What do she want ?

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I couldn't even listen to what else Toby had to say, I needed to find Aaron and tell him. I couldn't think of it as his ex being back, I thought of it as the ex bitch from hell was back. That's the only way I could think of it after the way she treated him and Toby. I didn't know if she came back for Aaron, Toby, or Blake. If she came back for Blake, imagine how Ash would act. I couldn't have that happening. After running around the school acting like i got my head chopped off, i finally found Aaron and Blake.

"Hey Aaron i need to tell you something."

"I already know that Paige is back."

"How ?"

"Because Blake told me that Brody is back, and Brody is Paige brother so she must be back too."

"Brody ? as in the one my bestfriend has a date with ?"

"Yeah, and do you really think its a good idea for her to go on a date with him ?" Aaron said to me while gesturing over to Blake who is currently staring at my bestfriend and Brody down the hallway.

"Aaron there is nothing that I can do. She is going on that date to try and get over him. She thinks what she is doing is right for her. Who am i to stand in the way of her and her feelings."

"Screwing with another person isn't gone help you get over your feelings for someone else, trust me i would know."

I couldn't speak after what Aaron just said. I didn't know if his feelings for me was real or not. If they was then i couldn't do nothing about it, because my mom was about to marry his dad. Who would i be to ruin that. I needed to get my mind off some things. So i decided to go and talk to Toby since i did run off on him earlier.

"Hey Toby, im sorry for running off on you like that."

"It's fine, you probably went to go warn Aaron or something. "

"Yeah something like that."

"Look Tori i know that this is bad timing with Paige coming back and everything, but i was wondering if you could give us a chance. I know that Aaron has feelings for you, I can tell by the way he looks at you, but i want us to have a real chance. I want us to at least test the waters and try it out. If it doesn't work and you don't have feelings for me then i will just leave you alone."

"Okay Toby, I will give us a chance, but whenever i ask you something you have to be complete honest with me."


"Now why did you set Aaron up like that"

"It was because i was Jealous that Paige was spending time with him and I didn't like it. "

"Well what are you going to do now that she's back ? What if she tries to come after you, Aaron or Blake ?"

"I'm not going to worry about it because I have my sights set on someone else."

When he said that i felt butterfly's in my stomach like when that night we went on a date. I like Toby, but i still have no idea about what i'm going to do about Aaron. I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

"Hey Toby." I heard a cute perky blonde say to him. I looked up and down at her studying what she was wearing. She was goregous.

"Hey Paige." And when Toby said that i felt like my heart went into my butt. Aaron was right she was goregous, and she doesn't seem like the cocky type."

"And you must be Tori, Aaron's new step-sister and from what i hear Toby new girlfriend."

"Hey Paige and yes i am." I couldn't help but giggle at what she said. She seemed so nice. Why did everyone make her seem like the devil ?"

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