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*Tori's POV*

After everything that happened the other day, i felt different. Now i understand why Paige left and i understand why she acted the way she did. I shouldn't have judged her the way i did. That's why i decided to go and have breakfast with her this morning at i hop. I want to talk to her about everything.

When i get to Ihop i can tell that Paige is a bit confused of why i invited her here. Plus she looks a bit unconformtable.

"Paige can i ask you a question ?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it ?"

"Is that the reason why you told Ashley to stay away from Blake and for me to stay away from Aaron ?"

"I was wondering when you was going to ask me about that. I knew that Ashley was going to tell you that. I told her to stay away from Blake because i knew that her and Blake wouldn't work. Her and Blake are too much alike. Blake needs someone like Courtney. Aaron is something else. I will always love Aaron. He was my first real love. When i first came down here, when i saw him it was like nobody else mattered and that we were the only two people in the room. He made a huge impact on my life and he still is. I don't know if he still feel the same way he felt before i left, that's why i asked him can we start back being friends. I figure if we can't be in a relationship then we can at least be friends. "

"If you care so much for Aaron like you say you do, then why did you sleep with Toby and ask him on a date?"

"Last year i didn't have feelings for Toby, just like now i don't have feelings for Toby. I asked Toby on a date cause i wanted to tell him that i had no feelings for him, and i was sorry that i hurt him so much when he was here that he had to go and turn on his friends. When the date was over Toby kept telling me all these things how he loved me, but he also loved you. He kept begging me to sleep with him so he would know how it felt.So he could know which person he had the most feelings for. I only did it so he would shut up, and in hopes that it would prove a point. "

"Are you serious ?"

"I know you might not believe me but it's the truth. Honestly Tori, i dont think he's right for you. You deserve someone who wont constantly lie to you and cheat on you. "

Paige said the exact same to me that Ash said. Maybe me and Toby aren't meant to be. I have more important things to worry about right now, my mother wedding is in two days and she is driving me crazy.


It's the day of the wedding, me and Ash are already in our bridemaids dresses. My mom picked Ash to be in the wedding because Ash is like her daughter. I went to check on the men to make sure they were all ready, and they were. I saw Aaron talking to his date. I talked Aaron into bringing Paige to the wedding because she wanted to and i know he wanted her to come.

"Wow don't you look goregous, It's been a while T."

Their was only one person who called me T, and he moved away two years ago. I turned around and about passed out.

"Corey, oh my gosh what are you doing here ?"

"Your mom invited us to the wedding, we moved back down here a month ago. I noticed that you switched schools. "

"Yeah, my mom made me. Why didn't you tell me you were back ?"

"I wanted to surprise you ."

"What's up with you and everyone else wanting to surprise me ?"


"Corey, is that you ?" I hear Ash say from behind me.

"The one and only Ashy." He says with a smirk he used to call her that all the time.

Ash let's go of Brody hand and gives corey a hug.

"Brody this is Corey, Tori's ex. What are you doing here corey ?"

"Tori's mom actually wanted me to be her date."

"She did ?" Me and Ash say at the same time.

My mom is always up to something. Next thing i know Aaron and Paige are walking up.

"Paige ?"

"Corey ?"

The two say before hugging each other.

"How do you know each other ?" I say a bit confused.

"He stayed next door to my aunt sarah. How do you two know each other ?"

" We used to date." I say a bit awkwardly.


" I do."

"I do."

Then the newly married couple kissed and i had tears in my eyes from being so happy. This was the first time i've ever seen my mom genuinely since my dad left a couple of years ago. I was happy for my mom, she deserves this. Especially after what we both been through these past couple of months. Now it's time for the reciption.

I feel someone tap me on my shoulder, i turn around to see paige.

"Look i've known Corey a while and he's a good guy. I don't know why you two broke up, but someone once told me that we're not saints and everyone deserves a second chance."

After Paige said that, i just smiled at her because i knew where she got it from.

While i was sitting down i heard Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer come on and everyone took the floor and started slow dancing.

"May i have this dance T ?"


Dancing with Corey to this song brings back so many memories. I remember the day we broke up, that was the day he moved away. That day i was torn apart and so was he. We were like two peeds in a pods but then we got ripped apart.

"What are you thinking about T ?"

"The day you moved away "

"That day was the day that everything changed, but what was it that i told you before i left ?"

"You said this isn't goodbye, it's see you later."

"And i kept my word Tori"

"Did i just hear that right ? You called me Tori ? The last time you called me that was on our first date."

"I know. "

By now we had stopped dancing and were standing on the side.

"Well, Corey you should already know my rules. " Ash says walking up beside us with Brody.

"Yes. I still remember it. It's break Tori heart and your dead."

"Smart Boy." Ash says with a smirk.

"Well im not Ashley. So my rules are different. Break Tori's heart and i break your face. Got it ?" Aaron says glaring at Corey and flexing his muscles.

"Umm yes." Corey says a bit nervous and scared.

"Aaron stop it. I swear your a handful, but you will always and forever be my protective stepbrother."

"And you know it."

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