I Want

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Winters POV:

The screaming was starting to hurt my ears. At the moment it was the first supporting act and all these screaming girls wouldn’t freaking shut up! Jessica is screaming by my side forgetting that I don’t want to be here. She made me come to a One Direction concert, I hate them. Her sister had to drop out to revise so she gave me the ticket and I only said yes so it didn’t waste her money! I have to get away quick.

“Erm Jess, I er feel slightly sick, I’ll go get some fresh air and I’ll be back.” I flashed a false smile, any other time she would’ve comforted me but I didn’t blame her, she was about to hear One Direction sing live. I didn’t want to ruin her fun. She just nodded and I leave.

Shit! Instead of sulking on the way in here I should’ve looked where I was going. Where do I go? This place is getting creepier by minute, I can barely hear the screaming girls and there doesn’t seem to be anyone around. Plus my heels are killing my feet. If I keep going surely there will be someone around…

I sigh with relief as I see a white door. Common sense left my body for a moment and I just walked right in, only to be tripped up by a stray t-shirt. I hear a grunt then I realise I’ve just fallen on top of someone.

Harry’s POV:

There’s about half an hour till me and the boys are on stage and I’m filled with nerves yet raring to go.

“Oh yeah Harry, did you hear about the change in all your lyrics?” Louis questioned.

“WHAT?! I…. ER WHAT?!” I yelled, being snapped out of my thoughts.

The boys all laughed.

“Got you!!” Louis laughed.

“Hey, you caught me off guard.” I defended myself.

I turn around to change my shirt when I hear something hit the floor, then Niall grunt. I turn around to see a girl with long golden blonde hair, onto of Niall, wearing a short silver, strapless dress that seemed to fit perfectly.

“Are you ok?” I asked while helping the blonde girl up.

“Yeah, Oh my… uh I’m so so so sorry.” The girl looked at me with her deep blue-green eyes and seemed slightly stunned at the sight of us all.

“Niall, are you? And what’s your name?” I stuttered, I’ve never been lost for words. What’s happening.

“I’m fine.” Niall replied while him Zayn and Liam picked up the clothes that were strewn across the room, obviously because of the female presence.

“I’m Winter, Winter Morris. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble I just trying to go outside because I didn’t feel too well. I’m so sorry, I’ll let you guys get ready… Good luck.” She smiled and was ready to walk out when Louis stepped in.

“You know you could stay in here for a while to cool down and then you could either watch in the wing or go back to where you were.” I think he picked up on that I wanted her to stay, now that I think about it, it looks like Niall wants her to stay too…

Winter’s POV:

What do I say? I don’t really want to stay here with them but it’d be rude to decline the offer. I mean what harm could it do.

“Yes thanks, that’d be wonderful.” I lied. They all grinned, this was going to be a long night.

I turned my back and waited for the five of them, that millions of girls in this world are fangirling, over to change and was then dragged into a conversation with them.

“So, who you here with?” Liam said with a smile, they all stared at me expectantly. I wonder if they are genuinely interested or if they were just being friendly.

“I’m here with my friend Jess, and some of her friends, Iwa-.”

“Sorry, but did you say her friends,” Louis interrupted

“I guess yeah, because I don’t have many. For some reason a lot of people hate me before they knowme.” I have no idea why I was saying this, they just seemed to care.

“Well trust me, they’re not worth it and have no idea what they’re missing!” Harry complimented.

“Yeah, Harry’s right!” Niall backed him up. I smiled my cheeks burning.

Louis, Zayn and Liam exchanged glances, talking through their eyes; I’m guessing it’s something to do with Harry and Niall.

“So what’s your favourite song of ours?” The boys chorused

“Erm… Er, well, you see…” I bit my lip, they stared at me expectantly, except Harry, he was staring at my lips “I’m not a fan.”

Their faces dropped along with their jaw, I felt really bad. I backed away.

“How about we try and make you a fan?” Niall stood in front of the door, blocking my only way of escape. I turned to the rest of One Direction, Louis grinned, Liam raised an eyebrow, Zayn picked up his pocket mirror and Harry winked at me. Crap, I guess I can’t say no now. I sighed.


Harry broke out into ‘One Thing’ as the rest joined in I felt as though they were actually quite good. NO I CAN’T THINK THAT, it’s just they’re so sweet… NOO have I caught the infection Jess was talking about?

“Are you okay?” Liam asked looking worried.

“Er yeah thanks,” Then I ran into their bathroom and threw up. Great.

“I’ll take that as a no…” Liam said.

“Are we really that bad….” I heard Harry mutter.

“No, I think I just caught the infection” I smiled.

Louis grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom.

“What are you doing? I thought you had a girlfriend…?” I whispered.

“I do, shhh listen.” He presses his ear to the side of the door and motioned for me to do the same. I did as I was asked.

--------------- Authors Note ----------------

I don't know if this is very good, sorry if there are any mistakes. Hope you like :D

By the way, I LOVE One Direction, so just because it says she doesn't like them at the start doesn't mean I don't like them!!

Lucy xx

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