He Did What ?

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*Tori's POV*

Im honestly not feeling school this morning. I feel like that if the wrong person mess with me that they're going to get a huge cussing out. Maybe it's because im having cramps from hell. I walk into school and head straight to my locker and i just throw my head inside of it. As im wishing i was somewhere else i hear two people behind me laughing. I didn't even have to get up to know who it was.

"What do you want ?"

"Your just a ray of sunshine aren't you." I heard Blake say while Aaron was still laughing.

"I said what the hell do you want."

"Now is that anyway to treat your bestfriend." No, that couldn't be my bestfriend someone had to be playing with me. I pull my head out of my locker and saw my bestfriend standing there with a huge grin staring at me. I literally jump on her knocking us both to the ground. I couldn't bare myself to stop hugging her. But then the two dummy's had to ruin the moment.

"Get a room girls." they both said at the same time and i got up and walked over to them.

"Did yall know she was coming." I say to them a little pissed off. Because if they knew and i didn't then i was going to raise hell.

"No" They say at the same time again. Gosh was they twins.

"Why didn't you tell me you was coming here ?"

"Because i wanted to surprise and i didn't tell them because i know that they can't hold water."

After Showing Ash to the front office i went to my first period. I totally forgot that i had first period with Toby, I shouldve ditched today. Like it wasn't bad that we was in the same class, he had to sit right beside me and we had to work as partners. I decided that maybe if i just ignored him that he would just go away.

"Tori will you at least talk to me."

"GO AWAY." I basically yelled at him which gained me stares from the whole class and my teacher.

"Well at least your talking to me."

"I was trying to talk to you but you didn't want to be honest with me and give me the answers i wanted. "

"I hate talking about her, but it's not going to change the past. Whenever someone brings up her name i just get mad. Let me ask you this, why didnt you ask Aaron who she was ?"

"Because i wanted you to tell me who she was not him. I dont like Aaron, I like you. I thought you liked me."

" I do like you. It shouldn't matter who she is, she's my past and i want to have a future with you."

"Well if you want to have a future with me then you need to start by telling me your past" And once i said that the bell rung. I was so glad to be getting out of that class.

The rest of the day flew by and i ended up riding home with Ash. I rode with Aaron this morning cause i didn't feel like driving but i totally forgot that he has football practice so i just rode with Ash.

When we got home i told Ash all about my day and i noticed that she was very quite, which was odd for her.

"What is up ? Spill the beans." I said to her demanding to know what's wrong with her.

"Im sorry for not listening to you it's just that my mind has been somewhere else. "

" Well what is it ?"

"Well i have a date with Blake this weekend and im kind of worried about it. " My mouth literally dropped when she said that. Blake never took me as the going on a date type.

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