She's Back

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*Tori's POV*

I couldn't believe they're telling me to calm down. He took my bestfriend virginity and just left, didn't even have the balls to say goodbye. I can't believe Aaron is taking Blake side over this. How could you be okay with him doing that to a sweet innocent girl.

"Tori just let me explain. I didn't know that she was a virgin. She never told me that. That's why i left after i realized she was, i didn't want to be the one to take her virginity. She needed someone nicer than me, im not the right guy for her and i know in the end that im a end up doing something stupid and having her hate me forever, that's why i left."

After i heard Blake say that all i could do was stare at him. It was sweet that he cared for my bestfriend like that. But he hurt her and i couldn't deal with that.

"It doesn't matter that she didn't tell you that. Did you ever think maybe she didn't tell you because she knew that you would run off like this. I think it's sweet that you think that someone nice shouldv'e took it, but she wanted you to take it. You already did do something stupid and ended up hurting her. Even though i personally don't like you and I think that she shouldv'e picked someone else, she didn't. That's all that matters. Now you better get your ass up and go apologize to her right now before i break your nose. "

And with that he got up and left. Even though i knew that my bestfriend wouldn't accept his apology, it was worth a shot for him to try. I was nervous about being alone aound Aaron, ever since Ash told me what he said to Blake. I think that I should talk to him about it. But then I don't want to cause poblems between him and Blake. I'm a just go ahead and ask him about it.

I went up to Aaron's room and knocked on the door. Aaron opened the door and all I could see was Abs and muscles. Why did he have to be so built. Tori keep it together your getting off topic. I walked in Aaron's room and sat on his bed, while he just gave me a confused look.

"Aaron i need to talk to you about something."

"What is it ?"

"Remeber when I told you and Blake about what Alex had said to me ?"


"Well it didn't make sense to me on why she would think that me and you had something going on. What also didn't make sense was what Blake said after that. I'm about to ask you something and i need you to be completely honest with me. "

"Okay." He say's to me while scratching the back of his head.

"Do you have feelings fo me ?"

He didn't even answer me, he just stared at me wide eyed like he saw a ghost. Then he put his head down before he finally said something.

"Why would you ask me something like that ?"

"Aaron can you just answer the question."

"Yes, it's true. Is there anything else that you want to know ?"

"Actualy there is. Why didn't you tell me ? Is that the reason why you broke it off with Alex ? Am i the reason ?"

"I didn't tell you because i knew that this would be how you would react and I didn't want to ruin my dad's relationship. This is the happest i've seen him in so long, and with the wedding around the corner I couldn't do that to him. "

"Am I the reason why you broke it off with Alex ?"

"Me and Alex never dated. She always wanted to be my girlfiend, but i never would let her. She was always a fling to me so i don't know why she even said that to you."

"Can I ask you one more thing ?"


"Who is Paige ?" And once i said that he sat down on the bed next to me and sighed.

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