Liars !

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*Aaron's POV*

I've been thinking a lot about Tori, i've been trying to give her the space she needs. I know that if i had lost a sibling i would want space, Even though im a only child.

I know that i can't have feelings for Tori because she's about to be my new sister. That's why i've been keeping myself busy with Alex. I've been thinking that if i keep myself busy with Alex then i have nothing to worry about. But Tori is the least of my problems. Paige has been blowing up my phone non stop. I've been ignorning her calls and dodging her at school. I don't know what she wants, but i know that it can't be good. There is a part of me that is a bit curious as to what she wants. One thing i have learned is that once you know something, that you can't unknow it.

I haven't told anyone that Paige has been blowing up my phone, and i think that it's best if we keep it that way. I think it's best to keep it that way because i want to meet up with her and see what she wants. That way if no one knows than no one can stop me from going to talk to her.

I texted Paige and told her that i wanted to meet up so that we could talk. She told me that she was at the mall and i told her that i would meet her in the mall's parking lot and she agreed. Once i got their i texted her and told her that i was in the parking lot and for her to come to my car. She got in my car and we both just sat in silence for a while.

"So what is it that you want to talk about ?"

"You tell me. Your the one who's been blowing up my phone and basically stalking me."

" I just wanted to talk to you. I want us to get back to how we used to be before i left. Why have you been dodging me ?"

" I've been dodging you because your not exactly the first person i want to see in the morning. Have you forgotten what you did before you left ? "

"How can i forget when everyone basically brings it up every day. I know that it may take sometime but i want us to get back right. At least start off by being friends first. "

"You can't just act like nothing happened. You basically destroyed me before you left. I will at least consider us becoming friends if you answer one question for me."

"Okay. What is it ?"

"Why ? Why did you do it ? I was in love with you. The two guys that i told everything, the two guys that i trusted with my life. Why them ? and why me ?"

"Im a be completely honest Aaron. When i had first came to the school i fell deep and hard for you, but then everyone was telling me these horrible things about you and how not to trust you and that you were basically the school whore. I was hearing all of these things about you then Toby comes along one day being so sweet, nice, and kind. He told me that he could treat me better than you ever could and for me not to trust you and that you were a hoe and he could prove it."

"Wait a second he said all of that ?"


I can't believe he said that.

"Anyways, he kept up to his word. He proved it. That night i saw you and Courtney together i completely lost it. Toby thought that since i caught you and i was mad at you that i would start dating him. I didn't like Toby like that, my eyes were set on you. But after i saw that i wanted revenge. So i knew that the only way i could get back at you was to go after the guy you trusted the most and that was Blake. So i slept with him. I felt horrible after it so i left town."

"You slept with Blake "

"Yes, twice actually. I thought you knew."

I was so pissed. I can't believe it. Not only did Toby lie to me but Blake lied to me. Im going to confront the both of them and i know exactly where they are.

"Thanks for telling me the truth Paige. Maybe we can become friends again."

"Your welcome and i guess i will see you around. I hope i didn't cause no trouble for you and your friends though."

"You didn't. You just cleared some things up for me."

When Paige got out the car i drove home speeding. I knew that all of them would be their to. I couldn't hold this in anymore.

I walked in the house and saw Tori, Toby, Courtney, Blake, Ashley, and Brody watching a movie. I slammed the door gaining looks from everyone. I walked up to Toby and started punching him in the face until i saw blood. Blake grabbed me and i swung on him, which knocked him to the ground.

"What in the hell did you do that for ? Are you crazy ?" Tori was basically screaming at me while trying to clean up Toby blood.

"Both of you lied to me. The two guys i told everything growing up lied to me." They both looked at me confused and then it's like a light bulb went off in their heads.

"By the looks on your face i guess you two no longer have amnesia." I say to both of them wanting to slap that look off their face.

"Look, Aaron im sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out this way." Blake says to me

"No ! You didn't mean for me to find out at all."

"Will someone please tell me what's going on." Courtney and Tori say at the sme time while Ashley and Brody sit in the corner looking confused.

"I'll tell you. My two bestfriends growing up, who i trusted with my life lied to me. The guys i knew my whole life lied to me. Blake told me he never slept with Paige and that was a lie. He slept with her twice. Then Toby comes along when im dating Paige and pretends to be sweet to her and tells her that he could prove that i was a hoe and that he could treat her better than i ever did. He told her that and than later on that night, he set me and you up Courtney. "

After i said all of that everyone had looked like they had seen a ghost. Courtney snatched her hand from Blake and just looked at him before slapping him.

"Oh, im not finished. I can't believe you two. I find it funny how Toby actually thought he had a chance with her. She didn't want you before and she doesn't want you now. And  as for you Blake. She only slept with you because she thought i slept with Courtney, who is like my little sister. "

"You lied to me. You told me you never slept with her. " Courtney says to Blake before slapping him again.

When she is about to leave the house she turns around walks up to Toby and punches him in the nose. 

"That was for setting me up. Oh and thanks for telling me the truth Aaron. Im glad i know the truth now. "

"Your Welcome Courtney." I say to her while she walks out the door.

I look over at Tori who still looks like she's in shock.

"Tori, you have to at least hear me out." Toby says to her trying to grab her hand but she snatches it away.

"You lied to me. I asked you was that the real story and you told me it was. I can't believe you turned on the guy who used to be your bestfriend. I knew that wasn't the whole story. I knew that their had to be something else because you guys hated each other too much. I just didn't want to believe it."

She walked past him with tears in her eyes. He tried to grab her but she slapped him.

"Courtney wait up. Im staying with you tonight."

Tori says yelling out to Courtney who was about to pull out of the driveway but she caught her in time.

"Well i guess that's our cue to leave " Ashley says to Brody.

"You two better leave before i punch you again and call the cops to say that you're trespassing. " I say to Blake and Toby who where still holding their faces.

*Author's Note*

In the next chapter, everyone including Paige will talk about what happened and while talking something juicy will spill out of Paige mouth  that you wont believe.

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