School Day From Hell

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*Tori's POV*

After Ash told everyone what happened we all agreed to act like we didn't know anything so Paige wouldn't think something was up. I have to tell Toby everything today at school so he can be in on the plan. I just hopes he believes me.

I walk into school and goes on a mission looking for Toby. While looking for him i heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to see Courtney running up to me. She tells me she needs to talk to me in private about something so i agreed to go to the cafeteria and sit in a booth by ourselves so that we can talk.

*Courtney's POV*

After me and Tori sit down i can see her looking at me confused, but she was the only one that i could talk to about this. So i decided to just say it.

"Tori do you know if Blake is seeing anyone " Once i said that she started smilling from ear to ear

"Aw, oh my gosh you have a crush on Blake." I couldnt give her a answer so i just started blushing.

"I don't think he's seeing anyone right now. Do you want me to ask him for you."

"NO !"

'Lol i see your nervous, dont be. But can i ask you something ? Why didn't you ask Aaron."

"Aaron is like my brother and he gets protective of me and if i would tell him i like Blake he would be like no that's not a good idea, and he would try to talk me out of it. I just want to live my life and make my own mistakes. "

"Well i understand that."

"Tori, look i know it's none of my business but don't give up on him just yet. I can tell he really likes you."

"Who ? Toby or Aaron ?"


"Well i need to talk to toby about something, have you seen him ?"

"No i haven't seen him but i talked to him. He's not coming to school today."

"Why not ?"

"I dont know. but if you find him tell him im going to kick his ass for making me present our project by myself."


After Tori got up and left i decided to get up and talk to Blake. I just hope he doesn't see me as a little sister.

After walking to class with Blake i was starting to think that this wasn't a good idea. The whole time he was talking about Ashley. I guess he's not over her. But from the looks and sound of it, it seems like she's over him.

"Hey Blake, how do you feel about Ashley dating someone else ?'

"I don't like it, but i can't do nothing about it."

"Well sine you can't do nothing about it, how about you move on."

"I wouldn't even know where to start."

"You can start by taking me out on a date Friday night."

"Seriously ?" He asks me as if im making a joke out of the situtation.

"Im serious."

"Ok then. I will pick you up friday night at 9 o clock."

I couldn't do nothing but smile and i even did little back flips in my head. I have a date with Blake friday. I just hope that Ashley is over him and that i don't cause any problems.

*Tori's POV*

Since school was over, i decided to go by Toby house to talk to him and see why he wasn't at school. I walked up to the front door and it was cracked. I knocked but didn't get a answer so i walked in. I started yelling Toby name but i didn't hear him answer. So i decided to walk up the stairs as soon as i got to the third step i heard a moan.

I got to Toby room door and opened and after what i just saw i was in shock. I saw Paige on top of Toby and that's when the tears just fell from my face.

"OH MY GOSH!" Was all i had to say before both of them looked at me. Toby tried to talk to me but i took off running to my car.

Once i reached my house i ran inside trying to get to my room as fast as possible. As soon as i got to my room i slammed my door shut and layed on my bed to cry my eyes out. I heard someone knock on my door and knew it was Aaron because both our parents was at work and then going to the wedding planner after.

He asks what's wrong and i tell him the full story but not before continuing to cry my eyes out.

"Tori don't cry. He's not worth your tears and neither is Paige. Your beautiful and you deserve someone who should treat you like the queen you are suppose to be. Don't let something like that get you down. Never cry for a person who doesn't know the value of your tears. "

I heard Aaron say to me and all i could do was look in his beautiful brown eyes. We kept staring at each other but then his lips soon connected to mine, but i didn't back away i kissed him back. It was passionate and sincere, two things that's both suppose to be in a kiss.

Before i knew it i was on top of him taking my shirt off.


The next morning i wake up to something heavy on me and realize that it's Aaron arm. Then the memory's from last night come back.  Oh my gosh i slept with my step brother.

*Author's POV*

I know it's short but what do you guys think of that ? Comment and let me know.

Finally Aaron and Tori sleep together

What did you think about Toby sleeping with Paige ?

And oh my gosh Blake and Courtney are going on a date with each other.

Comment and let me know what you're looking for in the next chapter.

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