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*Aaron's POV*

It's been a week now since me and Tori slept together. I feel like she's embarassed that it happened. What other reason would she have for sneaking out in the middle of the night after it happened. I've been thinking about the situtation all week and i can't get it out my head, i feel like i need to tell somebody about this. There's really only one person that i can talk to about this.

I went over to Blake house to tell him what happened and to try and get this off my chest but he wasn't home and he isn't answering his phone. I really needed to talk to someone about this before my head exploded, so i decided to go to the one person who already knew and that i knew would give me their honest opinion.

I knocked on the door and i soon heard foot steps. When they opened the door i could tell that she was shocked to see me and was probably a bit confused. She invites me into her house and i take a seat in the living area of the house.

"I know that your probably wondering why im here."


"But i just needed someone to talk to."

"Well make it fast i have a date." Once Ashley says that i giggle a little. Im actually glad that she's willing to listen to what i have to say.

"Well it's about Tori. Im pretty sure she told you what happened and i just need someone to talk to about it."

"Why not talk to Blake about this ?"

"He's not answering his phone and he's not home."

"Okay. Well carry on."

"I'm just confused about the whole thing. I know i have feelings for her, but i just hope that she's not embarassed about what happened. The whole thing just happened to fast, but im pretty sure that she doesn't have feelings for me and the only reason why she slept with me is because she was feeling down and was trying to forget about what happened to Toby. It's like she felt like the only one who could take away all her pain and all her problems was the one who caused it and she needed someone else. "

I could tell that Ashley was kind of shocked by what i just said.

"Well Aaron how did you expect her to react ? Your her step brother, and you guys parents are about to get married in like a month. So she sees you as off limits and then you have the whole thing with Paige going on. Your basically a walking sign that have the words hell no written on them. Then her boyfriend cheated on her and you was the only one there to comfort her in a time of need. I think she has feelings for you but she doesn't want to, so she blows it off like it's nothing. When your parents get married that's the end of it. So you better have all your fun now, because when that day comes she will always be known as your little sister."

No matter what, i knew that Ashley was right. No matter how bad i wanted to i couldn't date Tori. She's about to become my sister.

"Okay, now you need to hit the hay because Brody should be on his way."

"Okay, but since you gave me advice im a give you some. Don't give up on Blake so easily. No matter how happy he may look, just know that looks can be deceiving. "

She just nodded her head like she knew excatly what i meant. I opened the door and ran right into Brody.

"What is he doing here ? Are we still on for our date ?" I hear Brody say acting a bit confused

"Yes we're still on for our date. He was just over here for some advice, no big deal."

I look at Ashley and say Thank you and get in my car to leave. The drive home felt like forever, i just couldn't get what Ashley told me out of my head. I know it sounds wrong but i need to get Tori out of my head, i need a distraction from all of this. I notice how Alex is the first person i think of when i say i need a distraction. Maybe she's just that good at keeping e distracted. I know one thing though, i damn sure aint calling Paige to be a distraction.

*Author's Note*

I know it's short but i decided to give you guys a little something.

I started writting a new book it's called "The Football Star and I"

I would love it if you would check it out if you have time.

But thank you to everyone for reading this book, im almost at 300 reads and this is only my first book.

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