aurthor's Note*

What do you guys think about paige ?

What do you think about Ashley and her feelings for Brody ? Are they too sudden ?

Do you think that Aaron should make a move on Tori ?

Comment and let me know what you think and sorry that this chapter is kind of short.

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