Friday Night Lights

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After the fight everything went back to normal. Oh who am i kidding everything was going crazy. I was happy that neither one of the boys got suspended, even though i still wasn't speaking to Toby. I can't believe he raised his voice at me like that when i just wanted a simple answer.  Im still kind of curious on who this girl Paige is ?

Tonight is going to be a big deal. It's the game against Lockwood High. This was the biggest game of the season from what everyone has been saying. I've heard that those games be even more crowded then the Homecoming games. I'm actually excited for tonight. Im going to go pick up Ashley so we can both go watch Blake and Aaron play tonight. Ashley is really starting to get feelings for him, and that's strange because she never gets this attached to anyone. But im really happy for her even if she does like a cocky ego maniac, but i agreed to give him a chance so that's what im a do.

After school i drove over to my old town to pick up my bestfriend. I was kind of nervous to be going back into my old neighborhood, i wonderd if everything was still the same from when i left. Driving into my old neighborhood i noticed that someone moved into my old house. Me and Ashley used to live across the street from each other so we were always at each other houses. This move has been difficult for the both of us but we're making it work.

Me and Ash went home and got dress because we couldn't wear what we wore to school. That was just a big no no. After picking something to wear we did each other hair. I wore my hair straight and Ash had curls. We decided to go look in the mirror and check ourselves out and we looked hot. Ash had on a white sleeveless forever 21 top with high waisted shorts, a brown belt and a light blue denim jacket with Brown boots. I was wearing a white tank top with a white maxi mini skirt and a blue jean jacket with black heels. Since we both don't like to wear make up like that we just put on some chap stick and left for the game.

When arriving to the game we noticed that it was really packed and it hadn't even started yet. We decided to hurry up and get some snacks so then we could go find some seats before it was over packed. After getting our snacks we went to go try and find a seat. While looking i saw Courtney and Alex sitting up there so i decided for us to go up there and sit with them.

While waiting for the game to start i felt kind of a weird vibe from Alex. She wasn't even speaking to me, now that i think of it she hasn't spoking to me in a couple of weeks. Maybe i was just over thinking things but i felt a bad vibe from her. Not wanting to cause a scene i texted Ash about how i felt even though she was sitting beside me. Ash just looked at me and nodded her head yes like she got the same vibe. I decided to just ask her about it.

"Hey Alex can i ask you something ?"

"What is it ?" She says a bit on the rude side

"Have you been ignorning me for some reason "

"Yeah." She says in a duh tone. What was her problem.

"What's your problem and you need to loose the attitude, because i did nothing to you."

"Oh don't play dumb bitch."

"What the hell are you talking about !"

"Your the reason why Aaron won't date me. You couldn't find your own man so you had to take him from me. Your pathetic." After she said that all i could think was is this bitch crazy

"Are you serious ? Aaron is my brother, i would never in a million years date him. Did you ever think that maybe you was just a slut to him ? Someone he could just hump and dump. Don't blame me for him not wanting you. Where did you even come up with this dumb idea ?" I say beyond pissed and gaining attention from almost the whole football stadium.

"He cut me off right after you moved here, im not dumb. I know yall have something going on. Why else would he cut me off, look at me. "

"Oh honey your far from dumb , more like a pyscho path. I would never sleep with my brother, thats disgusting. Im not like you, i dont hook up with someone i just met. Did you ever think that maybe he just got tired of you, just like every other guy in this school. I tried to be friends with you but your just a bitch. How about you find somebody else to screw instead of my brother. Oh wait that might be kind of hard since you already screwed half of the school." And with that being said she got up and left. Oh i couldn't wait till this game was over so i could tell Aaron what she tried accusing me of.

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