One Girl Making Everyone Go Crazy

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After being thrown in the house by my step brother, i was beyond pissed. Why did he do that ? and who in the hell was Paige ? I needed answers, no i wanted answers. I want to ask Aaron but he needs time to cool off and i think Toby would lie to me. I dont know why i think that but i just do. This was too much for me to deal with, i needed some advice. What better advice then my bestfriends advice. I was walking up to my room when i heard giggles. Was Ash on the phone with someone ? I opened the door and then i almost had a heart attack. I saw my bestfriend making out with Blake.

"OH MY GOD !" Was all that i could say. i was mentally in shock right now. My eyes almost pop'd out of my head. They both jumped up off my bed at the same time.

"Umm i think i should leave" I heard Blake say with a smirk he always had on his face.

"Yeah maybe you should" and when those words escaped my through my lips my bestfriend gave me a slightly anger glare.

Once Blake left my bestfriend finally said something. "You didn't have to be so rude to him."

All I could do was think to myself is she serious. She was making out with a cocky muscle head on my bed and I'm the rude one. "Well you didn't have to be making out with someone on my bed. "

Once I said that she couldn't even reply, she just put her head down.
"You wasn't just making out with someone, you was making out with Blake. How can you like him ? He's so cocky !"

"He may be cocky Blake to you, but he's really sweet. When i first met him he was a asshole."

"Oh i already know that" i saw in a sarcastic tone.

"But underneath that asshole is a really sweet guy who just deserves a chance. He uses that whole asshole thing as a cover up. But once you get that shield down is a nice guy."

"He may seem that way to you but to everyone else he is just a asshole. Ashley, look your my bestfriend and if you like this guy then who am i to stand in your way? But just don't get hurt because it's something fishy about him and i dont want him to just use you for sex. "

"Aww Tori im the one usually looking after you."

"That's because you never like anyone."

"Well that's true. So if i was to start talking to him, you wouldnt be mad would you ?"

"I would be disgusted but not mad. As long as you guys don't do nothing else on my bed." and once i tell her that she starts laughing and comes over to me to give me a hug. I love my bestfriend.


After telling Ash everything about what happened last night, i fell asleep. I woke up this morning with everything on my mind. How was Aaron and Toby connected to this Paige girl. I needed answers from the both of them. But i know that if i put them two in the same room together that they might try to kill each other. I needed answers and i knew one person who might give them two me.

After telling Ash my plan she agreed. We decided to ask Blake who this Paige girl was and what was going on. He is Aaron's bestfriend, im pretty sure he knows what's going on. I heard the doorbell ring and i went to go answer it. Good thing Aaron isn't here. He's not gone be home till later on tonight so i had time.

After sitting Blake down next to Ash i decided to go ahead and start off with the questions.

"Hey, Blake can i ask you something ?"

"Sure what is it ?"

Who is Paige ?" And once that name left my mouth Blake just stared at me wide eyed like he saw a bear or something. He started moving around in his seat like he was uncomfortable.

"Umm how do you know about Paige ? Did Toby tell you about her ? if he did he probably didn't tell you the whole story."

"No he didn't tell me. I heard Aaron Mention her but he didn't tell me who she was, and im to scared to ask him or Toby."

"Tori, i don't mean to be rude but it's really not my place to tell you. I don't wont to get involved."

"Well what does she have to do with Aaron and Toby, and why can't those two be in the same room with each other ?"

"Why don't you ask Toby ?" He says to me a little sarcastic.

"Let me guess you don't like Toby either ?"

"That has nothing to do with it. Just ask him about it and leave me out of it." and with that he got up and left but not without giving my bestfriend a kiss on the cheek.

What was the deal with this Paige girl and why did everyone have problems with each other over it.

After Ash went home i decided to watch a little bit of T.V since i had nothing else to do. Flipping through the channels i heard the door open and when i turned around i saw Aaron walk in the house with his gym bag and sit on the couch. Seeing how awkarwd this was i decided to make conversation.

"Hey Aaron guess what "

" What ?"

"I caught my bestfriend and your bestfriend making out in my bed last night." He turned to me laughing after i said that.

"Imagine walking in on them while having sex." and after picturing that inside of my head, i had to shake my head to get the thought out of my head. I guess he knew what i was doing and busted out laughing. Then he got up and took his shirt off and i nearly almost fainted at the sight of his body. Seeing me check him out and he winked at me then left to get in the shower.


After getting to school i was on a mission to find Toby and get some answers. I couldn't hold it in anymore i needed some answers. What seemed like hours of looking for him, i finally found him in the gym lobby. I walk up to him and greet him.

"Hey Toby" I say following that up with a hug.

"Hey beautiful, i had a great time with you Saturday night." with that being said i couldn't help but blush a little.

"Thanks i had a good time too. But i need to ask you something."

"Yeah what is it."

"Umm who is Paige ?" It felt like it took him a year to answer that question.

"Did Aaron tell you who she was ?" He says to me pissed off and loud enough for a couple of people to hear.

"No he didn't. He mentioned her and i want you to tell me who she is."

"Well how about you have him tell you who she is." He yells loud enough and everyone hears him. Which made Aaron walk over here. Things were about to get really bad really fast.

" Is there a problem here Tori ?" Aaron says to me like a concerned brother.

"Hell yeah there's a problem and you know exactly what it is because you caused it. " Toby says before pushing Aaron, and that push was all it took for Aaron to get pissed off. After Toby pushed him, Aaron swung his fist with all his might, knocking Toby staright on his ass. Then he got on top of him and kept throwing punches to his face. Not being able to take anymore i tried to grab Aaron but i wasn't nearly strong enough. So i had Blake help me break it up. After finally getting Aaron up, i saw Toby face and his nose was bleeding. I didn't feel bad for him because of the way he was talking to me. So i just walked off and went to my next class avoiding the stares and chatter from everyone.

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